"Lao Wang, in the face of my old friend, I'll tell you, but don't make it public." There was a low male voice on the other end of the phone, "the special envoy has said hello, saying that no one can see or even sue without his approval!"

"What? Special envoy, have you asked? " Hearing the speech, Wang Benming's face turned pale.

The other end of the phone said, "isn't it? But for the special envoy, can't I help you? Come on, Lao Wang, just drop it like this. You'd better take care of yourself. I really can't help you with this matter. "

Finish saying, the other side straight put down a bit ha, superfluous a word all have no.

"Damn it

Looking at the phone being hung up, Wang Benming roared. It's really cool for people to leave. Haven't they left yet? On weekdays, those brotherly friends are as dead as dead, and none of them can be seen.

Society, too realistic.

"It must be Zheng Lingyan, that damned girl, who has been playing the devil. In Hong Kong Island, the relationship between the Zheng family and the government has always been very good." Wang Benming suddenly thought of a thing, in the heart of Zheng Lingyan hate and rich a bit.

Wang Benming thought that it was a very simple thing to take out his son. As long as he filled in the hole, it was no big deal. It was easy to make a comeback. It was not without a chance to take over the Zheng group.

But Wang Benming never expected that Zheng Lingyan was so thoughtful that she took three steps at a time. She seemed to have expected that she was going to get someone. She even said hello to the special envoy of Hong Kong Island in advance.

Well, it's good. I can't get my son out. I can't even see his face.

"Smelly girl, you wait for me." Wang Benming scolded, but he also understood the intention of Zheng Lingyan's move. To put it bluntly, he trapped himself with his son, forced himself to hand over the power of the company, and even forced himself to resign voluntarily. This move is not so clever.

"Didi... Didi..."

However, just at this time, a strange phone call came in. Wang Benming looked down and said, "Hey, how are things going?"

"Good, good." Hearing the voice from the other end of the phone, Wang Benming laughed even more happily and said, "you shut her up in the warehouse No. 13 of the wharf. I'll come here right away and make sure to watch this girl for me."

"Don't worry, you'll benefit. It's well done. I'll give you a million more rewards!" Finish saying, Wang Benming put down the phone, before all the haze are swept away.

Because just now Wang Benming got a news - Zheng Lingyan has been caught!

"It's really this world newspaper. Is it in my hands so soon? Ha ha ha Wang Benming laughed a few times and turned to go out. However, he just went out of the door and came back. He opened the drawer and took two aphrodisiacs from it. Now that he is old, Wang Benming can only rely on drugs to maintain his masculinity?

That Zheng Lingyan is extremely sexy, how can Wang Benming miss it?


"Let me go, who are you? Why kidnap me? " In the warehouse No. 13 of the wharf, Zheng Lingyan was tied to a chair, struggling with some confusion and regret.

Zheng Lingyan is not a fool. If you think about it carefully, you will know who attacked her. Moreover, she is now the richest person on Hong Kong Island. Isn't it normal for a robber to attack her?

The mistake is that I didn't take a few bodyguards with me when I went out. It was careless.

"Little girl, don't waste your efforts. You can't escape." One of them, scar face, said with a bad smile. His obscene eyes swept around Zheng Lingyan, itching in his heart.

For beautiful women, few people are indifferent.

"Come on, how much do you want to let me go?" Zheng Lingyan clenched her teeth and gave up. Now the most important thing is to get out of life. Only by saving one's life can we have the possibility of turning over.

"We can't let you go."

Scar face shook his head, said with a smile: "the employer said, said nothing can let you go."

"Employers? Who is going to kill me? You tell me that I can give you a lot of money, twice as much as the employer. How about that? " Zheng Lingyan was shocked, and a person appeared in her mind - Wang Benming!

There are not many enemies of Zheng Lingyan on Hong Kong Island. Wang Benming is the first to bear the brunt. Wang Benming has been in Hong Kong Island for many years, so it is not difficult to find a few bandits.

"Girl, although your words are very exciting, no matter how exciting they are, they are not as exciting as your people." Scar face tut tut said with a smile: "why don't you follow me and accompany me well? Maybe I'll let you go as soon as I'm happy."

With that, scar face rubbed his hands and went to Zheng Lingyan. Scar face is not a fool. The employer just said, don't let her run away and save her life. In this way, won't you be happy? As long as she's alive anyway.

"You, you are shameless!"

Smell speech, Zheng Lingyan angry shiver, curse repeatedly, but in the heart once again fear, fear up, as if before was drugged that scene once again.

Zheng Lingyan doesn't want to do the same harm again.

"Shameless is right. We are bandits and hooligans, aren't we shameless? Ha ha ha... "Scar face not only did not get angry, but also laughed more wildly.

"Bang Bang... Bang Bang..."

At this time, the rolling shutter door of the warehouse rings rhythmically. When you open it, won't the employer come?

"Wang Benming, you bastard indeed!" Zheng Lingyan recognized Wang Benming, hate teeth itch, but helpless.

Zheng Lingyan knew that Wang Benming would not give up and he would retaliate. However, the government did not expect that Wang Benming's retaliation would come so quickly, just like a tornado. It took less than three hours!

How fast!

"Asshole? Hum Wang Benming was not angry at the moment. He said with a smile, "I will do more jerky things with you in a moment. You can wait to be abused, smelly girl!"

"Mr. Wang, it seems that this woman is very important to you. She came here so soon." Scar face said with a smile, but he was not happy and paralyzed in his heart. I didn't even touch him, but he came. Isn't he trying to stir up his anger?

"Do business with money. Don't ask what you shouldn't ask."

Wang Benming took out a bank card and handed it to him. He said coldly, "there are three million in it. You can check it. The code is six eight. If there is no problem, I will take the person away."

"Boss Wang, you are so cheerful!" Scar face took the bank card and let the younger brother on one side check the account.

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