"Wei Wei..."

The light rose slowly, like golden clouds, shining on the earth.

Zhao Chengfeng went to the woman and the light curtain, with a smile at the corner of his mouth.


It seems that Tang Wei in the light curtain slowly opens her eyes when she hears her lover's call.

"You wake up, just like..." voice down, Zhao Chengfeng's body straight down, fainted in the past.

"It's a trend!"



For a moment, the whole island was in chaos, and countless people surrounded Zhao Chengfeng, crying again.


Two days later, the old house of Zhao family in the capital of China.

"Reincarnation, what's the matter? How is Cheng Feng? " Huisheng and Zhao Feilong have just come out of the house. Shangguan Yan'er can't help but ask. Her eyes are red. It's obvious that she hasn't been less worried these two days. you

In fact, all the people present raised their hearts to their throats. These two days, almost no one had a good sleep, had a good meal, even Pang Hu and others who were seriously injured did not rest.

I really can't sleep.

Because, after defeating Zhao Feitian that day, as soon as Zhao Chengfeng saw Tang Wei wake up, he fainted and didn't wake up until now. I just came back to see Zhao Chengfeng's injury.

"The pulse condition is relatively stable, but I noticed that the heart biting poison in his body seems to be reviving, so..." Huisheng looked at the people and couldn't bear to say it.

Zhao Chengfeng defeated Zhao Feitian, but his life almost began to enter the countdown, because the heart biting bug revived, and it began to bite the host.

"So what? But is there anything worse than that? " Zhao Feilong is gloomy with an old face. There is a group of anger in his heart, and there is no place to vent it!

Zhao Feilong really hates himself. Why did he have to be soft hearted to let Chen Yidao go? Why do you want to read the old love, not destroy the whole broken days, so that his son, his only son risk.

"Yes, tell me quickly. Are you going to kill me?" Murong Frost's eyes were red, and she stamped her feet in a hurry.

"Uncle and aunt, don't worry."

Huisheng said quickly: "the injury in the boss's body has been repaired by himself. With the medicine I fed him, it's OK to rest for ten days and a half months. Now the biggest problem is the poisonous insects in his body."

"Heart biting poison is too vicious, I really can't get rid of it, I..." at the end of the words, the face of rebirth was full of guilt, "sorry!"


Zhao Feilong sighed, but didn't say anything.

"Son, don't blame yourself. It's none of your business. You've tried your best. I'll thank you for Lao Zhao's family and Chengfeng's family." Murong Frost's eyes were red, and he nodded slightly.

"Frost, don't worry, you..."

"Shut up

Murong frost looked back at Zhao Feilong and said, "Zhao Feilong, look at what you've done. If it wasn't for your damned brother, would Xiao Feng be like this?"

"I..." Zhao Feilong was even more depressed.

"What are you doing? Shut up Murong frost glared and scolded: "I tell you, Xiaofeng wants something. Don't blame me for turning over and not recognizing others. Don't talk about your brother at that time. Even if it's you, I won't recognize you!"

"..." Zhao Feilong immediately said nothing. He was really unreasonable in this matter.

When his son came home to tell himself about the scene of the potion party, it was time for Zhao Feilong to take action. If he chose to take action against potion at that time, his son would never be hurt, and he would not eat that damned heart biting poison!

But at that time, Zhao Feilong wanted to kill Chen Yidao. He never thought that Chen Yidao was mixed up with Zhao Feitian and played Zhao Feilong for nothing.


However, at this time, Shangguan Yan'er knelt down to Murong frost, "I'm sorry, aunt, it's all my fault. I'm the one who implicated Chengfeng. It's me..."

"Oh, Yan'er, what are you doing? Come on, get up, get up. " Murong frost quickly picked up Shangguan Yan'er.

But Shangguan Yan'er couldn't get up and cried: "aunt, if Chengfeng didn't save me or win the trust from the king of heaven, Chengfeng would not eat the heart biting poison. It's all my fault. Hit me. I'm sorry for your Zhao family. I'll die..."

"Come on, girl, come on." Murong frost will Shangguan Yan son a to pull up, "this can have anything to do with you?"? I don't blame you. If I blame you, I blame your uncle's younger brother. He is the elder brother who didn't discipline well. I blame him! "

With that, Murong frost glared at Zhao Feilong again.


Zhao Feilong wanted to defend himself, but when he touched Murong Frost's fierce eyes, he nodded again, "yes, blame me, blame me. I'll go back and find the boy to settle the accounts. I'll find him out what I say and ask him to hand over the antidote of heart biting poison..."

However, after hearing this, Huisheng smiles miserably, "uncle, there's no antidote for heart biting poison. Even if the person who killed the poison is useless."


On hearing this, the scene was silent again, and everyone's heart was immersed in sadness. The huge living room was so quiet that you could hear a needle drop.

"Master, master's master, old man Chen, is here." Just then, however, fauber trotted in, looking in a hurry.

"Old man Chen?" Zhao Feilong frowned slightly, waved his hand and said, "come on, please let him in."

"Don't invite me. I came in myself."

There was a middle voice outside the door, and everyone went along. An old man with crane hair and childlike face came in, just like an outsider in Xianxia world, with the smell of dust floating all over his body.

"Old man Chen, you are here. Come on, see a doctor for my son." Zhao Feilong took old man Chen and went into the secret room.

"No need."

However, Chen Banxian shook his head and said, "since I'm here, I know something happened to him, but I can't do anything about it."

"You As soon as Zhao Feilong listens to this hanging, he will turn over. Isn't that bullshit?

It's no use coming, so why don't you come?

"Chen Banxian, Xiaofeng is seriously injured and is attacked by the heart biting poison. The heart biting poison is going to attack soon. Please help him. Xiaofeng is your apprentice at least." Murong frost looks at Chen Banxian and asks.

"That's serious."

Chen zhengse said: "if I have a way, how can I not help each other? But I really can't help it, so... "

"What are you doing here, old man? Come and play chess with me? " On hearing this, Zhao Feilong immediately turned over.

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