Not only doubts, but also vigilance! Are they the gangsters?

There is something hidden in my heart. This meal is tasteless. Of course, Shangguan Lanxin and Tang Wei don't have much appetite either. They just eat a few mouthfuls at will and then let it go.

Because the three girls have never found the trace of the Gu master, and then associate with Zhao Chengfeng's body, where does the three girls want to eat?

Relatively speaking, Zhao Chengfeng's appetite is quite good. Under the service of Tang Wei and Shangguan Yan'er, he has a round stomach, not to mention how happy it is.

"Brother Feng, since you've all eaten well, I'll pay the bill. Thank you again for saving me. We'll meet again." Seeing that Zhao Chengfeng put down his chopsticks, Xia Muxi said hello and left with the box.

Seeing this, Zhao Chengfeng frowned slightly, feeling strange in his heart.

"Don't look. People are far away. What are you looking at?" Shangguan Lanxin doesn't have a good way and stares at Zhao Chengfeng.

Shangguan Lanxin really convinced Zhao Chengfeng that he would never change his mind. He was extremely ill, and his life had already entered the countdown. Now he was still thinking about the flashy things.

"Well, my eyes are falling out again." Shangguan Yan'er is also dissatisfied with the way, obviously to Zhao Chengfeng staring at other people's girls.

Are these three beauties not enough for him? What a shame!

"I said, can you stop talking nonsense?" Zhao Chengfeng is not happy, "I know my own situation very well now, and I know what I am doing. I don't think about Xia Muxi, but I happen to meet her. Then she wants to thank me and invite me to dinner. It's so simple, so simple, not so disgusting as you think."

"What are you looking at when all the people are gone?" Tang Wei also pouts a small mouth way, obviously does not believe Zhao Chengfeng's lies.

It's not that Tang Wei is jealous. It's really Xia Muxi. The girl is so beautiful, let alone a man. Most women are attracted by it. It's so beautiful.

"I just think there's something wrong with Xia Muxi's mood." Zhao Chengfeng said: "this girl is very warm to me all the way, lively and cheerful, but when she just left, she was obviously not very happy, and even on our guard. You think, we don't harm her, why should she guard us?"


Shangguan Lanxin said, "isn't it simple? It's obvious that other girls see that you have no intention. Now they're on guard against you, and they're afraid that you'll be strong enough. So they turn around and go. They can't make trouble. Can't they hide? "

"Yes, you're all right. I'm a bad man. Can I be a son of a bitch? I don't know why Zhao Chengfeng impatiently waved his hand and turned out of the restaurant.

Out of the airport restaurant, Xia Muxi disappeared long ago. Zhao Chengfeng was a little depressed. Although Zhao Chengfeng didn't have the idea of Xia Muxi, the beauty disappeared out of thin air. She was still a little lost in her heart.

"Don't look. If it was me, I wouldn't stay." Tang Wei came out and said, "let's go back to the hotel. When we get to the hotel, we can talk about the next action."

Zhao Chengfeng opens his mouth and says nothing. He follows Tang Wei into the car. The car is transferred from the military region of Miao Jiang Province and runs all the way to Kangba hotel.

Because this time the three women live together, so Tang Wei got a presidential suite, Zhao Chengfeng came, we can live on.

"Chengfeng, I'm sorry, we didn't find Gu Shi." To the hotel, Shangguan Yan'er no longer before that arrogance, look a moment dim a lot.

Not only Shangguan Yan'er looks ugly, but also Tang Wei and Shangguan Lanxin are silent.

"Every day, the three of us set out to search from three different directions. My sister searched 800 kilometers away, but still didn't find anything." Shangguan Yan'er gives a brief introduction to the recent three women's search route.

Every day, the three women started from different discoveries. Sometimes they came back on the same day, but sometimes it took two or three days to come back. They suffered a lot along the way.

"If you can't find it, you can't find it. It's fate. Let's not be too hard on ourselves." Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng in the heart a pain, immediately light smile up, don't think so of light up a cigarette, Bata Bata up.

Zhao Chengfeng is not afraid of death, but now there is no way to live in the world. He still has 25 days at most to count the days. Once 25 days arrive, he will die slowly in pain.

"I won't give up. Even if I turn over the whole province of Miao, I will find the Gu master. I don't believe that the Gu master of Miao is extinct!" Tang Wei is not reconciled, gritting her teeth: "if the Gu master is really extinct, how can the king of broken heaven have the heart biting Gu? Therefore, this heart biting poison must have come from Miao. "

"Yes, we will find it. We will find it." Shangguan Yan'er is also infected by Tang Wei's fighting spirit.

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head with a bitter smile and said, "why do you work so hard? This kind of thing is fate. How can you find Miao province? How do you turn it over? Isn't that bullshit? "

"Don't forget, there is another army in miaojiang province!" Tang Wei said: "I'm going to call my grandfather and ask him to talk to commander Wang and ask him to help us find out."

"Yes, that's a good idea ~!"

Smell speech, Shangguan Yan'er's brain is also a flash of inspiration, instant had an idea, way: "I this contact with the domestic, let grandfather send soldiers to come, next to next to find."

"That's right!" Tang Wei nodded and then said, "I'll contact the African continent immediately. So many of our mercenaries don't eat dry food. Let them all come to look for..."

"Are you going to fight? Why are so many soldiers here? " As soon as Zhao Chengfeng heard this, he quickly interrupted the two girls and frowned: "don't you think about it, the two military regions are going out, and the people of the iron grinding mercenary regiment are going out, so the whole Miao province can't be in chaos? People who don't know think something happened to us in Huaxia? "

"What's the matter with us? What are you afraid of?" Tang Wei didn't listen to the advice and said, "as long as you can find the Gu master, you can fight. It's no big deal."

"I..." what else does Zhao Chengfeng want to say.

"Yes, that's it. I'll get in touch right away!"

One side of the Shangguan Yan'er reaction is more rapid, straight up to the side to call.

"Well, I don't care. I don't care about you." As soon as Zhao Chengfeng saw this posture, he simply ignored it and sat aside to smoke.

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