
Pang Hu cried with pain, feeling that his heart was almost broken. What is a man? What is a man? Man, will stand dead!

"Well, well, my nephew, you really have the guts to stand up. It seems that you can't wait to die, then I will help you!"

Zhao Feitian smiles even more ferociously. When he raises his hand, his fist goes straight to Zhao Chengfeng. There is no skill, only pure power!

Zhao Feitian is to kill him with one punch. If it wasn't for him, how could potian be destroyed?


"Qingfeng cut noodles!"

This time, Zhao Chengfeng didn't choose to be beaten. With the shaking of his sword, a few of his energy gushed out of his body. Under the amplitude of Xuanyuan's sword, layers of waves surged to Zhao Feitian's face.


The sound of burst once again, Zhao Feitian's fists, breaking through one layer after another, finally stayed on Zhao Chengfeng's chest.

"Nephew, I'd like to see how hard your life is." Voice down, Zhao Feitian another fist hit out.


At this time, the blood seems to be free. Zhao Chengfeng flies and falls in mid air. The blood is all over the sky, reflecting the rising sun. It's very gorgeous, but it's full of desolation and sadness.

"Chengfeng..." Shangguan Yan'er is already sobbing. Little by little, she climbs to Zhao Chengfeng. There is only one idea in her heart - to die, to die with him.

Go through the sea of swords, mountains and fires together, and enjoy the picturesque scenery with you!

This is not empty talk!

"Tut Tut, it's so touching." Zhao Feitian looks at the two people who are getting closer and starts to smile, "night rose, what's wrong with being the first of my four golden flowers? Why die for a stinking man? Is it worth it? "

"Is it worth it?"

Shangguan Yan'er shook her head and said with a touch of sarcasm: "is it useful to talk to a person who doesn't know how to love so much? Did someone ever die for you? No, you're a beast, you're a devil... "

"Shut up

It seems that he was enraged by Shangguan Yan'er. Zhao Feitian was furious. Before he finished, he raised his hand and clapped it out.


Seeing that Shangguan Yan'er is about to climb to Zhao Chengfeng's side, it's a pity that Zhao Feitian claps it, and the distance between them is taken again. Shangguan Yan'er is hurt more seriously. She vomites blood and looks pale.

However, Shangguan Yan'er still didn't give up, calling "Chengfeng" in her mouth, and still unswervingly climbed to Zhao Chengfeng.


"Teacher Niang!"


Pang Hu and his party are very emotional and shed tears one after another. What is love? Today, Shangguan Yan'er gives a perfect interpretation. Love is not a family fortune, a villa or a luxury car, or the sentence "I love you". Love is, you die, I accompany you!

No matter what happens to you, I will accompany you!

"Yan'er, don't..." Zhao Chengfeng shook his head slightly to Shangguan Yan'er, indicating that women should not be so stubborn.

Zhao Chengfeng knows it in his heart, and everyone knows it. Even if Zhao Chengfeng is not killed by Zhao Feitian today, after today, when the heart biting poison attacks in his body, Zhao Chengfeng will also die!

So, Shangguan Yan'er might as well keep her life and wait for a comeback!

"Chengfeng, I'm here..." however, Shangguan Yan'er is so stubborn that nothing seems to stop her.

"What's so good about this man? Why are so many women willing to die for him?" At least Shangguan Yan'er and the tattoo emissary have respect for Zhao Chengfeng.

And this feeling is also what Mr. Ogawa expected.

In Japan, especially people like liangko Ogawa, there is no love. It is well known that Japanese women have no status. For example, if it was not for their talent, they would have been the victims of political marriage.

Even with talent, what can we do? The most important thing is to get back a little bit of freedom. In the rest of the time, we will give everything to the state, the so-called scientific research and the so-called national development.

"If you ask me what love is in the world, it's just a promise of life and death." With a long sigh, Mr. Ogawa stopped talking.

"Yo Yo, there are people who are not afraid of death. Well, well, in that case, I'll send you two on the road and let you fall in love slowly on the way to huangquan." Zhao Feitian hums coldly. He raises his hand and pats Shangguan Yan'er again.


Shangguan Yan'er flies up and hits Zhao Chengfeng heavily, spitting blood. However, Shangguan Yan'er shows a happy smile and holds Zhao Chengfeng's hand tightly.

"Chengfeng, we are together. This time, we will never separate!" Shangguan Yan'er grabs Zhao Chengfeng's hand and holds it tightly.

Zhao Chengfeng was silent, and his bloody cheek drew two tears.

"My great nephew, do you take it now?" Zhao Feitian came over with Chen Yidao's sword and said with a sneer, "come on, say something nice to the second uncle. I'll let you two go on the road together. If not, I'll kill her first and let you watch her die in front of you. Do you believe it?"



"My grandfather's mistake in those years was that he didn't shoot you on the wall. After going to hell, I must ask him to understand!" Zhao Chengfeng stares at Zhao Feitian with hatred in his heart, but he is helpless.

Zhao Chengfeng wants to kill Zhao Feitian very much, but the strength gap is too big. The most important thing is that Zhao Feitian is more brave than ever. He obviously feels that his strength is still rising, which is too weird.

"Good boy, let's watch her die, ha ha..." Zhao Feitian laughs wildly, and the sword point stabs slowly, which seems to be a slow motion replay. "Zhao Chengfeng, Zhao Chengfeng, you keep saying that your family and country are important, you keep saying that you want to protect your family and country, but now you look at your suspicions, you can't even protect your own women, are you still a man?"

"Look, I'm going to kill your woman. Do you have any heartache? Ha ha ha... "

Shangguan Yan'er holds Zhao Chengfeng's hand tightly, still showing a faint smile. What can she do if she can't protect it? As long as two people are together, why not die? The only regret is that their time together is too short.

"You can't even protect your own women, you can't even protect your own women..."

Zhao Chengfeng heartache, pain closed his eyes, yes, what kind of man he is, even his own woman can't protect, and talk about defending the country?

"Ha ha, ha ha..." Zhao Feitian still laughed wildly and stabbed his sword

"I understand..." however, Zhao Chengfeng opened his eyes in this instant.

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