"Because of this, you conclude that I am not a businessman? Then you are too arbitrary. " Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile: "you know, the money is not mine at all, so I don't feel sorry for it at all. It's like taking other people's money and giving away personal feelings. "

"No, that's not the same."

Xia Muxi said seriously: "even if it's not your money, who can see tens of thousands of yuan? That's money, not kraft paper. So I think, brother Feng, you are not a businessman. Businessmen are very smart, and even some of them are very treacherous. You don't look like that at all

"Are you praising me? Or scold me? " Hearing the speech, Zhao Chengfeng was a little sad.

"Praise you, of course." Summer wood Xi a face serious way: "so obvious praise, can't you see?"

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head with a wry smile and asked, "how can you judge that I am a soldier? Where do you see that? "

"It's easier."

Xia Muxi said: "brother Feng, you think, only soldiers can have such great skills, and only brother Bing can have the integrity of this life, and the courage to help others in the face of injustice."

"Brother Feng, you don't know. When you and your girlfriend didn't show up that day, I wanted to die. There were many people watching them bully me. They didn't help me at all, even if they called the police for me. The most infuriating thing is that even the security guards in the scenic area have turned a blind eye to it. It's just connivance. At the moment when you appeared, I was almost excited to kneel down and kowtow to you. "

"No, don't kowtow!"

Zhao Chengfeng quickly stopped and said, "if you want to kowtow, people who don't know think I'm dead? I'm living well now. "

"Brother Feng, don't make fun of me. What I said is true." Xia Muxi once again said: "anyway, I don't care. I'll get off the plane later. Don't hurry. I'll treat you to dinner and show my thanks."

"I'll treat you. How much money can a student have?" Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile: "when you go to work and earn a lot of money, it's not too late to invite me to dinner."

"No, I'll take this meal!"

Xia Muxi stubbornly said: "even if it's just a bowl of porridge for you, that's my intention. Otherwise, I will feel uneasy. "

"Yes, it's up to you." Zhao Chengfeng is too lazy to fight with Xia Muxi. It's just a meal. It's no big deal.

Besides, Xia Muxi should not be short of money now. If Zhao Chengfeng remembered correctly last time, he should have given Xia Muxi at least twenty or thirty thousand yuan, and now there should be a lot left.

"That's right." Smell speech, summer wood Xi peeped out satisfied smile.

"You're at ease, but I'm not happy. People who don't know think I'm bullying your little girl. Others think I'm a little white face and you've taken care of me." Zhao Chengfeng shook his head and joked.


Summer wood Xi smell speech face a red, smile a voice, tease a way: "wind elder brother, you really don't seem to be a small white face."

"Why not?" Zhao Chengfeng is not ashamed to ask.

"Because you're too dark."

"..." Zhao Chengfeng's face is straight. Don't be depressed.

"Ha ha." Summer wood Xi covers mouth to smile lightly, "wind elder brother, you don't get angry, I just make a joke with you.". Now I can't afford to support you. I'll support you when I earn a lot of money. "

Zhao Chengfeng turned his eyes and didn't want to say anything.

Time passed quickly, and it was already two o'clock in the afternoon when the plane was on the airport in Kangba county. Although some desserts and cakes were served on the plane, many people still felt very hungry.

"Brother Feng, let's go. Let's stop the car for dinner. I'm hungry." After getting off the plane, Xia Muxi drags Zhao Chengfeng to run, while the other hand drags a delicate suitcase. The pink suitcase is very Kawaii.

Zhao Chengfeng is a little curious, but he doesn't ask. Everyone has his own secret. He doesn't want to know much about it.

"Just eat at the airport. Don't go too far. I have something to do later." Zhao Chengfeng suggested, but his eyes are everywhere, and doubts are growing in his heart.

It shouldn't be.

Before Zhao Chengfeng got on the plane, Shangguan Yan'er called herself and knew that she was coming to miaojiang province. Normally, Shangguan Yan'er should be looking forward to it at the airport. Why did she go out of the airport without seeing Shangguan Yan'er?

"Is there anything else that the woman has to delay?" Zhao Chengfeng thought of a possibility.

"OK, brother Feng, whatever you say, we'll have today. Whatever you like, it's my treat." Xia Muxi's heroic and excited face.

Along the way, Xia Muxi was very happy. For a long time, she was not so happy as today. Along the way, she joked with Zhao Chengfeng and chatted all over the world. She was not only very happy, but also not airsick.

"This lady is very forthright. She can eat whatever she wants. Can I have dragon meat?" However, as soon as Xia Muxi finished his sentence, a female voice came from behind.

Hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng smiles bitterly in his heart. It's not other people's voice, it's Tang Wei!

"Ah, beautiful sister, it's you. I'm really glad to see you again." Xia Muxi is relatively simple. She doesn't recognize the sour taste of Tang Wei's words. She smiles back at Tang Wei and reaches out her hand. "Beautiful sister, we are really predestined friends. I met your boyfriend on the plane and you when I got off the plane. Let's go to dinner together. I just want to thank you for your help."

After listening to Xia Muxi's words, Tang Wei looks a little embarrassed. The situation doesn't seem to be what she imagined. However, Tang Wei says with a straight face: "I'm afraid it won't work. I have very important things to do with Chengfeng. You'd better eat by yourself."

"This..." smell speech, the enthusiasm of summer wood Xi instantly dissipated half, subconsciously swept to the side of Zhao Chengfeng.

"Heaven and earth are the biggest. We'd better have a meal and talk about other things after dinner." Zhao Chengfeng doesn't want to hurt the little girl's heart. He winks at Tang Wei.

Brother Feng really wants to have some relationship with some beautiful girl. Can you stop him?

"I don't mind, but I'm afraid they don't agree." As soon as Tang Wei heard this, she was a little angry. When her eyes fell not far behind Zhao Chengfeng, she showed an enigmatic smile.

"What do you mean?"

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't understand. When he looks back, he feels depressed again. Shangguan Yan'er and Shangguan Lanxin are both here, and they look fierce

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