This night, Zhao Chengfeng finally realized the dream of "double flying swallow". This night is very beautiful, but the beautiful things are too short.

When Zhao Chengfeng got up from the bed, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon. After eating and filling his stomach, Zhao Chengfeng had to make a new deployment.

Raymond and blood monk lead the first wave of shock and bombard the whole isolated island; And Tang Wei and Shangguan Yan'er act as mobile personnel, follow Zhao Chengfeng, angry against the king!

It's a war of life and death!

People only hope that the first round of impact, can destroy the whole broken days, not to let Zhao Chengfeng to desperately.

"Let's go!"

As the night fell, Zhao Chengfeng ordered the helicopter and fishing boat to leave together and head for the site hundreds of nautical miles away. The day finally came.


The sky is broken, the moon is bright and the stars are sparse, and the clouds are a little low. It should be that the rainstorm is coming.

"King, although Liangzi Ogawa has been arrested, she also cooperates with our work, but spade Q can't be contacted all of a sudden. Is there anything wrong with him?" On the isolated island, the tattoo messenger is still the coquettish dress.

Next to the women, they are the powerful king of the broken sky.

"No harm!"

The king waved his hand and said, "this spade q is a lot of people. What can we do under our eyelids? I can't get in touch. Maybe it's because of some mission. Although borodor is declining, after all, she has a great power. "

Smell speech, tattoo emissary nodded, oneself seem to be some to worry about really. Who doesn't have any personal affairs these days?

"In contrast, I care more about this Kogawa liangko." After a pause, the king continued: "this girl is not an ordinary person. She is very smart and a rare talent. I'm not used to her obedience, so I have to take strict care of it. I can't have an accident. "

"Well." Women keep things in mind.

"By the way, what's the situation with my eldest nephew?" After two steps, the king suddenly asked, "what did you find when you met him yesterday? Did you listen a lot better than before?"


Referring to Zhao Chengfeng, the tattoo emissary's eyes had a strange luster and said: "he is still as cynical as ever. I can see that he is still very resistant to Po Tian, but he is still obedient."

"It doesn't matter to resist, as long as he can be used for me." On hearing this, the king showed a proud smile.

For this nephew, the king himself does not like it very much. In other words, he only values his ability and the strength behind him. To be frank, he is more for his elder brother!

Zhao Feitian is very clear about his elder brother's strength. If the two brothers join hands to dominate the world, it's just around the corner, but he has no ambition to be the patron saint of China.

It's just enough to be the patron saint of China, but he is invisible in the way of his own money, which makes Zhao Feitian very angry. No way, Zhao Feitian can only beat his nephew's idea.

Tiger poison does not eat son, as long as the son is tied, how can Lao Tzu ignore it?

"He's really strong." The woman nodded and said in a deep voice, "there's news from Japan. The whole Jingdong university is almost destroyed, because Zhao Chengfeng alone has lost more than 10 billion!"

"Isn't it that some Japanese people died? It's not dead. It doesn't matter. " The king waved his hand, his face disapproved.

The king is not an angry youth, but he really doesn't like Japanese people. He always thinks that Japanese men are very obscene. When he sees Japanese men, he feels that his waist hurts. That's why he never developed Japanese people before breaking heaven.

In a word - I don't like it. The king is so willful!

"But Liangzi Ogawa is a Japanese. This Liangzi Ogawa doesn't deal with your big nephew. He even said that we should kill him." The woman stroked the bangs and chuckled.

"Ha ha, kill my nephew? That's not good. My eldest nephew is very expensive. No one can kill him except me. " The king shook his head with a sneer.

Isn't it just a light genius? How can you compare with your nephew? Ridiculous!

Not to mention a Kogawa Liangzi, even if the whole Japanese nation, I'm afraid it can't compare with Zhao Chengfeng. Regardless of Zhao Chengfeng's background, we can also beat the Japanese by attacking his ability.

If it had not been for the delicate international situation and the fact that Japan had embraced the American people, I'm afraid that Japan would have been destroyed long ago. In this world, there are countless people who are tired of Japan.

"Well, it's getting late. Go back and have a rest. Remember to stare at Liangzi Ogawa." The king said, and went back to his room.

In the last World War, the secret place of breaking heaven was more or less affected. In addition, a large number of heaven killers were taken away, and the aura was insufficient, which led to the unstable space. Therefore, the king has been living outside the secret place recently.

"King, there is one thing I don't know whether to ask..." the woman hesitated.

"Don't ask if you shouldn't!" The king said, his figure disappeared into the night.

Women standing in the same place, some small depression, Wang is too strong, but he has the qualification to be strong!

"Well, it's better to have a rest early. It's a pity that this long night, there is no bustling city on the island..." the woman sighed and went into her room.

The whole island is like a giant toad floating on the sea, motionless. And the clouds are getting lower and lower, the sea breeze blowing, rainstorm seems to be coming soon.

"Boom boom!"

"Boom boom!"

"Boom boom!"

Suddenly, a series of violent explosions sounded, the whole island suddenly burst into the sky, and the island seemed to be shaking.


A sharp alarm sounded, and the whole island seemed to be alive and bright.

"What happened?" The king woke up, rushed out of the room, looked at the falling shells in the sky, anger from the bottom of his heart.

"King, enemy attack!"

Tattoo emissary also rushed out, face panic, no longer calm and coquettish in the past, tattoo emissary did not dream that the old nest would be found, what's more humiliating is that now I don't know who the enemy is!

"King, let's go. Our plane has been bombed and the intelligence center has been destroyed. Let's go." Cried the woman anxiously.


At this moment, a shell landed more than ten meters in front of the woman, and a huge fire pit appeared on the ground. The ground trembled violently, as if there had been a strong earthquake.

"Huaxia, do you really want to force me?" King surging, protect the woman, the helicopter in the sky angrily scolded.

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