"Damn, why are my ears so hot? Who is speaking ill of Laozi? "

In the presidential suite of Kangba Hotel, Zhao Chengfeng gets up from bed and touches his hot ears. He can't help but scold that his grandmother's brother Feng is dying. How can anyone talk behind his back? It's not like that!

"What are you yelling at? If you have nothing to do, go to bed early. Don't make any noise Hearing Zhao Chengfeng scolding his mother outside, the Shangguan Yan'er in the room gives Zhao Chengfeng a white look.


Zhao Chengfeng opens his mouth and wants to stop talking. I'd better not provoke these three women. Three women in a play, the three of them to toss up, can turn over the entire province of Miao play.

"Didi... Didi..." however, at this time, the phone in Zhao Chengfeng's pocket rang again. To Zhao Chengfeng's surprise, it was not others who called this time, but Tang Aotian, the leader of the National Congress of China!

Although Zhao Chengfeng had some doubts in his heart, he quickly picked it up and said, "Hello, leader Tang, what's the matter with you when you call so late?"

"You boy, how can you hear that with resentment?" Tang Aotian is also a human spirit. After a little consideration, he knew the truth and said, "Chengfeng, you have paid a lot for Huaxia. I always remember this feeling in Tang Aotian's mind, but I can't do anything about your injury. I'm sorry!"

"I've got it!"

Zhao Chengfeng quickly stopped and said: "don't fix these sensational things. I can't stand this. We are all men. We'd better have a good time and say, call me. What's the matter? If you want to reward me, just be realistic and give me some money. "

"Smelly boy, you are not the general reality!"

Tang Ao Tian said with a smile: "is your Lao Zhao family the owner who is short of money?"

"No one thinks too much of money. More is better." Zhao Chengfeng cheekily said.

"Come on, stop talking." Tang Aotian quickly changed the topic and said: "we are all men. As you said, I won't talk sensational. I'm afraid there's one thing I need your help now."

"What's the matter? You said, as long as I can do it, I must be duty bound. " Zhao Chengfeng does not refuse. Although his life has entered the countdown, he can still contribute to China.

Life is Chinese, death is Chinese ghost! Should pay everything for Huaxia!

"About liangko Ogawa." Tang Aotian is very satisfied with Zhao Chengfeng's attitude and is also very moved. At the same time, he feels that he can't bear it.

Tang Aotian is very clear about Zhao Chengfeng's current situation. It's hard to say that he is waiting to die, but he is also contributing to Huaxia. Huaxia has such talents. Why can't he be strong?

"Liangzi Ogawa?"

Hearing the speech, Zhao Chengfeng frowned and sat up straight, wondering: "isn't this Xiaochuan Liangzi already sent to the special department? What's up? What's the matter? "

"Well, I don't know what happened. She just wanted to see you and said that as long as she saw you, she would be willing to work for Huaxia." Tang Aotian also felt strange and joked: "you are good at it. Even Japanese girls like you."

"I Pooh!"

On hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng could not help but scold, "how rare am I? It's like nobody likes me. "

"Yes, you like more people, OK?" Tang Aotian said hastily: "what do you want to do now? Are you seeing or not? Don't worry. If you don't see me, no one will embarrass you, including me. "

Zhao Chengfeng took a deep breath of his cigarette, remained silent for a long time and said, "see you! But I have a request! "

"Say it." Tang Aotian is also very simple. At this time, don't mention one request. Even if there are ten requests, Tang Aotian will agree, because Zhao Chengfeng is worth Tang Aotian's doing it.

"Now I'm in miaojiang, looking for ways to remove the poisonous insects. Time is also very precious." Zhao Chengfeng glanced at the three women in the room and said in a low voice, "I need you to send a plane to come here. How about going back to the capital and Miao on the same day?"

"That's it?" Tang Aotian was a little surprised.

"That's the demand!"


Tang Aotian said, "I thought it was a big deal. Even if you don't say it, I will do it. Moreover, in order to find Gu Shi as soon as possible, half an hour ago, I gave an order to the military region of Miao Jiang Province. They will help you find Gu Shi together. "

"That's not good." Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng moved unceasingly, excited tears almost fell down.

It's very kind of you to use a military region for your own sake. If we let other political opponents get hold of this, we can make Tang Ao Sirius embarrassed.

"What's wrong? What's wrong? "

Tang Aotian was very angry, and repeatedly asked: "you have paid so much for me, what are we doing? In my heart, you are more important than a military region. "

What else can Zhao Chengfeng say? My heart is full of emotion.

"It's settled. You don't care about anything." Tang Aotian then said, "when do you have time, I'll ask the Secretary to arrange to come and meet you?"

"I can start now."

"That's good. I'll have the special plane arranged by the province of miaojiang immediately and take off in half an hour."


Just, when Zhao Chengfeng put down the phone, the three women had come out of the bedroom, one by one glaring at Zhao Chengfeng, a pair to eat Zhao Chengfeng look.

"Don't do that. I'm just going back for half a day at most. Then I'll go back to miaojiang immediately to be with you." Zhao Chengfeng quickly explained.

Hearing the words, the three women's face suddenly eased a little, but Tang Wei said: "it doesn't matter if you let us down, but don't forget, if you die, it's a big loss for China. Don't you want to defend your country? If you don't even have your own life, how can you defend your country? "

As soon as Zhao Chengfeng's face changed, he immediately nodded and said, "I remember."

"Do it yourself." Tang Wei said again, and took the two women into the room. After a while, three women's voices came out of the room. It was obvious that the three women were still studying the plan to find the Gu master.

Zhao Chengfeng looks at the room, tidies up his things, and goes out in a hurry. Tang Aotian has spoken. The plane will be in place soon. I'm afraid it's the fastest special plane.

Sure enough, as soon as Zhao Chengfeng got out of the Kangba Hotel, the airport bus drove over and waited for him. In the dark, Zhao Chengfeng flew back to the capital alone

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