
Zheng Lingyan's voice fell, and everyone's face changed. They all looked at Zheng Lingyan with new eyes. This woman is not simple, she is not a vase! The wrist is so flexible!

In the face of Wang Xu's query, he is neither humble nor arrogant. His backhand is a sword, which makes Wang Xu speechless; This is not the end. After choking Wang Xu, he pulled out the deputy general manager and indirectly let Chen Ming choose to stand in line.

Chen Ming has only two ways to go. First, he follows Wang Benming and his son, which obviously gives Zheng Lingyan the leeway to make use of the trouble. Zheng Lingyan can easily win the latter;

Finally, Chen Ming can only follow the circle drawn by Zheng Lingyan, and this walk is sold. Zheng Lingyan said, "just follow general manager Chen's words", and then he drew Chen Ming to the opposite of Wang Benming and made Zheng Lingyan's sword.

Perhaps, this is not Chen Ming's original intention. We can only say that this move is too clever.

"Oh, you're going to fine me, aren't you?" However, just as the overall situation had been decided, a little old man appeared at the door of the conference room. He was about sixty years old. Although he was not tall and thin, he was very energetic.

As soon as the little old man appeared, many people said hello one after another.

"Mr. Wang is good."

"Hello, Mr. Wang!"

"Dad, you're here." Wang Xu stood up directly, and her heart was not so flustered. Her father came over in person. Could Zheng Lingyan turn over the waves?

Yes, it's Wang Benming! He is also a senior member of Zheng's group. He has a great reputation!

"Chairman Zheng, do you want to deduct my salary?" However, Wang Benming did not pay attention to the public, even did not look at his son, a pair of sharp eyes staring at Zheng Lingyan, quite threatening.

Zheng Lingyan was not flustered. She looked at him calmly and said: "Mr. Wang, your time is not so accurate. Is your ear not working well? It's not that I want to deduct your salary just now, it's the company's regulation. Is Mr. Wang an exception in the Zheng group? "

"Ha ha, Mr. Zheng is so smart." Wang Benming was slightly stunned, and immediately said with a faint smile. Although he had a smile on his face, Wang Benming's mind to kill Zheng Lingyan at this moment was all there.

Smelly Girl movie, when I was fighting with your grandfather, you didn't know where to feed. It's too shameful to dare to talk to me like this. It's arrogant!

"Mr. Zheng, who can be faultless? Who hasn't been careless?" Wang Xu then said: "besides, general manager Wang is a senior manager of the company. He has a lot of business to deal with every day. Let alone being late for the meeting, even if he is absent, it is excusable."

With that, Wang Xu lit up a cigarette again, banging his legs and shaking it, with a smile on his face.

In fact, Wang Xu and his son have long wanted to hold this board of directors, just to find some discomfort for Zheng Lingyan, break her majesty bit by bit, and make her have no face to stay in the company. In this way, isn't Zheng's group his own father and son?

To put it bluntly, today's Wang Benming was deliberately late, just to find an excuse to get angry. And all the steps were designed by father and son. Is to enrage Zheng Lingyan, is to put Zheng Lingyan in the opposite of all high-level!

"What Minister Wang said is true. It's human nature that makes no mistakes." Zheng Lingyan was not angry either, instead, she laughed faintly, her brow bent into a beautiful crescent, and continued: "it's just that there is a cost in making mistakes. According to the information I have learned, the construction industry and import and export trade, which general manager Wang is mainly responsible for, have their performance fallen instead of rising for more than a month. Is this the result of general manager Wang's business talk?"

Wang Xu was dumb and didn't know how to deal with it.

"Is Zheng always doubting my ability to work?" Jiang is still old and spicy. Wang Benming asked directly, his eyebrows beating slightly, which showed that Wang Benming was very upset at the moment.

What a girl movie. It's worthy of being the descendant of Zheng Shanhe. He's really smart and quick thinking!

"No, no, No

Zheng Lingyan shook her head and said, "I'm just a little curious. When my grandfather was here, he told me many times how Wang Benming, the general manager of the company, was able to operate capital skillfully. It is precisely because of Wang that the company has today's position. "

"Well, I wish you knew." Smell speech, Wang Benming's complexion this just a few good-looking, accepted Zheng Lingyan's praise with ease.

However, Zheng Lingyan changed the subject and said, "however, now it seems that Wang is not old. Why does the company lose money this month? General manager Wang, didn't you just come back from business talks? Can you explain it to us? "

"Business, if you make money, you will lose money. It's no big deal." Wang Benming is not flustered, light way: "the market changes, peer competition, these problems are too complex, for a while and a half to say clearly."

"Complex? Let's talk about it slowly. The content of today's meeting is actually very simple, that is, the chairman of the board of directors of the board of directors of the board of directors of the board of directors of the board of directors of the board of directors of the board of directors of the board of directors of the board of directors of the board of directors of the board of directors of the board of directors of the board of directors of the board of directors of the board of directors of the board of Zheng Lingyan looks open-minded to ask for advice.

Wang Benming's mouth jerked, and the anger at the bottom of his heart came up again.

"Come on, let's applaud. Let's welcome general manager Wang to give us a job introduction." With that, Zheng Lingyan took the lead in clapping, and deafening applause broke out in the whole conference room.

That's right. Zheng Lingyan wants to roast Wang Benming. Aren't you very good at it? You say, you give us an account.

"Cough, then I'll simply say I'm scared to tell you about it, this..." Wang Benming was angry in his heart.

Thousands of calculations and thousands of calculations. It's missing that Zheng Lingyan will do this. Isn't it a shame for her to make a fool of herself in public? Even if today's job introduction is perfect, people will still think that they have to listen to Zheng Lingyan, which is a blow to authority.

After all, a company manager is in control of power. If authority is threatened, it's not far from the end of class!

"Well, general manager Wang, that's not right." Zheng Lingyan interrupted: "whether we can get the bonus depends on you. How can you make a brief introduction? It must be detailed. It must be more detailed. Come on, clap! "

The applause rang again, but Wang Benming's face became more and more ugly.

"Bitch, when I get Zheng's group, I must kneel in front of myself!" Wang Benming swore secretly that he hated the woman in front of him. It was too cunning.

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