Xuanyuan sword, suddenly full of light, red to sticky sword awn and the red sunrise rising in the sky, complement each other.


Zhao Feitian frowned and quickly retreated two steps. Zhao Feitian also knew that his nephew was not a good master to deal with. He also had many miracles.

For example, why is it useless for him?

"Chengfeng, what's the matter with you?" Shangguan Yan'er looks at the man on one side. She is very strange in her heart.

The man is obviously very weak, but why suddenly his body seems to have strength, but also continuous strength, it seems never hurt in general.

Zhao Chengfeng didn't answer, but he had more and more energy in his body, and the Xuanyuan sword was more and more bright. In the end, it was too bright for people's eyes.

"The boss's breath is getting stronger again!"

Huisheng is a doctor. Although he is far away, he can still detect the clue. Now his eyes are hot again.

Yes, he is the man who can't be defeated, he is the Xiaoqiang who can't fight!

"Master!" Pang Hu left tears of excitement.


Zhao Feitian was also shocked. It's impossible. Just now, the invincible divine fist attacked continuously, let alone a person. Even if it was an iron ox, it would have been smashed long ago. Even if Zhao Chengfeng's defense is super strong, it is impossible to recover his strength in a short time. Because his internal organs have been completely injured by himself, how can it be?

"No, you have to kill him first. This boy is very evil. Don't turn over the boat in the sewer at that time." Zhao Feitian's heart soon made a decision, not to kill Zhao Chengfeng, his sleep and food.

"My good nephew, the auspicious time has come. My second uncle will take you on the road now." Zhao Feitian snorted, and the sword shook and chopped at Zhao Chengfeng's neck.

As long as Zhao Chengfeng dies, it's over!



Huisheng and others never thought that Zhao Feitian would start at this time, and they were in a hurry. Can be too long to reach, even if it can catch up, there is no way, no one on the scene can stop the king!


When the sword is five centimeters away from Zhao Chengfeng's neck, Zhao Chengfeng suddenly opens his eyes.

"Time goes by!"

Zhao Chengfeng starts up with a loud shot. The Xuanyuan sword seems to have life again. Suddenly it spins rapidly, like the red sun, shaking people dizzy.

The most important thing is that the center of the spiral nest is like a huge magnetic field, which sucks Zhao Feitian in. Once it is sucked in, it will be stirred into pieces!

"Invincible fist!"

Zhao Feitian drinks violently, raises a fist to smash past.

However, the imagined "bang" did not appear, and the revolving nest still rolled to Zhao Feitian, just like a harvester, where it passed, it sucked in the gravel and yellow dust!

"Smelly boy, you forced me to enlarge it!"

Zhao Feitian has no way, can only use that move!

"Infinity devours!"

At that moment, all the aura and energy behind Zhao Feitian seemed to be absorbed, and even the air was distorted.

"Boy, you are the first one to try it. I don't think it will disappoint you." Zhao Feitian is grinning grimly, because he has swallowed more energy, and the energy body formed is just like a shell, with terrible power.


Zhao Chengfeng also seems to see the power of this move. Without saying a word, he bullied himself again, and the red rotating aperture appeared again, faster than before.

"Go ahead."

At the same time, Zhao Feitian also pushed out.

The red sun swallowed Zhao Feitian's move, and the strong air just slowed Zhao Chengfeng down.

"Invincible fist!"

Zhao Feitian's face changed, and he quickly smashed another blow out.

However, Zhao Chengfeng's speed is obviously faster, and the red sun's swirling nest smashes Zhao Feitian's hand!


Zhao Feitian screams repeatedly, his left arm is completely broken, naked and bleeding.


What a terrible killing move. What is it?

For a moment, everyone was stunned, and was shocked by Zhao Chengfeng. Why did a guy on the verge of death burst out such a powerful fighting force? And what kind of sword move is this?

"Master, you are really invincible!"

"Mr. Zhao, how powerful it is

Huisheng and others are all relieved. As long as Zhao Chengfeng can stand up, there will be hope for everyone! Of course, Zhao Chengfeng stands up again, Zhao Feitian can only despair. Just like now!

"My hand, my hand..." Zhao Feitian touched his left arm, and his heart sank to the bottom.

Without the left hand, the strength will drop by more than half! What shocked Zhao Feitian most was why Zhao Chengfeng had such powerful energy in an instant? Did Liang Jingru give him courage?

Ah bah, even if you can give him courage, you can't give him skill.

What a pervert!

"You just lost your hand. Have you ever thought about how many people lost their lives because of you?" Step by step, Zhao Chengfeng goes to Zhao Feitian, holding the blood red Xuanyuan sword, just like killing God.

"Smelly boy, this account, this account I must calculate with you, you eat me again!" The furious Zhao Feitian suddenly flies away. In the middle of the sky, he raises a hand and smashes it at Zhao Chengfeng.

"Is that the same move? What a cliche

The corner of Zhao Chengfeng's mouth raises a touch of ridicule, but the sword in his hand dances again.


A violent drink, Zhao Chengfeng skyrocketed up, yes, it is this sword, it ended his life.


However, at the moment of Zhao Chengfeng's rise, Zhao Feitian suddenly fell down and ran to the other side.

"Smelly boy, I'll come back again!"

Zhao Feitian roared, "plop" and dived into the vast ocean, but there was no trace in an instant.

"This..." Zhao Chengfeng suddenly silly eyes, this, this is not a rogue move? If he can't fight, he will run away. Zhao Feitian has lost his face too much.

"Damn it

"How could it be?"

Not only Zhao Chengfeng was silly, but almost everyone at the scene was stunned. Especially when he saw the king running away, everyone was frightened and didn't know what to do.

"Look, what's on Vivian?"

However, at this time, Shangguan Yan'er suddenly points to Tang Wei.

Tang Wei is lying on the ground, quiet and peaceful, but her body surface suddenly lights up a circle of light yellow light.

"This is... The great master's relic?" Zhao Chengfeng's eyes fall on Tang Wei's chest, where is the sari.

After returning from the Miao area, Zhao Chengfeng gave the relic to Tang Wei, thinking that it could ward off evil spirits. Unexpectedly, it had an effect at this time.

"Wei Wei..." Zhao Chengfeng called and walked quickly.

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