"No more."

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head and said, "I have other things to deal with, so I won't go to the company with you. What's more, this point has been off work, and I can't see anything when I go to the company. "

Zheng Lingyan's pretty face was slightly red, and she was a little embarrassed. She did say something that was not very smart.

"Just send me to elong entertainment. I'll meet a friend there." After a pause, Zhao Chengfeng said again.

Ambrose must meet one side, and this side is very likely to be the last time they meet!

"Elong entertainment has changed its name." Smell speech, Zheng Ling Yan tiny a Leng, immediately a way.

"Changed name? What's the name Zhao Chengfeng is a little curious, but anbai's action is very fast, so fast.

However, if you think about it carefully, Zhao Chengfeng thinks that it's perfectly normal. With an Bai's temperament, he will never use the name set by the strong dragon again. It's no surprise to change his name. It's just a little too fast.

"A single name is a wind word." Zheng Lingyan said: "it's said that the company has also changed its boss. It's said that it's a beautiful woman, but I haven't seen her yet. You can't go to see beautiful women. Although there are many beautiful women in that place, and there are many big stars coming in and out, I can tell you that ordinary people can't get into that place."

Zheng Lingyan was a little curious. How could Zhao Chengfeng have friends in the entertainment company? Why didn't she hear him talk about it in the past?

"Ha ha." Zhao Chengfeng noncommittal smile, the heart is a bitter smile.

It can be seen from the name of the company that anbai's love for himself is deep and shallow. If he changes to the past, Zhao Chengfeng will be very excited. It's absolutely a good thing that women have their own hearts. It proves that brother Feng is charming. But now, in order to make women not sad, Zhao Chengfeng would rather have no themselves in their hearts.

"Say it or not." Seeing Zhao Chengfeng's expression, Zheng Lingyan was a little angry. She hit the steering wheel and stepped on the accelerator. The car rushed out in an instant and soon arrived at the gate of "Feng" entertainment company.

Zheng Lingyan was still unhappy. As for why she was unhappy, Zheng Lingyan didn't understand. She just said, "OK, when we get to the place, let's get off."

In the past, Zhao Chengfeng will not leave easily. However, now he really has no heart to tease women. When he slowly gets off the car and closes the door, Zhao Chengfeng says, "if the company encounters any trouble in the future, you can go to the special envoy for help. It's really no good. You can go to wangbeilou and find a man named nangongming, No matter what kind of trouble, he won't refuse! "

"I see." Zheng Lingyan answered, stepped on the accelerator and went away.

"Well, you have to go your own way. I can't help you all your life." Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head and turns to the entertainment company building. Looking at the word "Feng", Zhao Chengfeng's heart suddenly shrinks.

Some love, this life don't want to end.

At noon, Zhao Chengfeng wanted anbai to come over for dinner, but he was afraid that Liao Susu would feel embarrassed, so he gave up. But as soon as the meal was delayed, it was evening.

"I don't know if anbai is here at this time. Let's go ahead." Zhao Chengfeng mumbled and walked over.

"Stop, no entry!"

However, when Zhao Chengfeng came to the door of the company, a fierce security guard came out of the guard room, holding an electric baton in his hand, and said coldly, "what's the matter? Who let you in? Don't you know where this is? It's a vegetable market. "

Zhao Chengfeng frowned. Although he was not happy, he said patiently, "I'm looking for my friend, can't I?"

"Your friend?" Smell speech, the corner of the mouth of the security guard raised a touch of sneer, cold hum way: "boy, are you kidding, you have a friend in it? Why don't I believe that? "

"Believe it or not, I'm here for my friend. If you're OK, get out of the way." Zhao Chengfeng looks a little cold again. He really doesn't understand why there are so many people in the world who look down on others.

Just because brother Feng is wearing ordinary clothes, can't he have some well-dressed friends? What logic!

"OK, since you're looking for someone, tell me who you're looking for. Do you have an appointment?" The sneer on the guard's face was even worse, and he shook his head subconsciously.

It's most troublesome to be on duty at the gate of an entertainment company. There are many strangers coming and going every day. Most of them are fans of some stars of the company. There is no one who pursues the stars at the gate of the company. It's estimated that the craziest fans in the world are Huaxia people.

"Do I need to make an appointment to find my wife?" Zhao Chengfeng is getting more and more upset, and he has a lesson in his heart. He plans to treat this kind of watchdog well.

It's easy to see the king of hell, but it's hard to deal with kids.

"Your wife works in our company? Ha ha ha, I'm so happy! "

When the security guard heard this, he immediately fell back and forth with laughter, as if he had heard the best joke in the world, and immediately said sarcastically, "brother, you should tell me, your wife is a floor sweeper or a cook in our company, but she can't be a toilet sweeper."

"You guessed right, not really." Zhao Chengfeng simply stood still, lit up a cigarette and chatted slowly. He wanted to see how many ugly words the little security guard didn't say.

"Ha ha, it's interesting." When the security guard heard this, he was happy and joked: "well, you tell me who your wife is. I have a good relationship with the company's logistics. If you want to tell me who your wife is, I'll let you in. It's really no good. I can invite her out."

"You really give yourself a face." Zhao Chengfeng's eyes narrowed, "but I'm afraid you can't invite my wife out."

"Oh, that's fine. I almost believed it." Smell speech, small security smile more rampant, heart said you pretend what big head garlic ah, draw or five yuan a pack of the world show, wife can be fierce where to go?

These days, how many women will be with people who smoke five yuan a pack? Bullshit! Save a lifetime of tobacco money, it is estimated that they can not buy luxury cars to please women.

"Believe it or not, it's true." Zhao Chengfeng is not worried, just said: "I advise you to believe it, because my wife you really can't come out."


The little security guard didn't agree with him and said, "well, what's your wife's name? Let's hear it. "

"Amber." Zhao Chengfeng light way.

"What? Ann, Mr. Ann

On hearing this, the little security guard excites himself, stares at Zhao Chengfeng, opens his mouth and says, "are you, your wife anbai?"

"That's right."

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