"I Pooh!"

The little security guard suddenly changed his face and scolded: "I really think bragging is not taxed, right? If you're the husband of miss anbai, then I'm XiMenqing of Yushulinfeng. Damn, I'm so stunned. "

It's not surprising that the little security guard has a bad eye on people. Anbai is a big star who is popular all over China. Now he has become the chairman of the entertainment company with the word "Feng". How can he take a fancy to this guy?

Dress casually, look not handsome, also a little bit more robust, smoking cigarettes or five yuan a pack of the world show, how many big stars will like him?


"Believe it or not, but I'm telling the truth." Zhao Chengfeng said solemnly, "of course, if you really don't believe it, I can't help it. Why don't you ask anbai?"

"I..." the little security guard was very embarrassed.

If you want to be able to talk to amber, do you still need to guard the gate in philosophy?

You know, there are a lot of stars in and out of entertainment companies every day. Because the fans are too crazy, most entertainment companies have a back door. When the fans are waiting outside, the big stars have quietly left through the back door.

As a big singer and also the boss of the company, anbai naturally doesn't show up outside every day. Let the little security guard confirm with anbai. Isn't that hard?

Don't say the little security guard can't speak. I'm afraid even the Minister of security can't see the real person of anbai.

"Forget it, I know you can't get in touch with anbai. I'd better call myself." Seeing that the little security guard is silent, Zhao Chengfeng finds out his mobile phone and dials anbai's phone slowly.

"Hello, I'm at the door of your company. The security guard of your company won't let me in. You'd better come out to meet me. Oh, that's it..."

One side of the small security watch Zhao Chengfeng call, heart sneer repeatedly, little son of a bitch, all this time, still continue to force, courage is commendable. Well, then wait and see how he can act like a bully.

"How's it going? Is the call over? " Seeing that Zhao Chengfeng hung up the phone, the little security guard came up again and laughed: "don't tell me that miss anbai ignored you. It's so boring. You have so much face. How can miss anbai not come out to meet you in person?"

Zhao Chengfeng gave the latter a white look and ignored it. Still standing on one side and smoking quietly, Zhao Chengfeng doesn't want to play the trick of pretending to be forced to hit the face. Playing these little tricks with a little security guard doesn't have any sense of achievement.

It's just that small security guards are really annoying, especially the feature of judging people by their appearance.

Just like the boss of a certain treasure, he doesn't really look very good. But people have money. Just because the boss of a certain treasure has money, many people flock to him and flatter him.

But if you change to be another ordinary person who doesn't look very good, will someone come forward to take care of you? In the final analysis, people's values have changed. In other words, there is no quality and no morality. It can't be said that there is something wrong with blindly "looking at money and making money", but we can't do everything for money. A person's minimum moral quality is necessary.

"Why don't you talk to anyone? I can handle you. " Seeing that Zhao Chengfeng didn't say a word, the little security guard was full of sarcastic words and had no place to vent, so he pushed Zhao Chengfeng and said coldly, "get out of the way. Don't stand in the way. Your image has lowered the face of our company."

"I advise you not to move your hands and feet, let alone speak rudely." Zhao Chengfeng white the latter one eye, standing in situ did not move a cent. Brother Feng does not speak, does not mean that Zhao Chengfeng is afraid.

Whether you look down upon it or have a habit of talking, you don't care about it. But if you want to do something, brother Feng won't agree.

"Oh, you've grown up?"

The little security guard was white for a moment, and he was even more upset. He drew the baton in his hand twice, pointed to Zhao Cheng and said, "boy, you can talk nonsense again. Do you believe me..."

"It's a trend!"

However, before the little security guard finished his sentence, there was a "daddada" sound of high heels coming from the company behind him. Looking back, my day was not the company's president anbai, the big star anbai?

Looking at the direction of anbai's running, it's Zhao Chengfeng's side. The electric stick in the little security guard's hand is put down awkwardly, and the instant smile is uglier than crying.

"You're going to kill me? Well, come on, I'll see if you get one first. " Zhao Chengfeng was not in a hurry to talk to anbai. He looked back at the little security guard and said, "come on, if you don't kill me today, you are not a man."

"Ha ha, this..." the little security guard was very embarrassed, "big brother, I'm wrong..."

"What's the matter?" Anbai is not a fool either. When he comes to the front and looks at this posture, he knows that the situation is not easy. Combined with what Zhao Chengfeng said on the phone, he understands in his heart.

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head slightly, pointed to the little security guard beside him, and said: "I said you were my wife. He didn't believe me. He said I was cheating. Not only did he not let me in, but also he didn't let me stand here. He said that I lowered the face of your company and that if I didn't leave here again, he would kill me. Do it yourself. "

"Well?" Anbai smell speech, willow eyebrow a vertical, angry stare at small security, "you want to kill him? Well, do you really think I'm a bandit company? "

"Mr. an, I'm wrong. I'm wrong." The little security guard repeatedly begged for mercy. The cold sweat on his forehead was like running water. One by one, he was embarrassed and said: "handsome man, don't, don't, please let me go. I'm wrong, can't I? I apologize to you. "


Zhao Chengfeng snorted, ignored the little security guard, turned his head and strode into the company.

"I tell you, he is my husband. Now you can roll up your bedding and go away. Our company can't accommodate you!" Anbai stares at the latter and rushes up.

In anbai's heart, Zhao Chengfeng couldn't ask for anything. He came here on his own initiative today and almost closed the door. He certainly won't be happy. Therefore, anbai did not show any mercy to the little security guard and fired him directly!


The little security guard, as if struck by thunder, was stunned on the spot and couldn't speak for a long time. Who could have thought that such beautiful women as anbai really had men, and men didn't look very good.

"What's wrong with the world? Even people like that have such beautiful wives. God, it's unfair of you. My job is gone in the blink of an eye. " The little security guard wailed repeatedly. Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world. After a while of depression, he packed up his things and was ready to leave. There is no shelter for himself here.

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