The Wang family is not far from the long family. After all, they are all leading cadres at the same level. The houses allocated by the government are basically in the same area, but the courtyard of the long family is a little smaller, but very delicate.

When you enter the courtyard, there are flowers and trees planted on both sides, with the smell of birds singing and flowers. There is a small water pool in the middle of the garden, and the koi scramble for food.

Next to the pond is a pavilion, where four people are chatting and drinking tea. Beside it are some valuable cigarettes, wine and bags.

"Ah, old leader, you see I've been dismissed. I'm very grateful that you can come to longchangxing. How can you still bring something?" Long Changxing glanced at the gift beside him and flatly refused, "when I leave for a while, I have to take these things away."

"Yes, the old leader, the old dragon of our family has come down. It's not appropriate for you to bring things here." The beautiful woman on one side also followed, but in her heart she began to calculate.

In Chinese officialdom, there is absolutely no reason for leaders to give gifts to their subordinates, although they are only half short. You know, the men in my family have just been suspended.

If it's an ordinary minor official, he will be suspended for self-examination. Maybe he will be back to his original position at any time. But I'm afraid it's hard to get to this level. When I was in power, I didn't know how many people moved their minds. This time, I'm afraid I broke my head.

At this time, the leaders will give gifts. If there is no origin, will a fool believe it?

"Ha ha, Lao long, don't blame me. I can't take this gift today." Wang Dasheng laughed and laughed, pretending to be mysterious.


Long Changxing and his wife looked at each other and became more and more confused.

"Ha ha." Wang Dasheng took a look at his son and said with a smile, "smelly boy, you'd better talk about your own business. Are you still embarrassed when you are such a big man?"

"This... Is it..." long Changxing is not an ordinary person after all. When he heard this, he felt a lot in his heart.

"Uncle long, aunt he, actually today I came with my father to propose marriage." Wang Bufan also simply said: "as you know, Longling and I are childhood sweethearts and college classmates. I have always liked Longling for so many years. Now we are old enough to talk about marriage. I hope our uncles and aunts can help us."

"Marriage promotion, this..." long Changxing was stunned. He didn't know what to say and laughed awkwardly.

However, he Wanfen was still calm and said with a faint smile: "extraordinary. You can see that our dragon family is not worthy of your Wang family now. So, I think we should forget about this..."


Wang Dasheng interrupted: "we're here to promote marriage, especially to marry a daughter-in-law. We're not here to cling. What do we say those who don't have? What kind of person am I, Wang Dasheng? "

"No, no, that's not what I mean." He Wanfen quickly apologized: "I am not afraid of implicating your Lao Wang family? What's more, we can't talk about Longling's marriage. We have to listen to Longling's opinions. "

With that, he Wanfen poked his own man and motioned the latter to help.

Although he Wanfen is not a member of the system, he is no stranger to some of its doctrines. Since the removal of their own men, in the past, they have been competing to report to their families. It's like they are extinct. None of them can be seen. It's a rare peace.

Today, the father and son of the old Wang family come to propose marriage, which is really unpredictable. Although her daughter is beautiful, knowledgeable and insightful, there is nothing worthy of Lao Wang's attention. In other words, today's dragon family has little value. What kind of medicine does the father and son sell? Is it for your own property?

At least, he Wanfen doesn't believe in the words of childhood sweetheart and devotion.

"Old leader, if you say something sweet, I'm longchangxing now. You can come to see me. I'm really moved." Long Changxing looked a little excited. "I'm really ashamed. I had some disputes with you in the past, but now..."

"What are you talking about?" Wang Dasheng waved his hand with a smile and said, "it's a good thing that you and I quarreled for the sake of work and the country at that time. Today, let's talk about private affairs instead of business affairs. "

In a word, Wang Dasheng brought the topic back. When he came on the road, Wang Dasheng was also thinking that his son had paved the road to this extent. If Wang Dasheng didn't follow closely, wouldn't it be a waste of time?

Even if Lao Long's family can't contribute to their future promotion, as my son said, it can at least guarantee that Lao Wang's family will have a comfortable life in the next few generations.

"You can say whether you agree or not. These two children are old enough to get married and have children. Look at this..." Wang Dasheng left the conversation to the opposite couple, long Changxing.

Long Changxing was moved, but he Wanfen said: "old leader, it's not that I don't agree with Lao long. It really depends on ling'er's own decision. If she agrees with us, the old couple would like to. But if she doesn't like it, we can't force it. It's not that, so..."

"This..." the smile on Wang Dasheng's face suddenly stopped and became a little ugly.

Long Changxing is easy to fool, but he Wanfen is really cunning. Does she see something?

"Uncle long, aunt he, so you two agree that I will marry Longling?" Wang Bufan asked, this question is to cut off the long Changxing couple all the way back.

It's impossible not to agree. Not agreeing is equivalent to not giving Wang Dasheng face. It's even more impossible for long Changxing to restore the official to his original position. Maybe he will use some small means behind his back.

Can promise, still don't know Lao Wang family exactly what plan? It's a dilemma.


After a long silence, long Changxing patted her thigh and gritted her teeth: "as long as long as long as long Ling has no opinion and is willing to marry you, then we will agree to your marriage!"

He Wanfen wanted to stop him, but he still gave up. After all, Lao Long's family has nothing to do with Lao Wang's family now. Let's leave the decision to her daughter.

"That's very good, so I don't have to take this dowry away." Wang Bufan was overjoyed and said with a smile: "to tell you the truth, I had passed the marriage proposal with ling'er before I proposed. She would certainly agree to my proposal. I......"


However, at this time, the door of the dragon family was suddenly pushed open, and a cold voice came, "Wang Bufan, who said I promised to marry you? Are you fantasizing? "

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