"All the people in the world are bullshit!" Zhao Feitian yelled, "if you don't do it for yourself, heaven will destroy the earth! For the sake of the world, how many people are dead? "

"It seems that there is no cure for you." Zhao Chengfeng has no choice but to shake his head. It's useless to reason with Zhao Feitian, because he is crazy for fame and wealth. In his eyes, he is the only one.

In order to achieve hegemony, anyone is just a tool in his hand, a tool to kill people!

"King, if you can remove the heart biting poison in Chengfeng's body, maybe we can save your life." Shangguan Yan'er said in a deep voice. At this moment, Shangguan Yan'er cares more about Zhao Chengfeng's life.

For Zhao Chengfeng, Shangguan Yan'er can give up everything, including her own life!

"Shut up

Zhao Feitian angrily pointed to Shangguan Yan'er, trembling with anger, and said: "I knew you didn't completely submit to me. If I had known that, I would have married you to Mr. DORT. You smelly girl, as soon as you die, I will send you to the West!"

"As long as they both die, I swear that I, Tang Wei, will mobilize all my strength to cover this place to the deep sea and defeat you!" Tang Wei stares at Zhao Feitian, her eyes are still.

This is a mortal battle!

Would she care about anything else if she didn't want to die? No, before I die, I'm going to drag on these bastards. I don't want them to continue to hurt the world!

"Well, well, you're going to kill me, aren't you? Then I'll let my nephew have a taste of heart biting poison. " Zhao Feitian's face was smeared with a grim smile, his hands gesticulated with strange and awkward gestures, and his mouth was full of words.

The tattoo emissary behind opens his mouth. At last, he doesn't say anything. He just looks at Zhao Chengfeng's eyes with a touch of regret.

"Have you finished your mantra?" Two minutes later, Zhao Chengfeng is still standing intact, looking at Zhao Feitian calmly.

"Well? So, what's going on? " Zhao Feitian is flustered. Zhao Chengfeng is OK!

It's impossible, absolutely impossible! It's impossible to remove the poison of biting the heart. How can he not do anything?

"There is nothing strange about the size of the world." Zhao Chengfeng once again said: "now, do you still have fantasies? I'm still saying that, if you don't give up, maybe I can give you a way to live, otherwise... "

"Not to be caught? You dream

Zhao Feitian angrily interrupts Zhao Chengfeng, and his energy is surging wildly, forming a terrible air flow around him, just like a tornado on the ground, and the king Zhao Feitian is in the center of the storm!

"Zhao Chengfeng, I can still kill you even if the heart biting magic spell fails!"



"Do it!"

The battle is imminent. Zhao Chengfeng slowly pulls out the Xuanyuan sword. The scarlet light is like the afterglow of the sunset in the sky, illuminating the whole island. However, the red light does not make people feel warm, but it is as cold as ice!

"Chen Yidao, do it together and kill him!"

Zhao Feitian knows that his nephew is very powerful. He also knows the grudge between Chen Yidao and Zhao Chengfeng. They can quickly solve the battle together. As long as Zhao Chengfeng dies, all these people will die!

"Zhao Feitian, Chen Yidao, let's go together. What's the fear of Zhao Chengfeng?" Zhao Chengfeng roared, stamping out of the moment, the whole person seems to take a touch of bright red lightning, rushed up.

"To split Huashan!"

There are no redundant moves, just pure strength, only surging energy!


The sword fell down and split from the middle of them as if it had torn the space.

"You want to die!"

"Go to hell!"

Chen Yidao and Zhao Feitian's action is not slow, a sword and a palm cooperate perfectly, just facing the knife.


At that moment, it was like thunder falling on one's ear, which made one's eardrum ache. There was a huge hole in the center of the explosion, and the dust was all over the sky!

"Kick, kick, kick!"

The three retreated. The king retreated more than ten steps before he stabilized himself, while Chen Yidao retreated more than 20 steps away.

"How did you get so strong?" Zhao Feitian is shocked and stares at Zhao Chengfeng in front of him with a look of surprise.

It's so strong!

Because Zhao Chengfeng faced the attack from others, but also less than 20 steps back, from this point is enough to see the strength of Zhao Chengfeng. What surprised the king even more was that he broke through too fast.

Zhao Chengfeng in front of us is at least the strength of the middle and later stage of the magic martial arts realm!

"Because I want to destroy the sky, I have to force myself to be strong." Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head slightly, as if mocking Zhao Feitian.

The king of the broken sky, that's all.

"Smelly boy, I don't think I'll give you some strength today. You don't know the heaven is high and the earth is rich! Come again

Sure enough, Zhao Fei's nose was crooked in the weather, and his energy was running like a surging river.

"Chen Yidao, what are you doing? Do it Zhao Feitian turns around and stares at Chen Yidao. He is very angry in his heart.

At the beginning, the king spared no effort to release Chen Yidao from the nine story demon tower. On the one hand, he wanted to find some trouble for his eldest brother. On the other hand, he also liked Chen Yidao's strength.

Chen Yidao is also a gifted and strong man in China more than 60 years ago. With his participation, the strength of breaking the sky is undoubtedly stronger. But now it seems that Chen Yi is not as good as his nephew.

If it is true that people have to die and goods have to be thrown, the gap is too big.


Chen Yidao's face is also a little hard to hang. As soon as he shakes his sword, the flowers of the sword flutter and come to Zhao Chengfeng's face!

"Invincible fist!"

At this time, Zhao Feitian also moved. In the middle of the air, Zhao Feitian waved a fist the size of a football, carrying thousands of wind and thunder, and hit Zhao Chengfeng, as if to smash Zhao Chengfeng's head.

"Don't be shameful, two people fight one!" Shangguan Yan'er stands behind and scolds her. She is worried.

It's true that the way Wang Wang and Chen Yidao did is shameful enough, but so what? losers are always in the wrong! But Shangguan Yan'er can't help. It's not that Shangguan Yan'er is afraid of death, but it's just that she's afraid that Zhao Chengfeng will be involved.

"You're here to see the trend. I'll fight with Pang Hu and fight for a quick decision. Looking back, let's deal with them together." Tang Wei suggested.

"Or shall I go?" Shangguan Yan'er thinks this is a good way.

Yes, the king and Chen Yidao are rare experts, but in the whole broken sky, in addition to the king, the only one who can hold hands is the rosefinch Dharma protector.

"You are stronger. Just keep the trend. I'll go first." Tang Wei patted the back of the woman's hand and turned to the battlefield.

Island, once again lively up.

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