"Haven't you given up the foreign market? How can you... "Zhao Chengfeng asked.

Previously, Smith Company of the United States made several disturbances, resulting in the company's products being detained again and again, and even involved in lawsuits, which had an indelible impact on the company's reputation. Therefore, Zhao Chengfeng and the women agreed to give up the foreign market for the time being. After all, as far as China is concerned, it's no problem to eat for five or ten years while ensuring the quality of the company's products.

However, Liu Shiyun actually told Zhao Chengfeng that they had already sold their products to Europe, which meant that the sales volume was not bad.

"We gave up before, but now we are not going to give up." Liu Shiyun changed a more comfortable sitting posture, a little proud, "Fei Er said, it's not a skill to earn money from Chinese people. If you want to earn money, you can earn money from outsiders, which makes you feel more successful. I hit it off, so I did it. By the way, Sisi just went to Europe a few days ago and hasn't come back yet. "

"You're really brave. Aren't you afraid of a repeat of what happened in the United States?" Zhao Chengfeng smiles bitterly and shakes his head. He doesn't know what to say.

To be frank, Zhao Chengfeng actually admires these girls. He can depend on her beauty to make a living, but on her talent to make a career. At first, Zhao Chengfeng also felt that these women were just idle and had nothing to do. But later it turned out that Zhao Chengfeng was wrong and they succeeded!

"If it happens, it's no big deal." As everyone knows, Liu Shiyun doesn't care about it at all, "they want to make trouble is also the recognition of our products, is to change the direction of advertising to us.". These days, are you still called a star without any gossip? "

"This..." Zhao Chengfeng surprised a smile, suddenly feel this statement is very interesting, also very reasonable.

Just like the domestic automobile industry in China, they all say that Japanese cars are so thin, Japanese people make cars and cut corners. But the fact is that Japanese cars account for a quarter of the total number of vehicles on the road! Sales not only did not come down, but increased!

Another example is the domestic entertainment industry. There are often extramarital affairs, infidelity and other news, just to attract people's attention?

"By the way, you haven't guessed how much we sold last month? Guess now. " Suddenly thought of what, Liu Shiyun asked again.

"How can I guess? You can tell me." Zhao Chengfeng shook his head, this kind of thing can't be guessed.

Liu Shiyun smiles and reaches out a finger.

"Ten million?"

"Guess again!"

"A hundred million?"

Smell speech, Liu Shiyun this just nodded, solemnly its way: "accurate say, it is 100 million euro!"

"What? So, so much? " On hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng was so surprised that the cigarette end at the corner of his mouth almost fell down. His eyes were staring like a cow bell, and his face was full of disbelief.

"Nonsense, do you think it's necessary for me to cheat you? If you don't believe me, I'll go to the company to check accounts later. " Liu Shiyun is more proud.


Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help but burst into a rude remark and asked: "you are going to rob the European people. In a month or so, you have sold 100 million euros and made a profit of at least 30%."

"Sorry, 50% profit!"


Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng took a cold breath, damn, this is also too capable.

"Because we want to improve the quality of our products, we have inlaid some jewelry and jade on the surface of our underwear, which is more eye-catching. Naturally, the price has also gone up. Therefore, although the quantity is not very large, the profit of each piece sold is quite objective. " Liu Shiyun explained.

"You are such a chicken thief." Zhao Chengfeng doesn't know what to say now. These women are so capable that Zhao Chengfeng has some admiration.

Because of Xia Bingbing's disappearance, Zhao Chengfeng thought that it was better for the company to develop steadily. In addition, there were too many complicated things in those days. Zhao Chengfeng thought that it was better for the company to develop steadily, but he didn't know that these women were too restless.

Fortunately, Zhao Chengfeng didn't wipe their ass, which is a good skill.

"Isn't it all from you?" Liu Shiyun gave a playful smile, which was very lovely.

Zhao Chengfeng's face was speechless. At last, he could only smile bitterly and shake his head.

They talked and laughed. They ate breakfast at home slowly. After finishing, they went to the company together. To Zhao Chengfeng's surprise, as soon as they got out of the car, they just met he Yongfei and walked down from the car.

He Yongfei looks at Liu Shiyun and Zhao Chengfeng. His eyes suddenly turn cold. This big sex wolf is really restless. Before her sister finds it, she gets mixed up with Liu Shiyun.

Looking at their intimate appearance, they obviously lived together last night. Thinking of this, he Yongfei couldn't help sneering and said, "brother-in-law, you are so leisurely. Is your cousin back?"

"I..." Zhao Chengfeng opened his mouth and tried to stop talking.

What can I say? Forget it, just don't say anything.

"Hum!" He Yongfei stares at Zhao Chengfeng and goes straight into the elevator without saying hello to Liu Shiyun.

"No, now Phil hates me." Liu Shiyun shrugs at Zhao Chengfeng and says with a smile, "what's the matter with you? Don't you usually talk nonsense? Why don't you explain to Phil today? "

"Why don't you explain to her? I didn't seem to have done anything to you last night, did I? " Zhao Chengfeng gave the latter a white look.

"..." Liu Shiyun looked confused.

"Come on, go to the office." Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head and gets into another elevator until he reaches the R & D department.

Be made one of the two departments, Liu Shiyun is the one who manages the design department and the RD department. Of course, the design department is mainly controlled by Zhao Chengfeng. But Zhao has been awesome by his disciples. Now Zhao Chengfeng has no need to intervene. He and Hu Lingling have been able to support the whole design department.

"Brother Feng, you are here. Long time no see."

"Yes, brother Feng, long time no see. You seem to be more handsome."

As soon as Zhao Chengfeng enters the office, two girls come together and chatter around him. Apart from the relationship between master and apprentice, there are more or less love feelings mixed in.

"You, this mouth is more and more sharp." Zhao Chengfeng shook his head, "hurry to send your design draft to my office, I'll check it for you and test you well."


The second daughter answered and went to tidy up her things.

"Big sex wolf, don't rule your subordinates in the office. I'm going to find out. Hum..." Liu Shiyun threatened in a low voice, which sounded an alarm for Zhao Chengfeng.

At the beginning, Zhao Chengfeng and song Sisi did that kind of thing in their own office. It's shameless.

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