"Wang Benming, I will not let you go even if Zheng Lingyan dies. You are the evil animal who hit five thunders that day!" Zheng Lingyan's pretty face was as white as paper. "Even if you get my body, you can't get my heart, and you don't want to get the property of the Zheng family. Get out of here!"


Wang Benming sneered and said, "I just want your body, but I don't want your heart at all. You think too much."

"You..." Zheng Lingyan's words were blocked in an instant, but she couldn't vent her anger.

At this moment, Zheng Lingyan was helpless and felt that heaven was unfair. It's true that God has given him a good background and a good IQ. Unfortunately, he has no social experience.

At today's meeting, Zheng Lingyan was very clever to repel Wang Benming and his son. Unfortunately, she forgot the truth that "if you fight a snake, you will never die, and there will be endless trouble in the future". Her revenge will come soon.

Death is nothing to be afraid of, but Zheng Lingyan doesn't want to be insulted by these scum!

"Want my body? Hum, you dream, you will only get a cold corpse Zheng Lingyan's eyes were frightfully cold, without any emotion.

"Hum, even if it's a corpse, I have to be strong a hundred times. I'm paralyzed. If I don't eat it hard or soft, I'll pay it back!" Wang Benming also lost patience, a face of ferocious.

"You... You beast, you have to die!" Zheng Lingyan completely despair, did not expect that they even their bodies are not let go, for a time Zheng Lingyan want to bite the tongue to commit suicide did not dare.

Because, Zheng Lingyan really did not expect that there are such scum in the world!

"That's right. Don't struggle. I'll serve you well. I'll make you want to die later. I..." seeing Zheng Lingyan's face turned white with fright, Wang Benming showed a licentious smile again and grabbed her hand again.


But at this time, the warehouse door suddenly collapsed, splashing with yellow dust.

"Who? Who dares to be... "Scar face is the closest. He sees the person coming. It's a young man.


However, as soon as scar face finished his sentence, the whole person flew out and hit the ground heavily, and the yellow dust rose again.

"Oh, shit!"

Scar face pain back are bent up, like bent shrimp.

"Son of a bitch, dare to beat me, brothers, let's go together and chop this bastard!" With a wave of scar face, more than ten people rushed up behind him, shouting and killing!

"Bang bang!"

However, this group of people rushed fast and returned faster. One by one, they fell to the ground like reflected shells. They couldn't get up for a long time. They could only hum and cry.

"Ah..." scar face was startled, but when he just came back, he had a knife on his neck, which was his brother's watermelon knife.

When the body of the knife was close to his neck, the heart of scar face suddenly raised to his throat. The young man's eyes told him that he really dares to kill! In other words, scar face has smelled blood from the young man in front of him.

"Zhao, Zhao Chengfeng, you're here..." Zheng Lingyan recognized the comer. When she first saw a man, her heart beat faster.

In the most desperate time, he appeared, long drought every rain! At this moment, Zhao Chengfeng came to Zheng Lingyan's heart like a God and saved himself.

"Don't be afraid. I'm in charge of everything." Zhao Chengfeng looks back at the woman, and her eyes fall on scar face.

catch me now!

Zhao Chengfeng has never looked down upon these people who make a living by robbing their families. But you have the ability to kidnap those people who are not benevolent to the rich. If it doesn't help, how can you take a knife to cut down the Chengguan. What is the ability to bully a weak woman?

"Say, do you want to die or live?" Zhao Chengfeng is not in a hurry to start, leaving scar face shivering and sweating.

"Hero, don't, don't kill me. I'm wrong. I'm wrong." Scar face repeatedly admit mistakes, afraid of Zhao Chengfeng hand shake, understand his life.

No one is afraid of death, scar face is no exception, although I know I will not have a good end, but on this road, I can never go back.

"You're wrong. I won't tell you. I'm too lazy to ask. I'll ask you whether you want to die or live." Zhao Chengfeng asked again.

"I want to live, of course." Scar face repeatedly way, heart said fool just want to die? Although Lao Tzu's "job" is a bit risky, it's high-risk and high-income. Didn't it just earn three million?

Three million yuan. You can sleep all the girls in the brothels on Hong Kong Island one by one.

"You know what's going on!"

Zhao Chengfeng nodded, pointed to Wang Benming, who was already scared and silly, and said, "here, go, tie him up for me."

"Well, look at me." Scar face a listen to this words, a bone Lu got up, big step meteor rushed to Wang Benming.

At this time, Wang Benming came back to himself and yelled, "scar, what are you doing? I'm your employer. Damn it, you don't recognize people with money, do you? Don't forget the morality of the river and the lake. Believe me or not... "


Scar face really couldn't listen any more. He raised his hand and took out a big mouth. He scolded, "what's the matter with you? Shit


What else did Wang Benming want to say? He was afraid of the scar in front of him. He was humiliated and tied up. Staring at Zhao Chengfeng in front of him, he felt regret.

As a matter of fact, Wang Benming knew Zhao Chengfeng. At the beginning, Zhao Chengfeng was a man who even Hua Xiaobao dared to beat him. However, he didn't see Zhao Chengfeng and Hua Xiaobao for some time. Wang Benming thought that Zhao Chengfeng might have nothing to do with Zheng Lingyan, so he came up with the idea of Zheng's group.

Unexpectedly, at such a critical time, Zhao Chengfeng appeared! As soon as he appeared, he disrupted all Wang's plans.

"Brother, I've done it. Look, what should I do next?" After binding Wang Benming, scar face ran to Zhao Chengfeng and asked for instructions.

"Gather your brothers first, and I'll tell you later." With that, Zhao Chengfeng goes to Zheng Lingyan and unties the rope on the woman.

Zheng Lingyan looked at the man in front of her, her eyes softened a lot, "thank you, you saved me again."

"If I don't save my own woman, am I still a man?" Zhao Chengfeng shook his head and asked.

Zheng Lingyan's face instantly ruddy a lot, deeply buried head, silent.

"Well, go outside and wait for me. I have something to do. I'll come out right away." Zhao Chengfeng patted the woman on the shoulder and sent her out of the warehouse.

"I have no other requirements. Everyone here should go up and explode his chrysanthemum, or you will all die." After waiting for Zheng Lingyan to leave, Zhao Chengfeng said: "you specially video, later I will check."

"Ah, this..." scar face was depressed.

Wang Benming, on the other side, had the heart to die when he heard this.

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