"Well, I can't die yet!" Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand and tried to press down the churning Qi and blood. He stared at Zhao Feitian in front of him and was shocked.

This is the gap between kindergarten and primary school students!

"How about my great nephew? I'm pretty good at your second uncle, ha ha ha. " Zhao Feitian laughs wildly, especially when he sees that Zhao Chengfeng is depressed.

"It's really powerful, but I still said that today I will kill you and clean up the door for the Zhao family!" Zhao Chengfeng took a deep breath. Although his face was extremely ugly, his eyes became more firm.

The more powerful Zhao Feitian is, the more he will be killed! Otherwise, in the future, it will become a serious problem for the Chinese nation. I'm afraid that the old will not be able to stop him.

"Clean up the portal? Well, you are not good enough Zhao Feitian snorted coldly, "take another punch from me!"

Voice down, Zhao Feitian has rushed over, full sprint under Zhao Feitian like a shell, straight rushed over, carrying the power of terror!

"The Dragon wags its tail!"

Zhao Chengfeng is unafraid, and his long fist blows out, bringing out the sound of dragon chanting.


Just, Zhao Chengfeng rushed out very fast, returned faster!


The strong momentum is like a huge wave on the sea, which directly blows Zhao Chengfeng back and falls heavily on the ground.

"How's it going? My good nephew, do you feel better? " Zhao Feitian showed a proud smile, he likes to watch Zhao Chengfeng was beaten to spit blood, this damn bastard!

If it wasn't for this smelly boy, how could potian be destroyed? How can you use that move? Yes, Zhao Feitian is really strong now, but after he is strong, he will fall into a period of weakness. Unless the villa leader makes a move, he may not be able to recover after ten years!

Most of all, the sky is broken!

This blood debt must be paid with his life and filled with his blood!

"Not bad, but I'm too weak. You didn't eat at noon, did you? Dare you use more strength? " Zhao Chengfeng stood up again, just like the God of war. He seemed that he would never be defeated.

Step by step, he went to Zhao Feitian. The muscle outline with clear lines released a light golden light.

"Well, come again!" Zhao Feitian was stunned. He didn't seem to think that Zhao Chengfeng would dare to touch him. He was full of energy and hit him with another blow.


The punch was faster and more powerful. Zhao Chengfeng didn't even have time to react. He was kicked out again.


Zhao Chengfeng in mid air falls on the ground again, splashing with yellow dust!

"It's a trend!"

Shangguan Yan'er quickly ran in the past, the heart is about to bleed. Just, when Shangguan Yan'er just ran to Zhao Chengfeng's side, the man stood up again.

He just like Xiaoqiang, who can't fight to death, stood up again.

"Don't worry, I can't die yet!"

"You can't die? Hum, I'll let you taste the taste of death first today. " Voice down, Zhao Feitian once again moved.


Shangguan Yan'er wants to stop it, but Zhao Feitian's action is too fast. It's as fast as a flash of lightning. With the sound of "whew", she has rushed to Zhao Chengfeng.

"You die for me!"

Zhao Feitian's mouth raised a grim smile, and his huge fist hit Zhao Chengfeng's chest again.



Once again, Zhao Chengfeng soared into the air, gushing blood.

"No!" Shangguan Yan'er gave out a hysterical roar, tears fell again.

The biggest pain in the world is not to die, but to look at the person you love and lose life little by little in the pain, which is undoubtedly the most tormenting.



All the people's attention shifted and gave up their opponents one after another. As soon as Zhao Chengfeng fell down, the God in their heart fell down.


As Huang Chen falls, Zhao Chengfeng stands up again. Although he is a little staggered, Zhao Chengfeng stands straight and looks like a sharp blade ready to come out at any time.

"Didn't you eat? You haven't killed me, don't you think you're ashamed? " Zhao Chengfeng smiles miserably. The blood and Mori Bai's teeth complement each other, which makes him look extraordinarily penetrating. "Zhao Feitian, if you don't kill Laozi today, you don't deserve to be called the king of broken heaven!"

"Well, you forced me. If I don't kill you today, I'll swear not to be a man!" Zhao Feitian roared repeatedly, obviously angered by Zhao Chengfeng.

He was not only angered by Zhao Chengfeng, but also shocked by Zhao Chengfeng.

He can't fight like this. Is he still human? For ordinary people, they don't know how many times they have died, but Zhao Chengfeng didn't die, not only didn't die, but stood up!

What a powerful defense!

"Chengfeng, don't..." Shangguan Yan'er is crying and stopping. Unfortunately, the man is still walking forward step by step. Although his steps are slow and staggering, his expression is firm. It seems that nothing in the world can stop the man from fighting and fighting hard.

"This madman, why don't you fight back, why don't you run away?" Tattoo messenger's heart suddenly mentioned the throat, nervously staring at the man, praying for the man in the heart.

The reason why men make people peck rice is because he is crazy, because he is crazy, because he has his own faith!

Now Zhao Chengfeng's belief is not to be knocked down, is to kill Zhao Feitian in front of him!

"Strong as you are, what's the difference between you and a fool?" Ogawa Liangzi looked at the man and whispered.

It's true that Zhao Chengfeng is really powerful, but his brain doesn't seem to work very well. If he was himself, he would never spell like this. There is no need to worry about firewood!



For a time, everyone's mind fell on Zhao Chengfeng, staring at the man, dare not move his eyes.

"Well, well, it's really the seed of my stupid big brother. He's so stupid." Zhao Feitian is not angry but laughs, "I will send you to the West today, and I will let your father and son reunite in hell in the future!"

"Invincible fist!"

Zhao Feitian suddenly burst out to drink, and came up to Zhao Chengfeng. He smashed it, and his fists roared like a missile tearing space. He was extremely swift.


A huge voice rang out. At that moment, Zhao Feitian suddenly slowed down. Everyone clearly saw that Zhao Chengfeng was hit by Zhao Feitian's fist, and Zhao Chengfeng's chest was suddenly depressed.


Blood once again out of the wind, blood all over the sky!


Once again, Zhao Chengfeng fell on the ground, and there was a big hole on the ground. Zhao Chengfeng was still alive, but unfortunately, he couldn't stand up any more.

"You..." looking at Zhao Chengfeng who fell in front of him, like a blood man, two crystal tears fell from the tattoo messenger's cheek.

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