"Son of a bitch, I'm confused in business. I know the law and break the law. Do you think I can't live a long time?" Wang Dasheng glared and said angrily, "how did you threaten the dragon family? Say

"Dad, why are you angry? Don't you always want me to get married and have children early? " Wang Bufan was also very upset, "how? You're not happy with my action? "

"You, you are so clever that you confuse black and white!"

On hearing this, Wang Dasheng became more and more angry and scolded: "it's your wish to fall in love, marry and have children, but what's your name now? It's called forced marriage. Do you understand? What do you want me to do? "

"Ten thousand steps back, even if the girl of the long family promised to associate with you, she would not be able to resume her position as Lao Tzu. What should she do?" Wang Dasheng's face turned sour.

"Hey, what's so hard about that?"

Smell speech, Wang Bufan a face of proud smile, "by that time the raw rice has done mature rice, even if can't restore the position of long Changxing how?"

"You When Wang Dasheng heard this, he was angry, but he could not refute it. It's just that Wang Dasheng still feels weak. When Lao Tzu is choked by his son, and he doesn't discuss such a big event with himself in advance, Wang Dasheng always feels depressed.

It's not bad for them to get married. It's fair to say that they are good-looking and well matched. In addition, they are still college classmates, and they get married together.

"Don't get angry, Dad." Wang Bufan went to Lao Tzu and said with a low smile, "Dad, you may not know what Long Ling's mother does, do you?"

"For what?" Wang Dasheng frowned. His son's thinking jumped too fast. In a twinkling of an eye, he moved to Longling's mother. What is the boy doing?

"I guess you don't know."

Wang Bufan showed an enigmatic smile, getting more and more angry. He knocked his legs and said happily, "as far as I know, Longling's mother has started a company, which is also a listed company with a market value of more than one billion."

"Well?" Wang Dasheng was surprised when he heard that the dragon family was hiding deep enough.

Although the Chinese government explicitly stipulates that the family members of system officials are not allowed to engage in business, the legal principle is nothing more than human feelings. As long as they are not unscrupulous businessmen, or if there is no trouble, no one will investigate.

Just like Wang Bufan before him, he started to do business before he graduated from university. In the end, he borrowed some Laozi's relationship, and his business became bigger and bigger. Finally, he became the boss of a small company with a market value of more than 10 million. He could not say how rich he was, but at least he had some achievements.

As long as we don't do anything against the law and discipline, as long as we don't do anything big, generally no one is serious. It's just that Wang Dasheng did not expect that his subordinate, his future parent-in-law, was so hidden that he was still the boss of a listed company.

"Dad, as long as Longling gets married to our old Wang family, in a few decades' time, the old dragon family's property will be ours." Wang Bufan showed a smile peculiar to the unscrupulous businessman. "You know, the old dragon family has such a daughter. Who can I give it to if you don't give it to me?"

"That's your idea." Wang Dasheng's eyes narrowed and he suddenly admired his son鈥?You're a thief, but isn't that a little mean? If we don't have the emotional foundation, we will have more troubles in the future. "

"Mean? Hum

Smell speech, Wang Bufan a cold hum, some uncomfortable way: "Dad, do you think I do this all for myself?"? I'm for you, for the whole family. What can we do without feelings? As long as a man has money, he is predestined with everyone. "

Wang Dasheng was not happy when he heard this. He said with a black face: "pay attention to the propriety of your speech."

"Dad, why don't you understand me?" Wang Bufan really obeyed his Laozi. He was just a stubborn old man鈥?Think about it. How old are you now? Let's make it clear. I'll ask you, do you think you still have the possibility of promotion? You know, our Wang family has no big background. If we go up there, there will be a radish and a pit. If you occupy others, you will have no share. Do you think you have a share? "

"This..." Wang Dasheng's face was slightly ugly.

It's true that my son's words are a little ugly, but it's not unreasonable. The system is like this. When you reach your own level, who doesn't have the ability to do things?

But it needs not only ability, but also background and backing! But I really don't have any support. Maybe I should retire after a few years. Wang Bufan understood the truth that people go to the tea cooler.

At the moment, it seems that many people buy their own accounts, but once they retire, how many people still have to pay for themselves?


Seeing that Wang Dasheng was somewhat moved, Wang Bufan continued to bewitch him and said, "just think about it, as long as I merge with Longling's mother's company, I can support you in the shopping mall in the future. If this step goes up, then we old Wang's family will be able to make a start."; Even if we can't go up this step, it doesn't matter. At least it's certain that Lao Wang's family has enough food and clothing. If you have the contacts left by the two old men for so many years and make the name of Wang's group famous, aren't you still holding on to it? "

Wang Dasheng took two puffs of smoke. He was really a little moved. Nowadays, who doesn't want to glorify their ancestors?

"Dad, don't hesitate." Wang Bufan continued to urge: "now the dragon family is in trouble. It's a good time. I sang black face on my side, and you sang white face on your side, which gave the dragon family a way to go downhill. They will certainly follow it. "

Hearing the philosophy, Wang Dasheng just understood his son's plan. At the moment, he couldn't help looking at his son more. He had to say that the boy's brain melon seeds are very easy to use, and he cheated himself.

"Well, I'll go." After a long time, Wang Dasheng finally made up his mind.

Although this step is a bit despicable and immoral, Wang Dasheng has gone all out for the sake of the future of the old Wang family. Is it possible to seek wealth without special means?


As soon as Wang Bufan heard this, he got excited. "Dad, let's go. I'll drive for you. I'll put all the presents in the trunk. They are all bought according to the old couple's preferences."

"You son of a bitch, even Lao Tzu has figured it out. You can do it." Wang Dasheng said with a smile, but his heart was no longer gloomy.

Although his son's means are not very open and aboveboard, they are harmless. Who hasn't taken small measures to achieve great things since ancient times? Compared with the ancient and modern Xiaoxiong, this method is very kind.

"Laozi is a hero." Wang Bufan laughed and gave a ha ha.

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