"I also said how to dawdle. It turns out that there are beautiful women with me." Shangguan Yan'er comes over and doesn't look at Tang Wei or even Zhao Chengfeng. Her eyes fall directly on Xia Muxi.

A woman's sixth sense is quite good. Her intuition tells Shangguan Yan'er that this woman is very dangerous. Her existence is likely to affect her position in Zhao Chengfeng's mind.

Combined with Zhao Chengfeng's character of "no words, no choice", there is absolutely no reason to let such a beautiful girl go.

"Don't you know what your body is? What time is it? I'm still flirting. Hum One side of Shangguan Lan's heart heavily snorted, there was a kind of impulse to stab people with a knife.

Shangguan Lanxin's mood is undoubtedly complicated. On the one hand, he didn't want Zhao Chengfeng to die like this. Therefore, he came to Miao province early and looked for Gu masters for Zhao Chengfeng, hoping to relieve Zhao Chengfeng's heart biting Gu;

On the other hand, Shangguan Lanxin hated Zhao Chengfeng because of his playfulness, because of his romantic nature, and because he had seen and touched his body.

Now Zhao Chengfeng, to some extent, is already a man waiting to die, and his life will not be long. But at this time, still don't forget to tease beautiful girl, this heart how so big? Why is this man so shameless? There are so many women around, aren't they enough?

"You, who are you?" Xia Mu Xi looks at Guan Yan'er and Tang Wei, who is not friendly. She seems to think of something in her heart. She looks a little dim.

The prince charming in my mind seems to have a master. And his woman seems to be very beautiful. His intuition tells Xia Muxi that the three women in front of him have a good relationship with the man in front of him.

"Is he really a businessman with three wives and four concubines?" Summer wood Xi thought of a kind of possibility in the heart, otherwise how can a man's side gather so many beautiful women at the same time?

Then there is only one possibility, these women are his lovers, are his friends.

"What are you doing? When Muxi and I were not coming, we just met by chance. She invited me to dinner. What's the matter? One by one, with a straight face, as for? " Zhao Chengfeng is not happy immediately. Brother Feng is like this now. It's necessary to give brother Feng a hand?

What's more, if I really want to hook up with Xia Muxi, how can I bring women to miaojiang province and let them catch me? Is brother Feng that stupid?

"Yes, brother Feng is my life-saving benefactor, so I just want to express my gratitude. Don't think much about it." Summer wood Xi also follow to smile a way, just smile some embarrassment.

Xia Muxi is also a very proud girl. Although she likes Zhao Chengfeng very much, she will never compete with other women because of a man. Women should live a proud and dignified life.

"Hum!" Shangguan Lanxin didn't listen to these nonsense. He just snorted heavily and didn't speak any more.

Shangguan Yan'er sees Zhao Chengfeng's face is not good-looking, then says: "since it's so predestined, let's get together. There are more people and more people. Let's go."

With that, Shangguan Yan'er goes to Zhao Chengfeng, takes the man's arm and goes forward. She glances at Xia Muxi with a little deep meaning. Her eyes seem to say that this man is mine.

Sure enough, Xia Muxi was so surprised that her eyes almost fell out, because Tang Wei was so intimate with Zhao Chengfeng last time in the scenic area, but now Tang Wei didn't show any displeasure.

What's the relationship? It's too complicated.

There is a hotel inside the airport. Although the price is a little expensive, the environment is clean and tidy. Zhao Chengfeng and his party asked for a small private room and sat down.

Sitting on the right side of Zhao Chengfeng is Tang Wei, on the left side is Shangguan Yan'er, and then Shangguan Lanxin. As for Xia Muxi, she sits opposite Zhao Chengfeng.

The most shocking thing for Xia Muxi is that Tang Wei and Shangguan Yan'er clearly intend to get close to Zhao Chengfeng. One feeds water and the other pours tea. They cooperate perfectly, just like a servant girl in ancient times.

"My God, who are the two of them? What on earth is Zhao Chengfeng doing? " There are too many questions in Xia Muxi's heart, but they can't come out.

Of course, in addition to the doubt in her heart, Xia Muxi was also quite helpless. Because in Xia Muxi's dream, it is Zhao Chengfeng who finally gets married with his lover. Do you want to fight with other women?

"Sister Muxi, I haven't asked. What do you do? Is it a tourist to come to Kangba? " Shangguan Lanxin asked with a smile while drinking tea. To put it bluntly, he wanted to investigate Xia Muxi.

Xia Muxi's appearance is really strange. How can such a beautiful girl be saved by Zhao Chengfeng, and how can they meet on the same flight?

"Oh, I'm studying at University on Hong Kong Island. I'm going back to my hometown to visit my relatives this time." Xia Muxi smiles, but it's not so natural. Although Xia Muxi is pure, it doesn't mean she is stupid. It can be seen that the three beautiful women in front of her are hostile to her.

Well, after the meal, go back to your home and find your mother. It's just that I can't thank Zhao Chengfeng alone.

"Is sister Muxi from Miao?" Hearing this, Shangguan Lanxin was slightly stunned and immediately said, "can I ask you something?"

"What's the matter, sister?" Xia Muxi is a little curious. Isn't she tired of herself? How can you ask yourself about other things?

"It's like this."

Shangguan Lanxin glanced at the three people next to him and said, "we have always been very interested in the witches and insects in miaojiang province. We always think this thing is particularly magical, so we came to travel and look for it by the way. Unfortunately, we haven't found it for a long time. I don't know. You are from miaojiang province. Do you know where there are witchcraft? "

"Gu Chong?" Xia Mu Xi's face changed slightly, then she shook her head and said, "I don't know. I've heard of this thing, but I don't know what it is, and I haven't seen it."

"Oh, well, I thought you knew." Smell speech, Shangguan Lanxin instant disappointed a lot, not only Shangguan Lanxin, on the side of Shangguan Yan'er and Tang Wei also face helpless color.

Although the three girls have been working hard these days, it's a pity that they haven't found any information about Gu Shi, or even any clues.

"Sorry, I really don't know." Xia Mu Xi shakes her head and apologizes. Her doubts are even worse.

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