"I'm sorry I've been in contact. I've surprised you." Zhao Chengfeng out of the warehouse, see Zheng Lingyan next to waiting for himself, some guilt in the heart.

I haven't seen you for a long time, and the woman is much thinner, which is distressing.

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't think he is great. As a man, shouldn't he let his women live better? It's a pity that they let them suffer and even face danger. It's really damned!

"You are not sorry for me, I would like to thank you, but for you, I might..." thinking of the terrible consequences, Zheng Lingyan's heart suddenly tightened up.

There is hatred in my heart, but more helplessness. Zheng Lingyan is really dare not think, if there is no Zhao Chengfeng, how to do!

"Ah... You bastards... Ah... Oh..."

But at this time, Wang Benming's curse came out of the warehouse. It was a sad sound. Zheng Lingyan was startled and looked at Zhao Chengfeng suspiciously.

Just now Zhao Chengfeng let himself out, in fact, is to avoid. Although I don't know what criminal law Zhao Chengfeng used, it won't make Wang Benming feel better. It's just Wang Benming's voice. How can it be so awkward?

"Don't worry. I'll take care of it." Zhao Chengfeng smiles and looks calm.

Smell speech, Zheng Lingyan nodded, also no longer ask Wang Benming's matter, this is all his fault, let alone a little bit of small punishment, even if it is to kill him is not too much!

"By the way, how did you show up here, and how did you know I was trapped?" Zheng Lingyan suddenly thought of a problem.

The last time Zhao Chengfeng saved himself in London street, it was his grandfather who told the news. What about this time?

"I want to find you. Naturally, I have my own way." Zhao Chengfeng smile, and did not elaborate.

And for the sake of women not angry, Zhao Chengfeng can not say. When chuhua Xiaobao left Hong Kong Island, Zhao Chengfeng thought that no one would guarantee Zheng Lingyan's safety, and no one would help anbai deal with the trouble. So, let the kid monitor the mobile phones of Zheng Lingyan and anbai.

After having dinner with Nangong Ming, Zhao Chengfeng plans to go to find Zheng Lingyan. Unfortunately, after several phone calls in a row, there is no answer. Zhao Chengfeng feels strange and asks the kid for a location, so he finds out all the way. When Zhao Chengfeng found the wharf, he felt that something had happened.

Zheng Lingyan is a girl. Why do you come to the dock when you have nothing to do? Isn't that bullshit? In this way, Zhao Chengfeng rushed in and saved Zheng Lingyan at the most critical time.

"If you don't say it, I won't ask." Zheng Lingyan heart is not happy, light way: "however, I still want to thank you."

"You are really..." Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head, can't laugh or cry, this girl's temperament is really strong, quite can resist.

"What's the matter with me? Shouldn't I thank you for saving me? " Zheng Lingyan directly blocked Zhao Chengfeng's mouth, "don't say you are my man, yes, I admit that there is a relationship between you and me, but it was just an accident, in that accident, you saved me once, I thank you, you are my benefactor, that's all!"

With that, Zheng Lingyan embraces her jade arm and ignores Zhao Chengfeng.


Zhao Chengfeng sighed in his heart, but he didn't bother to explain too much. It's a good thing that she has no feelings for herself. If she dies a month later, she won't be too sad.

"Ah, you bastards, you are all animals... Ah... Oh..."

Inside the warehouse came the curse of Wang Benming, whose heart would be broken.

"Hey, what's the matter with Wang Benming? I won't kill people. I tell you, it's against the law to kill people. " Zheng Lingyan in the end kind-hearted, can not help but remind a sentence.

"When he dealt with you, he didn't remember that kidnapping people was against the law." Zhao Chengfeng light back to a, but the heart is not.


Joke, hasn't brother Feng ever killed anyone? If it wasn't for the fear of causing trouble to the top, Zhao Chengfeng would have killed all the bastards inside. What's the use of keeping the animals?

"..." Zheng Lingyan opened her mouth and wanted to say nothing.

Zheng Lingyan is not a good man. She won't let others bully her all her life.

After more than an hour, when it was almost dark, the scream inside finally stopped.

"You wait outside. I'll go inside and deal with things before we leave." Zhao Chengfeng says something to Zheng Lingyan, and then enters the warehouse again.

When they entered the warehouse, scar face and others had already put on their pants. As for Wang Benming, he was no longer like anyone. He was paralyzed on the ground like a frosted eggplant, listless, with a look of hate and shame.

But Wang Benming's trousers have not been put on yet, and there are a lot of messy things on the ground.

"Big brother, everything is done. Here, this is the video. Have a look." As soon as Zhao Chengfeng came in, scar face quickly handed over his mobile phone, and Yin Qing was like a grandson.

Zhao Chengfeng took the phone, opened the video scan for a few minutes, showing a satisfied smile.

"You've done a good job in this matter. OK, you can all go away. This mobile phone belongs to me." With that, Zhao Chengfeng turned around and left without saying a word to Wang Benming.

However, not speaking does not mean that Zhao Chengfeng does not clean up Wang Benming!

"Thank you, brother. Take your time." Smell speech, scar face such as smell fairy music, almost to Zhao Chengfeng kneel.

Before, Zhao Chengfeng's fighting power was too strong. It was just like a tiger going down the mountain, invincible. If he really wants to destroy himself, I'm afraid he's already thinking about how to reincarnate now.

"Let's go, let's clean up and hurry." After Zhao Chengfeng left, scar face called everyone to retreat immediately. He didn't want to come to this place.

Just now, Zhao Chengfeng's request is too, too embarrassing. Everyone's orientation is quite correct. It's not embarrassing to let men do that kind of thing with men? You can't do it without doing it. I feel sick when I do it.

Frankly speaking, when I just did that thing, I watched the video while doing it, otherwise I'm afraid I can't really do it.

"Now that the company's troubles have been solved, I think no one dares to trouble you after this matter. Next, Zheng's group will be completely handed over to you." On the bus, Zhao Chengfeng said to Zheng Lingyan, "I can save you once or twice, but I can't save you every time. So for your own safety, I will send two bodyguards to you."

"Thank you Zheng Lingyan didn't say much, but nodded faintly, and then said, "where are you going next? Do you want to visit the company? "

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