"King, let's go..." the woman is so embarrassed. The sexy open chest dress has been smashed, and her white skin is covered with black dust.

"Go! Into the secret

The king glared at the sky, jumped up, climbed to the top of the mountain, and quickly opened the door of the secret place.

"Boom boom!"

Just before the king stepped into the secret place of breaking the sky, the shells fell from the air one after another, and the fire burst into the sky. The whole island seemed to sink, shaking violently.

"Strike out all the shells!"

A sound came from somewhere in the sky, and then the dense shells fell down. In just a few minutes, the island had completely changed.

It seems that every inch of land has been turned over and burned. The sea breeze carries the smell of explosives. After a round of indiscriminate bombardment, there is no living.

The bombing finally stopped because the storm had come.


A man's voice came from the air. Helicopters and fishing boats retreated one after another. Just as they left, strong winds and heavy rain came one after another.

"Hua La"

The rain fell down, watered out the war and washed the land.

"These bastards, damned bastards!"

In the secret place of breaking the sky, the king roared constantly, his eyes were scarlet and full of anger. It was really hateful that his foundation had been destroyed for many years.

"King, are they really Chinese troops?" Tattoo emissary changed a dress at this time, however, can not cover up the confusion and fear.

Women have always felt that Botian is the most powerful organization in the world, not only because there are many powerful ancient warriors in Botian, but also because they have high-tech weapons ahead of the world, as well as an impenetrable intelligence network.

But now, the pride of breaking the sky disappeared under the bombardment. The faith in women's hearts also began to shake up.

"Who else could they be?" The king snorted, "I'm familiar with these shells. I can't be wrong."

"Well, is it Zhao Chengfeng?" Tattoo messenger suddenly thought of a person.

Zhao Chengfeng is the only one who has a good relationship with Huaxia. With Zhao Chengfeng's energy, it's too easy to get guns and ammunition, maybe even small missiles.

"He doesn't have the guts." Although the king was angry, he didn't lose his mind. After all, Zhao Chengfeng still had heart biting poison in his body, "unless he doesn't want to live."

"What shall we do now?" The tattoo emissary curled up and looked dejected.

After the bombing, the house was gone.

"Hum, it's not a gentleman if you don't take revenge!"

The king snorted coldly: "you go to gather everyone together and let Chen Yi protect them. I'll go out and have a look later. If the enemy has left, we'll leave here immediately. The day when we rise again is the day when Laozi and Huaxia settle accounts!"

"Yes The woman answered and went back to work.

Apart from the intelligence center, there is no pity outside the secret place. The real core strength of Po Tian lies in the secret place. As long as there is no loss from Tian Zhu, Po Tian will prosper again. It is only a matter of time.

What's more, there is a manor as the backing now!


Suddenly, the secret space trembled slightly, and the air seemed to flow faster.

"No, the secret space is unstable. We have to go out at once!" The king's mood is terrible again, because of the rampant bombing, which affects the foundation of the secret place.

If the foundation is not stable, the secret space will not exist.

"Withdraw, take things with you, withdraw immediately. In an hour, I will open the secret space. Let's leave together, quick!" The king yelled again. The strong air surged into the foundation, and the violent air became more stable in an instant.

But even if it is as strong as king, it can't last long. After all, the foundation has been destroyed.

"Hurry up, pack up your most precious documents and objects, and get ready to leave the secret space. Hurry up, hurry up." The tattoo emissary cried repeatedly.

Just entering the secret place of breaking the sky for a day, Liangzi Ogawa frowned and asked, "what happened? Why evacuate? "

"The base is found. If you don't withdraw, stay and die." Tattoo emissary should be a, then turned to work.

There are too many precious things in the secret place. If we don't move them out, we are afraid that under the strangulation of the air current in the space, they will be completely destroyed!

"Well?" Kogawa Liangzi's brows are tighter when he hears that. He won't be so unlucky. He has just been taken away from Japan, and he just has a shelter. Is he going to die again?

No, who is against Po Tian? Is there anything else that Po Tian is afraid of?

"Hurry up, everyone!" At this time, the king called out, "Chen Yidao, come here to help. I'm losing my stability. Hurry up!"

As the voice fell, Chen Yidao's body quickly swept over, and his energy surged into the secret place. The air flow in the space was much smaller once again.

"King, what's going on? What happened? " Chen Yidao frowned and asked.

Chen Yidao's mood is very complicated for the king in front of him. Frankly speaking, Chen Yidao and his king Zhao Feitian should be enemies because Zhao Feitian is Zhao Feilong's younger brother.

But because of Zhao Feitian's help, Chen Yidao just escaped from the nine story demon tower. However, Chen Yidao doesn't want to fulfill the agreement, and goes his own way. He unites Qin Yuzi and Chiba Zhou zuocheng to kill Huaxia, hoping to find Zhao Feilong for revenge.

Chen Yidao didn't expect to kill Zhao Feilong, and even Zhao Feilong's son. On the contrary, he inspired Zhao Chengfeng's great energy, and his strength improved by leaps and bounds in an instant.

Chen Yidao, who is seriously injured, can only find the king and act as an assistant with him. To Chen Yidao's delight, the king not only accepted himself, but also gave him a lot of cultivation resources, such as Tianzhu. Chen Yidao's injury improved rapidly, and his strength improved obviously in a short time.

It's just that the good days are coming to an end, and the space of the secret world is almost lost.

"The base has been attacked by Huaxia. We must evacuate immediately. You and I will stick to it for an hour, and we will leave after we have packed up the important things." The king gritted his teeth.

Not only because of fatigue, but also because of anger!

How can the king not understand? How did Huaxia find this place? Why didn't Sajid Singh give himself a breath when Huaxia came? Is it true that sakid Singh has been captured?

"Well, I will accompany you to make a comeback. I hope you will give me a chance to revenge Zhao Feilong in the future!" Chen Yidao took the opportunity to put forward the conditions.

"It must be as you wish!"

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