"Beibei, what do you want money for?" Zhao Chengfeng always feels that there is something wrong with Beibei this time.

It's true that Beibei is a money fan, but she has never asked for money so directly. What she wants for money on weekdays is also hidden. It's nothing if she doesn't give it to her.

But this time it's different. It's very tough.

"I asked for money to get married? I want to get married. It must cost money to get married. As parents, you two have to prepare a dowry for me. How can I get married without a dowry? " Beibei's eyes dodged.

"Do you need money to get married?"

Zhao Chengfeng took over the words and said, "think about it. How beautiful we Beibei is. We have the look of a dead fish and a dead goose. If you can get out of the hall and into the kitchen, you can get married. My mother-in-law is not sure how happy we are. How rare is your dowry?"

"No, I want the dowry!" Beibei said in a loud voice: "how can I feel like I'm running naked without dowry? I'm kicked out of the house by you. This not only makes me lose face, but also makes you and your mother lose face. It's for your sake, understand? "

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head and said, "I'm old. I don't need face. Besides, face is not worth money and can't be eaten. What do you want face for?"

"You On hearing this, beibeidun was impatient, but for a while he didn't know how to refute it.

"Beibei, you're still young. It's too early to get married. What's your hurry?" Chen Shuxian saw that her daughter was speechless, and then said, "don't worry, you won't go out in the future."

"No, I want to get married now. I want my dowry now." However, Beibei's face was firm and her eyes were red.

Zhao Chengfeng and Chen Shuxian look at each other, and they all see a puzzled look from each other's eyes. Beibei is too abnormal.


Zhao Chengfeng coughed two times, cleared his throat, and said: "Beibei, you are too young to get married, not to mention that your parents don't agree, and the government doesn't approve it. Of course, your parents have already prepared your dowry money. You don't have to worry about that. "

"But I want the dowry money now. You give it to me." Beibei said quickly.

"If you don't marry now, why do you want the dowry money?" Zhao Chengfeng asked.

"Yes, of course."

"For what?"

"See a doctor..."

Hear here, Zhao Chengfeng brow a twist, carefully looked at Beibei's body, in the heart doubt more.

"Beibei, aren't you ok? What disease do you see? " One side of Chen Shuxian quickly asked, look suddenly nervous a lot.

Since Chen Shuxian began to do charity, she has neglected a lot about Beibei's growth. In the past, the mother and daughter often talked about their hearts, but now the mother and daughter don't have time to go out for a walk in a week, and the time is too short.

The children in the welfare home were saved, but Beibei lost a lot.

"I..." Beibei eyes a red, faltering for a long time did not say why.

Zhao Chengfeng looked at Chen Shuxian and said in a soft voice, "Beibei, godfather is not the one who loves money. Don't mention your dowry money. I can give you even one hundred million yuan. But you must tell me what you want money for. If you don't tell the truth, Godfather and mother won't give you a cent."

"I want money to save people." After a long silence, Beibei whispered.

"Save people? Save who? " On hearing this, Chen Shuxian was even more surprised.

"It's Abramovich's parents..." babe said with red eyes.

It turns out that it's Beibei's classmate. Beibei is determined to marry a boy. Abu knows that he has been abandoned, but he doesn't hate his parents at all. Instead, he loves his parents very much.

Because Beibei has a congenital heart disease, which both Abramovich's parents have. Now Abramovich is in the welfare home, where he is free of charge for examination and treatment. Abramovich is saved. But Abramovich is worried when he thinks of his father. Over time, the whole person will be a lot of autistic.

Although Beibei is a ghost girl who likes to play tricks on people, she has a lot of love. After becoming good friends with Abramovich, she knows what Abramovich thinks and is deeply moved. Can't bear to see a good friend sad, Beibei came up with such a way, cheating dowry money, and then take the money to save people.

"Beibei, why are you suffering?" After hearing this, Chen Shuxian's heart softened and tears rolled out. She held her daughter in her arms and was moved to a mess.

Although this is not her own daughter, Chen Shuxian still feels gratified, because the love of mother and daughter is the same.

"Beibei, you are great. Godfather admires you."

When Zhao Chengfeng heard the speech, he was also moved and praised: "this is a great feat to sacrifice yourself for others. You are absolutely a good man, a good man."

"So, did Godfather and mother agree to give me the dowry money?" Beibei is busy.

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head.

"Godfather, do you have the heart to watch Abu's father and mother suffer?" When Beibei saw it, she suddenly became impatient.

"Beibei, you are wrong."

Zhao Chengfeng patiently explained: "the money for curing illness and saving people can't be mixed with your dowry money. I can give you money, but it's not dowry money, because you are the baby daughter of Godfather and mother. Naturally, your dowry is priceless. It's insulting to use money to measure it!"

"And you shouldn't cheat Godfather and mother. We are a family. We have to understand what we have to say. Think about it. How old are you? How worried Godfather and mother are about getting married now?"

"I see." Beibei was ashamed and moved to lower her head.

"Beibei, as for the illness of Abu and his parents, don't worry about it. Godfather and mother will take care of it. At least they won't be dragged down for the rest of their lives." Zhao Chengfeng once again said that he had a peace of mind with Beibei.

"Thank you godfather, thank you mother." Beibei quickly thanks.

Zhao Chengfeng and Chen Shuxian shake their heads slightly. They don't care about money. They are very happy to see Beibei grow up little by little. It's not that people grow up, but the heart grows up.

"Godfather, why don't you go home with your mother and try to give me a younger brother and sister as soon as possible. After he is born, Beibei will play with him every day." Beibei suddenly said again.

Chen Shuxian's face is slightly red, but she is very happy. Her child has grown up and is sensible.

"Let it be. Godfather and mother are already very happy with you." Zhao Chengfeng smiles and touches Beibei's brain. Let alone, this girl has grown a lot.

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