
Chen Ming was surprised when he heard that Dou Da's beads of sweat slipped down from his forehead. It's not only Chen Ming who is shocked, but everyone knows the horror of Zheng Lingyan at this moment!

If Chen Ming can't answer today, Zheng Lingyan will directly attack Chen Ming! You know, on weekdays, Chen Ming and Wang Benming's father and son have a very good relationship, and they are in the same camp.

To some extent, Chen Ming is more important than Wang Xu!

"That, I, I suddenly remember." Chen Ming took a look at Wang Benming and said, "Minister Wang Xu has committed corruption. He should be removed from his post and sent to the Public Security Bureau for handling by the court."

"Well, send it to the public security department. We must recover the company's money, confiscate the houses and cars allocated by the company, and recover them within a limited time." Zheng Lingyan makes a decision directly, this kind of thing does not need to vote.

Wang Xu's face was gray when he heard the speech. Wang Benming's face was hard to see. He clenched his fist and wanted to kill Zheng Lingyan with one fist. The girl was too cruel.

"Cruel, you are cruel!" Wang Benming secretly said that he had an extremely vicious idea in his heart.

It's time to take this step.

"Xiao He, go to the office next door and inform the police to come and take the people away." Zheng Lingyan doesn't care what people think or what they look like. She orders directly.

At this moment, everyone understood that the reason why Zheng Lingyan lowered her posture just now was to play the trick of playing pig and eating tiger. Although she was referred to as a little girl, she had already controlled the whole situation secretly!

What can you do? She has absolute voice in the company, in the Zheng group, she has the supreme power!

"Yes Xiao He answered and quickly asked the public security comrades for help. He was very happy and admired his master.

It's so powerful. Twenty minutes ago, Wang Xu was so arrogant that he was lawless, but now? Like frost eggplant, fart can't come out, how embarrassed, how embarrassed, like a lost dog!

"Dong Dong!"

After dealing with these things, Zheng Lingyan knocked on the table again and said with heartache: "it's the misfortune of Zheng's group that such a thing happened to the company and such a scum came out. I hope you can take a warning!"

They nodded and expressed their loyalty.

But Wang Benming didn't say a word. He just felt that his blood pressure had gone up a lot. Especially when he said "scum", paralyzed, his son is scum, so he became an old scum? This girl's ability of pointing fingers at mulberry and cursing locust is really good!

"OK, let's continue to listen to general manager Wang's summary and report, and see if we can hear something more embarrassing." As soon as the words change, Zheng Lingyan pulls the topic to Wang Benming again.

As soon as Wang Benming heard this, he felt as if there were ten thousand grass and mud horses galloping by. How can he conclude that he should hold back his grievances? Waiting to be slapped in the face?

"I..." Wang Benming thought again and again, decided to say two more words, scattered people must be re United.

"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I suddenly think of something. Mr. Wang, I'll interrupt. Would you mind?" However, Wang Benming just opened his mouth, Zheng Lingyan suddenly interrupted the latter.

Wang Benming's face is white and red, red and green. How ugly it is. Paralyzed, do you mind if it works? I just sent my son to the Bureau, and now I come to hit Lao Tzu in the face. Do you know him? It's definitely intentional.

"No matter, Mr. Zheng has something to say." But for the sake of face, Wang Benming had to be very generous.

Zheng Lingyan was more charming and said with a smile: "I knew that Wang would never have the same understanding with a little girl like me. Thank you, Uncle Wang."

Wang Benming's mouth jerked, and his smile was worse than his cry. Your uncle really treats me as his uncle. Before dealing with my son, can you tell me something about it?

Paralyzed, is really the most vicious woman, too cruel!

"Mr. Wang, in fact, what I just wanted to say is that minister Wang Xu is your son. He has committed a crime. Do you want to avoid suspicion when you are so dignified? Why don't you stop what the company is doing? " Zheng Lingyan's attitude changed. Although it was a tone of discussion, there was no doubt about her attitude.

At this time, if Zheng Lingyan doesn't strike while the iron is hot, he will be a complete fool.


As soon as Wang Benming heard this, the whole person was immediately excited, and his eyes were staring like a bell. At this moment, Wang Benming finally knew what Zheng Lingyan was going to do, and everyone at the scene knew Zheng Lingyan's intention.

Unfortunately, the ending can't be changed.

Cut power!

"Mr. Wang, don't worry. After Wang Xu's investigation is clear, it will be proved that his actions have nothing to do with you. At that time, power will return to you." Zheng Lingyan continued: "you are the company's great hero, how can we leave you?"

"Fuck you!"

Wang Benming cursed in his heart. Suddenly, he felt an impulse to jump off the building. Today's meeting is a grand banquet, which is a game in the middle. Wang Benming and his son's villains tried their best to defeat Zheng Lingyan. Unfortunately, they finally fell into Zheng Lingyan's trap.

My son Wang Xugang has just been arrested, but my father Wang Benming has fallen into a trap again, and he can't even pick out the jump. Liu Bei borrowed Jingzhou, but he never paid it back. How could Zheng Lingyan return the right to himself?

From today on, I'm afraid that Wang Benming may have the name of general manager.

"It should be. As the general manager of the company, I should set an example." Wang Benming gritted his teeth and said that even if he was unwilling, he could only accept his fate.

"Uncle Wang really knows the truth. I admire him!" Zheng Lingyan a face of worship, eyebrows bent into a crescent moon, "you can all see ah, Uncle Wang righteous extermination, righteous, right and wrong, you have to learn ah."

People repeatedly nodded yes, no longer dare to underestimate Zheng Lingyan.

"Fuck your mother!"

When Wang Benming heard this, he was almost angry to death. The smelly girl was too vicious and her words were too bad. Wang Benming only felt the burning pain of her old face.

punish one 's own relations in the cause of justice? This is not to take off the son's job on their own head?

"Zheng Lingyan, you wait for me. If I don't kill you, I'll write it upside down." Wang Benming's intention of killing became more and more intense.

"Well, today's meeting is over. Uncle Wang is not feeling well and his face is white. Let's hold the board meeting again next time. It's over!" Zheng Lingyan once again way, finish saying, toe high gas high out of the conference room door.

As soon as Wang Benming heard this, there was a buzz in his head, and his high blood pressure broke out again.

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