"This..." the tattoo messenger was in a hurry.

If Chen Yidao dies, the scale of victory will quickly incline to Zhao Chengfeng and his party. At that time, the sky will be broken. Just, Chen Yi's limbs are gone, even if it is rescued, what can it do?

It's brutal.

This is the first time that the tattoo emissary saw Zhao Chengfeng angry. A generation of strong men finally fell into this field because he killed Zhao Chengfeng's woman.

Anger is beauty!

"If I were his woman, I would die if I was angry with him..." a strange idea suddenly appeared in the tattoo messenger's heart.

"Kill me, kill me, please, kill me..." Chen Yidao endured great pain and fear. Now he only wanted to die, just want to die happily.

It's just

"Want to die? No, I won't let you die so fast. As I said, it's a pity for you to die slowly and without a taste of human grief? " Zhao Chengfeng holds a long sword with blood and grins grimly.

Death is nothing to be afraid of. Even if it is death, Chen Yidao will be punished to pay his debt for the evil he has done in this life!

"Chengfeng, let me do it." At this time, Shangguan Yan'er stood up and went to Chen Yidao.

Shangguan Yan'er is still with tears, and her pupils release a strong sense of killing. Pull out the dragon scale dagger, step by step to lie in the pool of blood in Chen Yidao, eyes only kill!

"Now it's similar? No, it's too late. " The dagger in Chen Yidao's hand has just fallen.


The dagger pierces the skin and flesh, and the blood is like the cracked water pipe. The blood is "Zizi". The blood is sprinkled on Shangguan Yan'er's face, but she still doesn't feel it.


Chen Yidao cried out in pain again. He couldn't tell whether blood or cold sweat was flowing down his forehead. At this moment, Chen Yidao seems to have become a bloody man with no hands or feet and all over his body!

"Kill, kill me..."

"Hiss, hiss, hiss!"

The dagger in Shangguan Yan'er's hand stabs continuously. It's only a few blinks of an eye. Chen Yidao's chest and abdomen are all blood holes, like a spring. The blood gushes out.

However, Chen Yidao is still alive. Whether it's Zhao Chengfeng or Shangguan Yan'er, Chen Yidao can feel pain and pain, but it doesn't hurt his life, which makes him suffer all the time.

"Smelly bitch, kill me, you son of a bitch, kill me..." Chen Yidao didn't beg for mercy, but instead roared angrily.

As long as Chen Yidao roared, the blood of the mouth would come out faster, just like a spring.

"I can scold you. That's good." Zhao Chengfeng is on one side, looking at Chen Yi's pain, but the pain in his heart doesn't abate at all.

Even if Chen Yidao died a hundred times or a thousand times, he would not be able to return to Tang Wei!

"Zhao Chengfeng, you son of a bitch, you killed me. You have the seed to kill me." Chen Yidao continues to roar, hoping to infuriate Zhao Chengfeng. In his fury, the latter ends up with a sword.

It's too painful. It's better to die early than to watch others cut their own flesh and their bodies being destroyed bit by bit and suffer from inhuman sufferings.

"Zhao Chengfeng, more than 60 years ago, your father didn't dare to kill me, now you don't dare to kill me either? You are all cowards, your family are all cowards! Kill me, come on... "

"Well, I can still shout. OK, I'll let you shout!" Zhao Chengfeng snorted. As soon as his sword shook, the red light flashed over Chen Yidao's cheek.


Chen Yidao cried out in pain. He only felt that the bridge of his nose flew out and landed beside his arm not far away. He was full of blood.


However, Chen Yidao just cried out, Zhao Chengfeng's sword moved again, his wrist shook, Chen Yidao's tongue fell out, and blood gushed out of his mouth.


Everyone took a cold breath. Even though the tattoo emissary who often dissected the living people could not help shivering when he saw this scene. Only after seeing Zhao Chengfeng did he know what is cruel and what is bloody!

"My God, I, am I in hell? What do I see? "

"How cruel

"Well, it can't be the devil from hell, mom. If I fall into his hands, it's better to bump myself to death."

The experts and professors behind the tattoo emissary were all silly and confused. Even more timid people even peed in their pants.

"This Zhao Chengfeng is really kind!" Ogawa Liangzi stood in the crowd, pretty face changed face, finally know how terrible this Zhao Chengfeng.

However, he didn't know about Zhao Chengfeng's grudge with Po Tian. When he thought about it, he felt that his life was not good. He just made a name in Japan, but was taken away by Zhao Chengfeng; Just joined Po Tian, Po Tian will be destroyed by Zhao Chengfeng, isn't it too sad?

Are you fighting with Zhao Chengfeng?

"Wow..." Chen Yidao widened his eyes, and the huge pain spread all over his body. At this moment, Chen Yidao finally knew what Zhao Chengfeng did. He was the devil, the devil from hell.

He should not be his enemy, or even born in this world. It's terrible! Chen Yidao has killed many people over the years, but he has never been so cruel as Zhao Chengfeng.

He, he's not human!

"Now you know the pain? Now I know I'm afraid, hahaha... "Zhao Chengfeng looks up to the sky and screams, but his smile is full of bitterness and sadness.

Even if Chen Yidao is cut to pieces, what can he do? Can Tang Wei come back? I can't come back.

"Now it's time to take you on the road." Shangguan Yan'er holds the dagger and stabs Chen Yidao's head.


Suddenly, a whirlwind came, Shangguan Yan'er was about to fall down in a flash. Zhao Chengfeng moved faster and put his arms around the woman to avoid the center of the whirlwind.

The whirlwind quickly wrapped up Chen Yidao.

"Oh... Ah..."

The center of the storm suddenly heard a wailing sound of Chen, followed by blood rain all over the sky, the whirlwind then floated away.

"What's the matter? What about Mr. Chen? " After the whirlwind, Chen Yidao had already disappeared without a trace. On the ground, only Chen Yidao's limbs, tongue and nose tip were left, "he, he ran away?"

Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head slightly and looks at the king of the opposite camp. Subconsciously, he twists his brows. Chen Yidao can't escape because he is seriously injured and even has no limbs. How can he run?

It's even more difficult for the king to rescue Chen Yidao. First of all, he can't see Chen Yidao's people. Secondly, why does the king want to rescue Chen Yidao who is worthless? It's totally unreasonable.

What surprised Zhao Chengfeng most was that the king's breath became stronger and stronger.

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