"Haha... Haha... Duck..."

Inside the car, Liu Shiyun laughs until he has a stomachache. He almost loses the stability of the steering wheel.


Zhao Chengfeng rolled his eyes and didn't have a good airway: "is it that funny? Do you believe that Lao Tzu will bring you to justice? "

"Cluck, I'm afraid you don't have the guts." Liu Shiyun's face was slightly red, but he showed a proud smile.

"Damn it

As soon as Zhao Chengfeng heard this, he jumped up in anger and grabbed the woman.

But at this time, Liu Shiyun's words, like a ladle of cold water, extinguished all Zhao Chengfeng's desires.

——My mother just came here today.

"I..." Zhao Chengfeng finally put that sentence "Grass Mud Horse" to pressure back, in the heart really some angry.

The little girl is really bad. Knowing that brother Feng's determination is not very good, she also teases brother Feng. Her heart is burning up. This girl is not happy again. Isn't she trying to amuse herself?

"Ha ha..."

See Zhao Chengfeng eat shriveled, Liu Shiyun smile more happy, but few people can let Zhao Chengfeng eat shriveled ah.

"Laugh again, believe it or not, I'll peel you off and throw you on the street?" Zhao Chengfeng's face is full of evil spirit, and he threatens fiercely.

Liu Shiyun was not afraid at all. Instead, he laughed wildly, "will you show your woman to others?"

"I..." Zhao Chengfeng was so angry that he didn't know how to take Liu Shiyun.

"Come on, don't be angry. I'll be with you when my relatives leave these two days." Seeing Zhao Chengfeng's bitter face, Liu Shiyun said with a smile of relief that his pretty face flashed a blush of shyness.

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng smile more and more bitter, after two days, but not free.

"By the way, Chengfeng, why did you suddenly come to Beihai City and have no money on you? Did you encounter any difficulties?" Liu Shiyun then asked, and he was curious.

The man in front of him is super capable. Making money is as easy as eating and drinking. How can he not even have 200 yuan? And it's strange to call yourself in the middle of the night.


Zhao Chengfeng lit up a cigarette and said, "well, I just went back to the capital two days ago. After a day's rest in the capital, I received a very important confidential task. I had no choice but to go to Beihai in the middle of the night like a thief. I stayed with you for two days and then left. Unexpectedly, I didn't have any money in my pocket, So I called you. "

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't dare to tell the truth, for fear that women will cry. This is what Zhao Chengfeng doesn't want to see.

"Well, I don't know what you are busy with in the day. I feel that the leaders of our country are not as busy as you." Liu Shiyun shook his head slightly, but he didn't care.

From the day when he was with a man, Liu Shiyun knew that men were not ordinary people, so he seldom asked about men's private affairs, and even didn't care how many women there were outside. As long as he has his own heart, everything is enough.

As a woman, Liu Shiyun has the coyness of her little daughter, but she also knows what self-reliance is. She has the ability to make her life better. She wants a villa for her villa, a luxury car for her luxury car, a bank card and the money she can't spend all her life. Therefore, Liu Shiyun never asks her men to buy luxury goods like this or that.

Just ask for once, with all my heart!

Love is always so simple.

"You really think national leaders are fun. You think too much." Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng can't help shaking his head, obviously don't agree with Liu Shiyun's point of view.

"I think they're fun anyway." Liu Shiyun said while driving: "in the news on TV, it's good for leaders to visit this country and that country every day. They are entertained by good wine and good food. They can see the different customs of different countries."

"Good? Ha ha. " Zhao Chengfeng noncommittal smile, but did not explain too much.

Because Liu Shiyun is not a person of this level, and Zhao Chengfeng doesn't want women to know too much. The more simple they are, the happier they are. If they know too much, they lose their nature and their innocence.

It seems that the leader of a country is at ease and has the supreme right to speak. In fact, it is not. Leaders have to face all kinds of complicated things every day.

Governing the country, in the final analysis, is governing people. But a country often has hundreds of millions of people. For example, China has a population of 1.4 billion. Different people have different beliefs, different ideas, different identities and so on. All these differences create all kinds of contradictions and conflicts. This is what worries us.

In addition, there are also links between countries, which are particularly important. For example, how to treat one's own allies, how to restrict and defend enemy countries, and how to frighten some grassy countries need great wisdom. Is it that easy?

Take the example of a state leader's mission to another country. It seems to be boundless, but in fact, it's like walking on thin ice. Even if you eat and go to the toilet, you have to be on guard against being attacked and assassinated.

"Laugh so far fetched, hum." Liu Shiyun snorted, hit the steering wheel and entered the community.

After going upstairs, the sky is also bright, Liu Shiyun is not sleepy.

"Why don't you take a break and go back to the company in the afternoon?" Liu Shiyun offered to pour water for Zhao Chengfeng.

Men are really strong. They are made of meat. They don't have a rest all night. It's bad for their health. It doesn't matter if you take a few hours off. It's a big deal that you can take an hour off in the company at noon.

"No On the way here, Zhao chengfengdao slept for a while and was not sleepy. You and I'd better have breakfast, and then go directly to the company. As a member of the company, I have to inspect your work. "


When it comes to the company's affairs, Liu Shiyun shows a smile and says, "does the company need your help now? I don't know how smooth it is. Let me tell you one thing. Our company's products have opened up the European market and are popular with European women. Do you know how much we sold last month? "

Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head in surprise.

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