In the end, Zhao Chengfeng's mind was purified. After eating at the welfare home, he took Chen Shuxian and Beibei out to see a movie.

After watching the movie, it's 11:00 p.m. and after returning the mother and daughter to the welfare home, Zhao Chengfeng goes straight to the dragon scale station, where only the kid is guarding.

"Boss, why are you here?" Seeing Zhao Chengfeng, the kid is very surprised, and also has some heartache.

It's hard for kids to imagine, or even dare not imagine, that Zhao Chengfeng has been bitten by the heart biting poison, and now the heart biting poison has begun to bite back, eating Zhao Chengfeng's life bit by bit.

Looking at his brother, little by little close to death, is no different from the pain. The most painful thing is that I can't help myself, I can only watch it eagerly.

"I just went to the welfare home. I'll come to see you when I'm finished. I'll go to Hong Kong Island early tomorrow morning." Zhao Chengfeng lit a cigarette and said slowly, "how are you doing recently?"

"It's no different from the past. It's easy to hack the network system of the U.S. government and compare with the hackers in the world. Life is just like this. It's not surprising." The kid answered. Finally, he couldn't help but ask, "boss, your body..."

"My body, ha ha." Zhao Chengfeng had no choice but to smile, waved his hand and said, "that's it. Let it be. Anyway, I don't have too much regret now. Even if the king doesn't die, he doesn't exist any more. "

Smell speech, kid fist clench clack clack straight ring, in the heart hate dead Zhao Feitian, but have no alternative.

"By the way, have you counted how much money we still have on our account?" Zhao Chengfeng suddenly asked.

"Now there are more than 13 billion yuan in the account. The African continent has begun to make money. Our mercenary regiment has almost swept away one third of the market in the African continent. I have to say that Munch and uduri are very capable "This is also our biggest source of income. In addition, the feikaman oil field has started to make profits. We still have 20% of the profits to make if we take 70% of the profits from the Chinese government and 10% from the local government," the kid said

Zhao Chengfeng nodded and remained silent for a long time, then said: "from now on, one fifth of your income will be given to Chen Shuxian for charity, and the rest will be reserved for emergency preparedness."

"Jiangling of Jiangshi group in Beijing is also your sister-in-law. Although the company is developing smoothly, no one can tell what will happen in the future. If necessary, you must help. By the way, the perfume lily company should not only take care of the business in China, but also pay attention to one or two abroad. Now many people are playing the idea of the perfume lily company.

"Don't worry, boss. We know what to do. We won't let you down." The kid nodded heavily, and his nose was slightly sour. Suddenly he felt that it was like a last word.

It's a pity that he can't refuse, because it's Zhao Chengfeng's biggest wish and his biggest refusal.

"I don't worry about your work." Zhao Chengfeng smiles, looks at the kid and says, "and you, personal problems have to be taken into consideration. Some days ago, Xuehe and Shangdu have found their own home. You can't fall behind. Are you going to leave the rest of your life to Miss Wu?"

Smell speech, kid rare red face, low voice way: "boss, you, you can't always run me.". I'm a bit unscrupulous in this job. I tap the keyboard at home. There's basically no social interaction. Where can I find a girlfriend? I used to hang out in nightclubs, play one night stand, and find passion, but can the women get married? The brain is not green. "

"Women are afraid to marry the wrong man, men are afraid to enter the wrong profession." Zhao Chengfeng sighed: "that can only find friends in the circle."

"Forget it, forget it!"

On hearing this, the kid's face became more bitter. While smoking, he complained: "there was a circle in our business. At the beginning, a girl named" xiaoqingxin "had a good chat with me. After all, they were all in the same business. We had a good chat. After more than a month's chat, I asked to meet people all over the world. But the girl was stunned and didn't agree. Later, I was in a hurry. In a rage, I hacked her computer and pulled out a lot of private photos from the computer. It almost made me angry. "

"What's the matter? That girl is not a little fresh, but an old woman? " Zhao Chengfeng seems to have guessed something.

"I Pooh!"

The kid scolded: "it's not so clear at all. It's not even a girl. It's a tough guy. It's more disgusting than Laozi. Just look at the picture. I haven't been able to eat for a month. "

"Then you are really sad." Zhao Chengfeng smiles bitterly and shakes his head.

"Ah, since then, I don't believe in online love any more. It's too damn fake." The kid was filled with emotion.

Zhao Chengfeng laughs and doesn't answer this question. It's true that the Internet is really fake, but is the reality really real? Not necessarily.


The kid suddenly patted his thigh and said excitedly, "Hey, look at my memory. I almost forgot to tell you something important."

"What's the matter?" Zhao Chengfeng asked.

"Tian Xin'er has news." "The day before yesterday, I found Tian Xin'er's trace while checking the surveillance. She didn't leave Beihai City, but appeared in the welfare home of Beihai City," the kid said

"Are you sure it's her?" Hearing the speech, Zhao Chengfeng's spirit was shocked.

Finally, we have news of her!

"100% sure, don't you believe my eyes?" The kid assured: "because it was 11 o'clock in the evening when she was found the night before yesterday. She didn't enter the welfare home. She stayed at the door for a while and then left. As for the direction, I didn't find out. But in my analysis, she will probably come back. "

"She will come back for sure."

Zhao Chengfeng said firmly: "Tian xiner is also an orphan. Growing up in a welfare home, she mostly wants to go back to see her former dean and friends, but it's too late to inquire."

"Well, I'll step up the monitoring of the welfare home and let you know as soon as I hear from you." The kid said immediately.

"All right." Zhao Chengfeng thought about it and finally nodded. However, it doesn't matter if there's any fate in this life. Now Zhao Chengfeng doesn't want Tian xiner any more. He just hopes that women can live a safe life.

"If I can't wait for that day, you take good care of her, she is also a poor girl." Zhao Chengfeng said in a deep voice, but this sentence is too sad. The kid choked so much that he couldn't say it. He just couldn't help nodding.

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