"Wang Benming, you despicable villain, you son of a bitch!" Zheng Lingyan scolded, annoyed and remorseful.

To his chagrin, Wang Benming went out of his way to find someone to kidnap him; I blame myself for being too careless. Because of their own carelessness, they gave these thieves a chance to take advantage of it!

However, there is no regret medicine in this world.

"Son of a bitch? Ha ha, I'm originally Wang. Although the name you gave me is not very good, I don't mind, because you haven't really realized what a bastard is Wang Benming is not angry at all now, but he has a feeling of revenge in his heart.

Looking at the prey jumping in his palm, but helpless, Wang Benming laughed more and more happily.


Zheng Lingyan was very angry and white. She hummed coldly, "Wang Benming, I advise you to let me go, or you will bear the consequences!"

"Yo Yo, the little girl is very funny." One side of the scar face smell speech show a touch of mockery smile, "he is all the fish on the chopping board, also dare to talk, you may not understand the reality in front of you."

"Ha ha, I really want to ask, what's the great consequence?" Wang Benming asked faintly, but he had already begun to figure out how to clean up the smelly girl.

The pills I took just before I went out, now I have some reactions. I have to hurry up to do the "right" thing, otherwise I will take them for nothing.


Zheng Lingyan sneered: "Wang Benming, have you forgotten your son Wang Xu? I think you've been active, but have you seen anyone? "

"This..." smell speech, Wang Benming complexion suddenly a stiff, in the heart some hesitation.

The special envoy himself has said hello to the case, will seriously investigate and handle, can not tolerate any mistakes, even favor Zheng Lingyan, and over the years, Wang Xu has done a lot of illegal things, Wang Benming knows, really want to carefully investigate, absolutely no benefit to himself.

The most important thing is that Wang Benming has a little money, but this money can't be used at all. People don't pay for it. Zheng Lingyan is cleaned up here, but her son is punished there, which is obviously a situation of losing both sides.

Moreover, if Zheng Lingyan is in a hurry, then Zheng's group may have nothing to do with itself. It is true that Wang Benming has a high reputation in the company, but Zheng Lingyan is the only owner of Zheng's group!

You can't lose the big for the small!

"Well, now that we've all said that, I'm not going to let it go. Let's have some fun." Wang Benming thought a little, and he had an idea in his heart, "Mr. Zheng, I have two requirements. First, let my son go; Second, give me 51% of the company's shares. As long as you promise, I'll let you go back immediately and never break your promise! "

"Wang Benming, don't you think you are going too far? There are two conditions for me to open my mouth. Don't I have no cards? " Zheng Lingyan sneer once again, the tension in the heart suddenly dissipated a lot.

His current situation is indeed not good, but fortunately, Wang Benming is also afraid, or that Wang Benming is a thief. He is also greedy and greedy for Zheng's group.

That's a lucky thing.

"There's no way. Who let you fall into my hands? You have to agree to these two demands anyway. " Wang Benming's attitude was tough, and then he said with a smile: "Zheng Lingyan, you have to be clear, now you are a prisoner, your life is much more expensive than our father and son, which is more important, you can't tell?"

"What if I don't?" Zheng Lingyan also does not let, although in the face of a group of animals as miscellaneous, but Zheng Lingyan is not particularly afraid.

People always have to have some bottom line. Zheng Lingyan's bottom line is that he can't give his grandfather to his company! No matter who it is, we can't take Zheng group!

"If you don't? Ha ha, you will certainly agree. " Wang Benming grinned more and more, looked back at the scar face and others, and continued: "Mr. Zheng, you are white, tender and beautiful. How can you compare with us old men? I can tell you that these people I'm looking for have never seen a beautiful girl. If you don't cooperate, they hurt you, then I'm not responsible."

With that, the lewd smile on Wang Benming's face became more and more obvious.

"You, you are shameless!" Smell speech, Zheng Lingyan angry shiver, how don't understand the meaning of Wang Benming words.

"I'm not a gentleman, and I don't care if I'm shameless." Wang Benming is not angry, still skin smile meat not smile way: "I just a word, two conditions you agree or not?"

"I won't let you succeed even if I die!"

Zheng Lingyan is biting her teeth, with a resolute face! Cheap, no one can be cheap, these bastards!

"Boss Wang, this little girl is not very obedient. Why don't we help you to teach her how to behave? Especially how to be a woman. " Scar face bad smile, greedy eyes undisguised fell on Zheng Lingyan graceful body.

Scar face is used to licking blood at the edge of a knife. He is used to fighting, killing and tossing. He has made bad money these years, and most of it has been spent on women. Frankly speaking, after playing with so many women, none of them is as beautiful and sexy as Zheng Lingyan!

When he kidnapped Zheng Lingyan before, if it wasn't for the three million yuan reward, scar face would have to tear up the ticket directly. He would have done it first. First, it depends on the face of money. Second, Wang Benming came too soon to give scar face time.

"I'm sure I don't object, but if I want to be the first one to eat crabs, don't you have any opinions?" Wang Benming laughed, but he was not happy with scar face.

Paralyzed, you also accept the money, now also want to eat, too cheap you boy?

"That's it, that's it, boss Wang. After you." Scar face said with a smile: "when you're full and have fun, just give our brother Liukou soup."

"Well, you wait. I'll go first." With that, Wang Benming threw the cigarette end and walked to Zheng Lingyan. The closer he went, the clearer he could see.

To the front of a look, Wang Benming just think Zheng Lingyan is not generally beautiful, with the national color Tianxiang to describe is not too much.

"Mr. Zheng, this is your last chance. If you don't agree, I can only turn you into my woman, and then..." Wang Benming laughed, his body had obvious reaction, and the thief's hands could not help grabbing the woman's chest.

"Go away, rascal!" Zheng Lingyan screamed and cursed, "Wang Benming, you bastard, get out of here!"

"Go away? Ha ha, let's roll together, ha ha... "

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