
Zhao Chengfeng pointed to Longling and said, "are you stupid? Isn't that all? How did I tell you at the beginning, let you have what information, my name is OK, as for suicide? "

"I..." Long Ling was reprimanded. Instead of feeling aggrieved, she felt very sweet.

No matter how Zhao Chengfeng scolds herself, even if he scolds and beats herself, Long Ling feels happy, because that's the real concern.

"Well, I don't even want to talk about you." As soon as he waved his hand, Zhao Chengfeng interrupted Longling and said with a black face: "you can tell me who is going to force you to marry him. I want to see who is not on the way."

"My father's immediate superior, Wang Dasheng, is the son of minister Wang. His name is Wang Bufan." At this time, Long Ling had nothing to hide, so she told Zhao Chengfeng all about it.

It turns out that Wang Bufan didn't like Longling for a day or two. It's said that from junior high school, Wang Bufan had already confessed to Longling. Unfortunately, Longling refused. This refusal refused to graduate from senior high school!

In order to avoid Wang Bufan's harassment, Long Ling finally decided to go to Japan in order to avoid Wang Bufan's harassment. At that time, Long Ling even thought that before returning to the capital, she would either take a boyfriend or get married directly and bring her baby back, so that Wang Bufan would not harass herself.

But no one expected that the appearance of Zhao Chengfeng changed everything! Long Ling was forced to return to China ahead of schedule. In addition, because of the intervention of the Japanese, long Changxing, Long Ling's father, had to suspend his post for self-examination. This also gave the old Wang family a wonderful opportunity to propose marriage to Long Ling for the last time and put pressure on her.

"These guys are shameless enough." After listening, Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help but scold.

Zhao Chengfeng is very disgusted with this kind of political marriage. Does it tie two people who have no feelings together to make fun of each other? What is emotion? You love I would like to be called feelings!

What's the difference between a marriage without feelings and being a hooligan or whoring?

"Isn't it?" Long Ling rolled her eyes and said, "you say I'm not beautiful. Why does he take a fancy to me? I... ah! "

"Nonsense, if you're not beautiful, do you need to be dogged? Does it need to stick to you like a dogskin plaster? " Zhao Chengfeng shook his head straight, and finally said: "OK, don't say it. Take me. I'm going to the Wang family. It's too shameful."

"Ah, you go to the Wangs? And take me with you? " On hearing Zhao Chengfeng's words, Long Ling shook her head again and again, "no, no, no, I won't go. If I go to the Wang family, I can't get out."

"What are you afraid of with me? Do they dare to rob the women of the people? " Zhao Chengfeng said: "I'm taking you to solve the trouble. Don't worry. They dare not harass you any more unless you are willing to marry that Wang Bufan."

"Solve the problem?"

Smell speech, Long Ling still very don't believe of shake head, "no, I don't go, I'm afraid."

"Are you afraid of them, or don't you believe me?" Zhao Chengfeng asked.

"I..." Long Ling was dumb.

"Trust me."

Zhao Chengfeng has nothing else to say, just staring at the woman's eyes.

"Well, I'll give up. I'll go with you!" Zhao Chengfeng was a little embarrassed. Long Ling stamped her feet and said, "I'll bite my tongue and kill myself. I'll scare them to death."

Long Ling really has no reason not to believe Zhao Chengfeng, because Zhao Chengfeng is so excellent, he is like a genius of China, a genius even better than liangko Ogawa.

China is also a country that cherishes talents. If the country also values Zhao Chengfeng so much, maybe he really has a way to solve his own problems.

"It's not as serious as you say." Zhao Chengfeng shook his head slightly and joked: "if I can't solve your trouble, I'll make amends to you when I jump down here. How about that?"

"That's not necessary."


"Because you're too good to jump."

"..." Zhao Chengfeng was embarrassed.

The Wangs in the capital.

The Wang family is not a big family, but it is not a small family. At least the Wang family has a villa in the eastern suburb of the capital. This kind of villa is allocated by the government. This villa is not qualified to be enjoyed if it is less than the deputy national level. Although the master of the Wang family has gone, the skinny camel is bigger than the horse, and the face of the Wang family is still there.

By virtue of the Wang family and Wang Dasheng's own efforts, when he was 50 years old, he sat in the first chair of the Ministry of foreign affairs. This is already a great honor. Everything seems so perfect.

However, Wang Dasheng knew in his heart that his biggest regret was that his son was 27 or 78 years old and he didn't even find a girlfriend, let alone his descendants.

"Smelly boy, I can tell you that there are still more than half a year left this year. If you don't get married in half a year, don't blame me for using my relationship to close your business outside." Wang Dasheng took a puff of smoke and gave a death order to the young man beside him.

"Don't rush me, old man. I know it." The young man on the sofa showed a mysterious smile and said, "don't worry, your daughter-in-law will pass by soon."


Wang Dasheng frowned, put down the newspaper and asked, "what do you mean? Did you really find a girlfriend? Who is it? Bring it back one day and let me have a good look with your mother. "

"Hey, what's your hurry." Wang Bufan said: "the ugly daughter-in-law will always meet her in-law. Besides, you've met this girl. It's Longling."

"Lao Long's baby daughter? The Japanese studying abroad? " Wang Dasheng's brows tightened even more when he heard that.

"Yes, it's her. To tell you the truth, as soon as I heard that Longling's father had suspended his job, I knew that my chance had come. At that time..." Wang Bufan said what he had done in a low voice, and his face was a little proud.

"You are presumptuous

Wang Da was so angry that he broke the newspaper and said angrily, "smelly boy, where are you looking for a girlfriend? It's clear that you are going to smear the old Wang family again. Where are you going to propose marriage? You're going to force marriage. You're breaking the law."

"Break the law, break the law, anyway, now the dragon family is not..." however, Wang Bufan is a face of disapproval.

Although Wang Bufan was in business, he didn't feel that he was doing anything wrong with the routine of officialdom.

"Shut up

Wang Dasheng's nose is almost crooked when he hears this. What a smelly boy! He even speaks such stupid words. If he breaks the law, he breaks the law? Don't you know there's a price to pay for breaking the law?

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