"Son of a bitch!" Wang Xu also scolded in the heart.

Wang Xu never dreamed that Zheng Lingyan, a woman, was so difficult to deal with! In a few words, he disrupted all the plans of the father and son, but he was embarrassed.

Isn't it a shame that the 60-70-year-old veteran of the company makes a report like a grandson?

"Since Mr. Zheng strongly demands, I'll tell you something about the company's changes in the past month." Wang Benming was unwilling, but he had to. He also retorted, saying that he was an old bone. In fact, he was a crusade against Zheng Lingyan, saying that Zheng Lingyan did not respect himself.

However, Zheng Lingyan didn't hear it. She opened her notebook and made a serious record. She almost didn't make Wang Benming angry. Zheng Lingyan is taking the minutes of the meeting. Naturally, other people dare not neglect him. They pick up the paper and draw circles one after another. They don't know who they are cursing in their hearts.

"First of all, I regret the misfortune of the old chairman. It's the old chairman who painstakingly founded the Zheng group. It's all hard won. I hope you can cherish it and continue to shine for the company."

Wang Benming was silent for a long time and finally spoke.

"Over the past month, due to the impact of the world financial turmoil, the shares of Zheng's group have dropped by five points. As the general manager of the company, I am responsible for that." Speaking of this, Wang Benming took a deep look at Zheng Lingyan and said that I, the general manager, can't be blamed. Don't you, the chairman, have no responsibility?

However, Zheng Lingyan still didn't open her mouth, and her attention was all on her notebook. She drew very carefully. When Wang Benming saw this posture, he choked his blood on his chest, not to mention how uncomfortable it was.

"The import and export trade is very complicated. Because of the fierce competition in the same trade, we have lost many customers. At present, I am in the process of negotiation and it will be solved soon. Please rest assured." Wang Benming's words are vague, and he can't be too careful.

What kind of bullshit customer loss? To put it bluntly, it's all Wang Benming's secret trick. He colludes with his customers to set up Zheng's group.

"As for the real estate industry, I believe everyone can see that because the government wants to restrict the real estate speculation group, it has issued a policy to restrict the purchase. Our house has been built, but it can't be sold. Although there is no price limit, few people buy it. It's embarrassing, isn't it?" Wang Benming spread his hands and looked helpless.

"It's really embarrassing."

Zheng Lingyan took over the conversation and said with a smile: "I happen to have a report of the mainland branch in my hand. This report comes from Beihai City in China. Beihai city is a restricted city. The report claims that the company opened on the 1st of this month, with a total of 530 houses. In two days, 489 houses were sold. That's embarrassing. What about the money?"

Hearing the speech, Wang Benming and Wang Xu's father and son suddenly changed their faces, which was very ugly.

"Minister Wang, you are in charge of the construction department. Do you mean there is something wrong with the report I got?" With that, Zheng Lingyan gave the secretary a wink, and the Secretary quickly distributed the information.

As soon as Wang Benming looked at the official seal on the materials, his face turned white again. Smelly girl was so cruel. She had such fine materials in her hand, but she didn't take them out before the meeting. She made it clear that she wanted to beat her father and son by surprise.

Brilliant, so damn brilliant!

"Minister Wang, general manager Wang has explained it. Don't you plan to explain it to our board of directors?" Zheng Lingyan's fingers beat the table rhythmically, her eyes suddenly sharp a lot, staring at the opposite Wang Xu!

Hum, I can't help myself. Can't I deal with you?

Zheng Lingyan is very clear that as long as Wang Xu is cleaned up, other senior managers of the company will naturally be able to see the situation clearly. At least they don't dare to build themselves up. This is a great opportunity for Liwei!

It is true that Zheng Lingyan has suffered a lot in the past month, and has been criticized by many people. But it is this moment that Zheng Lingyan is willing to bear hardships! If you don't make a move, it will be thunder!

"This... That..." Wang Xu hesitated for a long time, but he didn't know how to respond.

Wang Xu didn't do that. Wang Xu thinks that the following layout is very good, but Zheng Lingyan finds the loophole and gets some marketing materials in his hand.

Although not all the information, but it is enough fatal!

"Oh, yes." Seeing that Wang Xu didn't speak, Zheng Lingyan slapped her head and took a piece of information from the director of the finance department. She said, "on the 15th of this month, you took 10 million yuan from the finance department by using the signature of general manager Wang. There is no expenditure explanation. Why don't you explain to us again, Minister Wang? What are you doing with the money?"

"Cough, I know the money, let me explain..." Wang Benming saw that his son was silly, and he was ready to come out to make ends meet.

It's very easy to explain how to take millions and tens of millions in the company's accounts. You can explain it from any reason.

"How about general manager Wang explaining this marketing form by the way?" Zheng Lingyan interrupts with a smile, and the beautiful pupil shoots a cold light.

Explain? Do I need your explanation? No, just want to take this opportunity to cut off your right arm!

"This..." Wang Benming can't say it all of a sudden. There's no way to explain it. He can't explain it himself.


Seeing that Wang Benming was much more honest at once, Zheng Lingyan gave a cold hum, looked at Wang Xu again and asked, "why, Minister Wang, the explanation is not clear, is it?"

Wang Xu's face was as white as paper. He didn't know what to say.

"Manager Chen, how to deal with the situation like Minister Wang? Is it corruption? Is it a lie about military intelligence? " Wang Xu does not speak, Zheng Lingyan again handed the sword to Chen Ming.

Chen Ming's face is much worse than Wang Xu's when she hears this. It's over. She's been dragged by Zheng Lingyan into her boat. She's so smart. She just finished a move to push the boat along the river, and now she's coming again to cut off Wang Xu's back!

It's no exaggeration to send Wang Xu to the Bureau. This is illegal operation and corruption!

"This, this..." Chen Ming hemmed and hawed for a long time, but did not say why.


Zheng Lingyan's teacup knocked heavily on the table, which made Chen Ming burst into a cold sweat.

"Deputy manager Chen, you don't even know the company's rules and regulations. It seems that you, the head of the administration department, and the deputy general manager of the company have achieved the goal, haven't you?" Zheng Lingyan's eyes are full of aggression.

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