How familiar this scene is.

At the beginning, in the secret place of breaking heaven, the king was forced by the four elders of Tianshan Mountain and Xiao Wang, and he was dying. If Zhao Chengfeng hadn't stopped Xiao Wang, I was afraid that the king would have died long ago. Now the grass is one meter deep.

What makes Zhao Chengfeng strange is that after a short rest, the king burst out more powerful than before and killed Xiao Wang and the four elders of Tianshan Mountain at one stroke, which consolidated his kingship!

Unexpectedly, this scene appeared again. What makes Zhao Chengfeng puzzling is that according to the old saying of his family, Zhao Feitian has practiced the incomplete version of "swallowing skill". In the secret place, the king can absorb the energy of Tianzhu wantonly, but what did the king use to supplement the energy just now? Is it vomiting?

"He, he has blood on his body." Shangguan Yan'er is sharp eyed and finds this strange scene.

At this moment, the king of the broken heaven is still exercising, but his body is covered with blood, which is obviously not his own, because Zhao Chengfeng has just tied with him at most. In other words, he has no serious injury at all. Where can he get the blood?

"I get it. I get it all." In Zhao Chengfeng's mind, there was a flash of inspiration.

Chen Yidao didn't escape, but died, not in the hands of others, but in the hands of the king. The king devoured Chen Yidao's lifelong cultivation, even his flesh and blood.

"What do you understand? What's up? What's the matter? " Shangguan Yan'er shows her eyebrows and doesn't understand.

"Chen Yi died together. He was eaten by the king." Zhao Chengfeng said faintly, twisting his eyebrows and looking at the sky breaking king, who was climbing with momentum, just like looking at an unattainable mountain.

The king of heaven is worthy of his reputation! Maybe, this is his real strength.

"Ah? Chen Yidao was eaten by him. Did he Smell speech, Shangguan Yan son surprised a cold sweat, back cool wind straight up.

It's true that Zhao Chengfeng was very ruthless just now. He almost chopped up Chen Yi. After all, Zhao Chengfeng was just killing people. It's just a cruel way to kill people. But if it's cannibalism, it's another matter.

"That's right."

Zhao Chengfeng explained: "didn't you find out? Zhao Feitian's breath is becoming stronger. He wants to devour Chen Yidao's skill. You know, Chen Yidao has been famous for decades. In his heyday, even if I want to kill him, I'm afraid I have to pay some price. "

"Once he has absorbed Chen Yidao's skill, his body will definitely recover in the shortest time, even climb and even break through."

Just now, Zhao Chengfeng was able to easily defeat Chen Yidao, largely because of Chen Yidao's psychological problems. When Zhao Chengfeng was not killed in the sneak attack, Chen Yidao lost confidence.

Even without confidence, how can we win?

"Then we should stop him as soon as possible." Shangguan Yan son a listen to this words, immediately anxious.

Zhao Feitian is already powerful. If he becomes stronger, who can be his opponent?

"Stop? Can you stop it? Ha ha ha... "

However, before waiting for Zhao Chengfeng to speak, the king in the opposite camp has finished his work. He slowly opens his eyes and stares at Zhao Chengfeng and Shangguan Yan'er with a sneer.

"You are really a beast, even your subordinates have to go!" Zhao Chengfeng scolds Chen Yidao and sympathizes with him.

Chen Yidao is a strong man who has been famous for a long time. Although his reputation is not so good, no one can deny that a strong man is a strong man. However, because of the wrong person, when Chen Yi was in great danger, there was no one to help him. On the contrary, he was killed.

To death did not leave a complete body, or even ashes!

"Ha ha ha." Zhao Feitian laughs wildly, "a general's achievements are withered. For my thousand years' hegemony, what are the number of people who die?"

"Then why don't you die?" Zhao Chengfeng's eyes are frightfully cold.

Zhao Chengfeng didn't dare to think that there was such a demon in the Zhao family. He didn't even blink his eyes when he killed. He even thought that killing was nothing. He had a straight face. Damn it!

"Because I am the son of heaven, I am the master of the world. Anyone can die, but I can't!" Zhao Feitian yelled.

Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head slightly and talks to a madman, which will lower his IQ.

"My great nephew, I really thank you." Seeing that Zhao Chengfeng shook his head and said nothing, Zhao Feitian suddenly laughed, "if you hadn't beaten Chen Yidao into a fool, I wouldn't have swallowed him so easily. I have to say that the flesh and blood of the strong in the later stage of the magic martial arts realm is really delicious. "

Said, Zhao Feitian licked his lips, a face of greed.

"Thank you? No

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head and said with a sneer, "there's nothing to thank. I'll take myself as a pig feeder."

"Lizi, you want to die!"

Smell speech, Zhao Fei weather must blow beard stare, "smelly boy, it seems that you are intentional to do right with Laozi, well, today I will kill you first, let you know what is called heaven and earth."

"Stay with me to the end!"

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't talk too much nonsense. As soon as his sword shakes, he pours on him again. Today, even if he has to fight for his life, he will have to kill Zhao Feitian, a son of a bitch. Keeping him is the root of the disaster.

"The sword comes out to seal the throat!"

"Look back at the moon!"

"Qingfeng cut noodles!"

This time, Zhao Chengfeng didn't give up his hand. He was the most powerful. His fierce energy was released through the Xuanyuan sword. Suddenly, the whole sky seemed to be red with blood, gorgeous and dazzling.

The red sword flowers, like Mandala, are extremely charming, but also extremely cold!

Sword like waves, a wave higher than a wave, a wave faster than a wave, rolled to Zhao Feitian!

"Good boy, good attack." Zhao Feitian snorts coldly. His right hand is empty. Suddenly, his strength is surging and he tries his best to hit Zhao Chengfeng.


At the moment when the air wave erupted, the red wave retreated rapidly.


Zhao Chengfeng fell from the air and stepped back for dozens of steps. He just settled down and stared at the king in front of him in shock. He was even more shocked.

It's too strong.

If Zhao Chengfeng could barely draw with him before, then the situation is one-sided now. Zhao Chengfeng has a feeling that children fight with adults.

Because no matter how much strength Zhao Chengfeng uses, he can't hurt him. He just used three moves in a row, but he was patted back by Zhao Feitian with a light palm, as if it were a fly.

The gap is too big!

"Chengfeng, are you ok?" Shangguan Yan'er quickly helps Zhao Chengfeng. Seeing the man spit blood, her heart seems to be stabbed with a steel knife.

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