
Zhao Chengfeng just drank a mouthful of water, all to spray out, stare big eye bead son, full face of disbelief.

"Damn, how old is she? She's getting married? No, who does she marry? " Zhao Chengfeng asked, I feel funny, it is incredible.

You know, Beibei is only six or seven years old now. She's just a ghost girl. Her hair doesn't grow up. What's her marriage?

"Hey, you don't know." Chen Shuxian said with a smile: "although this girl is living in the welfare home and has love, she is still the little money fan. Didn't she ask you for a dowry last time? This Nizi cheated a boy named Abu in the class. Abu was honest. He was cheated by this Nizi in a few words and told their teacher that he would marry her. Every day, this Nizi asked me for dowry money, saying that you left her tens of millions of dowry money, which made me very worried. "

"I'll go to that one!"

Zhao Chengfeng can't laugh or cry. He really doesn't know what to say.

"This girl movie, I suddenly feel that I shouldn't come to the welfare home today." Zhao Chengfeng shrugs, is really afraid of beibeinanizi, too smart.

Zhao Chengfeng can even predict that once she doesn't give her money, she will say that my mother has let you sleep. Beibei is a master who has cheated her father and mother. She has only money in her head and can't hold anything else.

"It's OK. Let her live in the welfare home at night. Let's go home later." With that, Chen Shuxian gets up and prepares to pack up. She seems to be afraid of Beibei's broken mouth and is ready to slip away.

What's more, the couple get together less and leave more. It's rare for them to have some private space. Let's have a good time tonight.

"Well, are you two going to leave me alone?" However, at this time, Beibei pushed the door in, with a strange smile.

The six or seven year old child, like an adult, embraces his hands, hums coldly, points to Zhao Cheng and says, "godfather, you are so disgraceful. You are of the opposite sex. You don't even want your daughter. When I get to the welfare home, I find my mother the first time. Why don't you come to me? "

"Well, you were busy in the classroom when I came? I planned to come back to see you later, but I didn't know you were coming. I... "Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile, feeling bitter.

What are you really afraid of? Who knows this girl came in at this time? I guess she listened to both of them.

"Is it?" Beibei said with a smile: "that's strange. How did I hear someone say that I shouldn't come to the welfare home? Don't you wait to see me? "

"Ah, that, that you must have heard wrong." Hearing the speech, Zhao Chengfeng became more embarrassed and hesitated: "yes, you must have heard wrong. What I said is that I should have come to the welfare home to see your mother and daughter. You said, "Shuxian."

At the critical moment, Zhao Chengfeng can only hope that women will come forward to help Yuanyuan lie.

"Yes, Beibei, you must have heard wrong just now. Your Godfather didn't say that..." Chen Shuxian said with a smile. She said when she came here, why didn't she notice?

"Come on, mom, don't talk nonsense. Do you think I didn't hear what you just said? Hum, you are really cruel to leave me in the welfare home. " Beibei interrupted again.

For a moment, Zhao Chengfeng and Chen Shuxian are more embarrassed. There is a feeling that the affair is found.

"Hum, you hurt my heart, you are bad people!" Seeing that they had nothing to say, Beibei sat on one side, her cheeks puffed with anger, and her pouted mouth could hang a soy sauce bottle.

Zhao Chengfeng and Chen Shuxian look at each other and smile bitterly. They both see helplessness in each other's eyes. Finally, Zhao Chengfeng broke the deadlock and said with a soft smile to Beibei, "Beibei, in fact, you really don't have to be angry."

"I just discussed with your mother. I think you are too boring and not fun. Now that the country is open to have two children, we have to respond to the call of the country and think about giving you a younger brother or sister. What do you think?"

One side of Chen Shuxian smell speech, pretty face slightly red, lowered his head, some embarrassed. Although Chen Shuxian wanted to give birth to a child for Zhao Chengfeng, she didn't get pregnant many times.

"I don't think so." As soon as Beibei heard this, he quickly said, "now that I'm a child, you two can't afford to raise it. Do you want to sell your kidney for another child?"

Zhao Chengfeng looks embarrassed and can't afford it? You're kidding.

"Godfather, you don't even have my dowry ready. What do you take to have a second child? It's all right to have a daughter. Sooner or later, just like me, I'll pour a ladle of water on my mother's genes. In the future, I'll be a beautiful woman. Maybe I'll marry Gao Fu Shuai, and most of all, I'll be a diamond king, right? " Beibei is eloquent and has a clear analysis.

"But if you're going to have a son, it's miserable. Nowadays, it's not easy for men to get married. They need a car, a house and a passbook. As far as the house price in Beihai city is concerned, a three bedroom apartment costs more than one million yuan. What do you buy? Four kidneys are not enough for both of you. " Beibei continued: "so, I advise you to give up the idea of having a second child. Just raise me. Don't blame yourself."

Chen Shuxian was speechless and didn't know what to say. For ordinary people, it's really not easy to marry a daughter-in-law now. The car and house cost almost a family's lifetime savings. For poor families, the lifetime savings are not enough.

"I don't think it's a big problem. Anyway, I listen to you. If you want to have a second child, you must be prepared to pretend money in advance, right?" How can Zhao Chengfeng not understand Beibei's plan? This girl is a money fan. For money, let alone godfather, even her mother can pit her.

"It must be." Beibei said solemnly, "when you give birth to me, you must raise me up, right? Otherwise, you are not responsible! "

"There are more than 1000 orphans in the welfare home. They have no father or mother. Who will ask for the dowry money and the bride price money then?" Zhao Chengfeng asked in reverse.

"This... I..." Beibei was speechless.

Yes, I'm more lucky than those orphans?

"I don't care. Anyway, godfather, you have to give me the dowry money. Today you're here. I'll tell you the truth. I'm getting married. If you don't give me the dowry money, I'll elope with Abu!" Beibei had no reason, and in the end, she had to tear her face and play a rogue.

Chen Shuxian has no choice but to shake her head. She doesn't know what's wrong with her daughter. She wants money like a devil. She's going crazy.

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