At noon the next day, Zhao Chengfeng landed at the Hong Kong Island Airport. Nangong Ming was the one to pick him up!

"Damn, what are you dawdling about for? I'll wait for you before dawn, and you won't come until noon. You have to compensate me for the loss of youth. " Nangong Ming takes off Toad's glasses and gives Zhao Chengfeng a big bear hug.

The mouth scolds incessantly, but in the heart is actually very happy.

It is such a delight to have friends coming from afar.

"Get up before dawn, your kidney is not good, so it's drained by Liao Su?" Zhao Chengfeng joked.


Smell speech, South Temple clear dry cough two, low voice way: "you don't which pot don't open, mention which pot good?"? Brother, I'm mending my body recently. I don't know how much I've eaten. I can barely satisfy myself. Cough... "

"That's good. You don't have to go out and mess around. Now, if you don't have the physical capital, you can't do anything wrong." Hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng was very happy.

"Well, don't talk about it. Hurry up. I'm hungry." Nangong Ming quickly changes the topic, puts Zhao Chengfeng in the car and drives away.

"By the way, what are you doing on Hong Kong Island this time? I don't want to give up your new daughter-in-law? " As soon as he got on the bus, Nangong Ming began to gossip again. Nangong Ming's daughter-in-law naturally refers to Zheng Lingyan.

Zheng's group reshuffle, Zheng Lingyan control the overall situation, do not know what the situation is now, Zhao Chengfeng did not ask, Zheng Lingyan has never reported the situation.

Although they are married, they don't have any emotional foundation. It's embarrassing to make a phone call. Before, there were flowers and small treasure stared at and looked at in Hong Kong Island. There was a personal message. What's happening now is that little treasure is staying in mousse Island, and Zhao Chengfeng has no eye liner.

"Come and have a look. Look at you. I guess I'll disappear for a while. I just received the task two days ago and I'm going out. " Zhao Chengfeng still said that.

If Miao really can't find a way to solve the problem, and if he really wants to die, Zhao Chengfeng doesn't want everyone to know the news for the first time. As time goes by, one day his friends and relatives will have a buffer in their hearts, so they won't be too sad.

"Damn, eating imperial food is cattle! By the way, what kind of mission are you going to perform? Where are you going to perform it? Come and see you when you're free. " Nangong Ming didn't notice the difference, but said with a smile: "I really thank you, boy. Since you helped solve the problem of lookout North Building casino, my business is in a mess. Even the special envoy of Hong Kong Island has come to play twice. Now that we have made money, we still worry about how to spend it. "

"You're showing off." Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile, but when he saw that his brother had made money, he was also happy for him. "However, you should really pay attention to it. There are so many people who are crazy these days. Don't show off too much. My friend doesn't want to help you, but I'm afraid that sometimes I can't help you. Far water can't save near fire."

Zhao Chengfeng really reminds us that, after all, it's against the law and discipline to open a gambling house. It's OK to make a fortune by making a dull noise. It's hard to avoid making a big profit by making a big noise everywhere. If something goes wrong, it's troublesome.

It's not that the government can't control you these days. It's just that sometimes it doesn't want to.

"Don't worry, I know. I'm not just showing off in front of you? Anyway, I've never been in front of Chengkang. " Nangong Ming said: "that son of a bitch, every time he calls, he always says that he has no money. He is so poor that he has to be transported by Laozi. Do you think he is cheating his father?"

"Ha ha ha." Zhao Chengfeng laughed, this kind of thing really only Chengkang can do, too in line with his style.

"By the way, madman, amber is here, you know?" Nangong Ming suddenly asked.

"Of course I do."

"What is she doing here? Can you get back to me? " Nangong Ming joked.

"In terms of shamelessness, I will convince you."

Hearing the speech, Zhao Chengfeng gives Nangong Ming a thumbs up and scolds: "you don't pee and look at yourself in the mirror. Apart from Liao Susu, who can look up to you

"Shit! I don't think it's so bad to take such a person to bury people. " Nangong's old face is red, and I know that I am a bit too big.

At the beginning, he almost didn't commit suicide to pursue anbai, but others didn't feel him at all. All his thoughts were on Zhao Chengfeng, and he didn't have the time to look at himself.

"I've taken over elong entertainment company, and now it's up to anbai to take care of it. So, I'm afraid she will stay on Hong Kong Island for a long time in the future. You need to help take care of it. Pang Hu and Hua Xiaobao are out on duty now. It's estimated that they will come back after a while." Zhao Chengfeng takes this opportunity to remind Nangong Ming that friends should take care of each other.

Anbai does have a good background, but when he goes out, he needs friends to help each other.

"Damn, you robbed elong entertainment?" On hearing this, Nangong Ming was so surprised that he almost lost his grip on the steering wheel, because Nangong Ming knew too much about the background of elong entertainment company.

To put it bluntly, that is the underworld! Bleached underworld, but in essence they are still underworld.

"It's not a snatch, it's a take." Zhao Chengfeng looks indifferent and doesn't think it's great. In Zhao Chengfeng's eyes, Qiang Long and his subordinates are rubbish, just like ants. They can stab him with a finger!

"It's still you

Nangong mingchong gives Zhao Chengfeng a thumbs up. When he thinks about it carefully, he thinks it's normal. He has done so many great things that even Zheng's group can control. What's more, an entertainment company?

underworld? He's the killer of the underworld.

"When I first came to Hong Kong Island, I thought I wanted to become a shareholder in elong entertainment company by virtue of my reputation, but people didn't buy it at all. The boss didn't even show his face. I was so angry that I finally started the casino by hand. You're taking it out for me. I'll treat you to a bullwhip for a while. We'll have one for each of us. It's fair and reasonable! " Nangong Ming said with a smile.


Zhao Chengfeng quickly stopped and said, "I'm in good health. You'd better eat by yourself. It's the right way to serve your daughter-in-law well at night. I don't care."


Hearing this, Nangong Ming turned his lips and said, "you're serious. It's just a casual remark. Do you think I really want to share it with you?"

"..." Zhao Chengfeng had no choice but to smile bitterly. He was shaken by the boy again.

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