"King, the personnel have assembled, and the important documents and objects have been packed." More than an hour later, the things were almost finished, the tattoo messenger reported.

"Rosefinch, Xuanwu, you and the four golden flowers will escort you out. I'll withdraw with Chen finally. Withdraw quickly!" The king growled that his physical strength had been overdrawn.

The king is really very powerful, but no matter how powerful he is, he is also a mortal. What's more, he has been injured for a long time. Now his face is pale and his forehead is slightly sweating.

However, there were four Dharma protectors in potian. Unfortunately, there were no green dragon and white tiger, and only three of the four golden flowers were left. The strength is greatly reduced.

"Huaxia, you forced me. Zhao Feitian will pay for today's revenge!" Zhao Feitian swore in his heart.

At this moment, more than 100 people in the secret place have retreated.

"King, they have all retreated. Let's go, too." Chen Yidao's neck is red. It's obvious that he's expending a lot of energy during this period. After all, it's not small to break the secret of space.

It's just a pity that everything here is about to go up in smoke.

"Three, two, one!"


As the voice fell, they ran to the entrance at the same time, like two meteors. Just after they left, the space in the secret place twisted rapidly, like a space storm, strangling everything in the secret place.


After a violent explosion, the secret disappeared.

There are more than 100 people on such a big isolated island out of thin air. The sky is slightly bright, and the rainstorm has stopped. However, the mess of this place is even more distressing to the king.

Perhaps, things outside the secret environment are not important. Even if the intelligence center is gone, the king can still be established. But the family has been destroyed, which is a great shame!

This revenge is not a gentleman!

"Huaxia, I have written down this hatred!" King hate hate a bite, rushed to the side of the tattoo messenger said: "try to contact spade Q, if you can contact, let him come to pick us up, really can't, we can only find some scrap metal, see if we can build a simple ship, leaving the damn place."

Tattoo emissary nodded, touch out the mobile phone, but unfortunately, although the mobile phone is connected, but no one answered.

"Damn it

The king scolded, and his mood was even worse. In order to keep secret, only a few people knew about the site, but now the site is destroyed, the plane is gone, the ship is also destroyed, and it is difficult to leave!

Is this a kind of lifting a stone and hitting yourself in the foot?

"Xuanwu, take two people to search the island to see if they can find a useful boat; Rosefinch, you take a few people to look everywhere for some food and water. So many of us have to solve our life problems. " The king quickly made the arrangement, but after saying it, he felt more and more depressed.

How famous is the king of heaven in the world? Not to mention the general organization, even some countries have to tremble when they hear their own names, but the king never dreamed that one day, he would fall into this field, even without a tile on his head.

There is a kind of desolation of family destruction! And the hatred in my heart is more and more strong!

"Boom... Boom..."

Suddenly, five helicopters came, from far to near.

"Damn it, are we going to bomb again?" Hearing the roar of the helicopter, the tattoo messenger's body could not help shaking.

There's nothing terrible about death, but women don't want to be blown to pieces. It's too miserable.

"Well? It's like a plane from many countries. Is it sakid Singh? " The king was also nervous. However, when he saw that it was a plane from many countries, the king was in a better mood.

Reinforcements are coming!

"Ah, we are here, come down, here..." the king waved his hand in the sky, and his face rarely showed a smile.

"We are saved!"

"We won't be starved to death, thirsty to death!"

For a moment, the whole island cheered.

"Get the plane down, quick, quick..."

The plane did land down, but when the people on the plane came down, the king's face quickly darkened down, because it was not others who walked in the front, but his nephew, Zhao Chengfeng!

"It's him!"

"Why did he come?"

Tattoo emissary, Xuanwu, Zhuque and three golden flowers are all silly. They are no stranger to the man in front of them. Of course, there is another person behind the man Shangguan Yan'er, the rose of the first night of four golden flowers!

They're here. They're here in a murderous way.

"You were the one who blew up our house last night? Is that right? " Zhao Feitian slowly stepped forward and stood at a place of more than 20 meters, staring at the young man in front of him.

He is Zhao Chengfeng, he is his nephew!

"If I say it's not me, you won't believe it. If I say it's me, you can't believe it. What do you want me to say?" Zhao Chengfeng shrugged, also a face of helplessness.

Zhao Chengfeng was really helpless. Last night, he dropped more than 300 shells. Although they were small, they didn't break the secret place. The secret place is also equivalent to the shield of the king and others.

If the cover doesn't break, they can save a life. And Zhao Chengfeng had to order to blow up the whole island, because there were too many equipment on the island. If they didn't destroy it, they would have a chance to escape. Who will be responsible for the failure?

So there's only one war!

But Zhao Chengfeng saw another man - Chen Yidao, the damned Chen Yidao, colluding with the king of heaven. At this time, if they join hands, they will be powerful.

Besides himself, who can stop Chen Yidao and Wang Wang?

"Zhao Chengfeng, I treat you well. Why do you do that?" Zhao Fei has to stamp his feet. He wants to eat Zhao Chengfeng's meat and chew his bones.

Years of hard work, once destroyed.

"Aren't you afraid of the poisonous insects in your body? You are looking for death Tattoo emissary also follows a way, the vision is complex stare Zhao Chengfeng.

For Zhao Chengfeng, tattoo messengers love and hate each other. Tattoo messengers like strong men and prefer strong men. Zhao Chengfeng is not only strong but also strong. The most important thing is that he is smart.

But this man didn't like himself at all. Now he destroyed all his hopes. For a moment, he was very upset.

"I'm afraid, and I don't want to die, but there are some things I have to do." Zhao Chengfeng said frankly: "the ambition of breaking the sky is too big. In order to satisfy your interests, you have killed too many innocent people. For the sake of the common people in the world, you can only die. Even if I want to die with you, it doesn't matter."

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