When the sun rose from the capital tower, Zhao Chengfeng just got off the plane. After getting off the plane, he went straight to the capital military region. Mr. Ogawa is now in the capital military region.

And the Beijing military region is definitely not just a military region. In the military region, there are military industry research institutes, and the scientists in such institutes are not the experts in the news.

After the collapse of the sky, many scientists were rescued. These scientists came from all over the world. Some of them chose to go back to their own countries. They wanted to meet their relatives and friends, while the rest stayed. They wanted to express China's saving kindness.

Among them, Liangzi Ogawa was an accident, because at the beginning, Liangzi Ogawa wanted to take the initiative to join Po Tian. Unfortunately, Po Tian was destroyed by Zhao Chengfeng. In addition, before he was abducted, the practice of Japan made Liangzi Ogawa feel cold. Therefore, Liangzi Ogawa did not choose to return to Japan, but stayed in China. It happens that China also needs talents like liangko Ogawa.

However, Mr. Ogawa made a request that he would not start the experiment and list the data until he met Mr. Zhao Chengfeng.

As for why he wanted to see Zhao Chengfeng, he didn't even understand.

"Zhao Chengfeng, Zhao Chengfeng, will you come to see me?" In the Institute, there is only one young woman, and only one Japanese. Therefore, during this period of time, he has been alone and quite lonely.

Often a person sitting in the corner, looking out of the window, dazed, this look is all day.


Suddenly, the door rang and a young man came in. Mr. Ogawa didn't look back. There are people going in and out of the Institute every day. It's nothing strange.

"Liangzi Ogawa, you..." a man next to him called to him.

However, with a cool attitude, Ogawa interrupted: "I said that unless Zhao Chengfeng came to see me in person, I would not say or do anything..."

"Ha ha, I'm here now. Don't you want to see me? Why don't you look back? " Zhao Chengfeng took two steps forward and looked carefully at Liangzi Ogawa in front of him.

Compared with the time when he first met in Japan, he was much thinner and his face was full of sadness, just like Lin Daiyu in a dream of Red Mansions.

"You, you're here?" Hearing the speech, Liangzi Ogawa's delicate body was shocked. When he looked back, he felt more excited and shy.

"Yes, I heard you wanted to see me, so I came." Zhao Chengfeng walked over and sat down beside him. "How about that? Are you used to living here? "

"Do you think you'll get used to being locked up like a canary every day?" Asked Mr. Ogawa.

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng slightly a stagnation, some embarrassed way: "sorry, I seem to ask a very superfluous question, but I think, you should also be able to understand, your identity is too deadly, if you leave, a lot of secrets will be shaken out by you, the relationship between China and Japan, I think I don't say you also understand."

"But I never thought about going back to Japan." Ogawa Liangzi stares at Zhao Cheng Fengdao with many complaints in his expression.

"There is no proof of what you say. Who can prove that what you say is true? No one can see through each other's heart. " Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head and doesn't believe in Liangzi Ogawa. This woman's method is something that Zhao Chengfeng has seen before.

In Jingdong University, in order to humiliate herself and Longling, Japanese students have to do everything they can. From this point, we can see that liangko Ogawa is not an easy master to deal with.

"Ha ha." "Because I'm Japanese, do I have to be hated by the Chinese all my life?" he asked? In that case, why did Huaxia ask me to work for you? Why should I work for you? Aren't you worried about me leaking? Just kill me. Come on, kill me. "

At the end of the speech, Mr. Ogawa became more and more excited, and his eyes were red.

Zhao Chengfeng opens his mouth and stops talking.

Ogawa Liangzi did not speak, for a time the atmosphere was particularly dull.

"Let's get down to business. What do you want me to do? If I can, I will try my best to help you. Of course, I hope you can contribute to Huaxia. " Zhao Chengfeng's words are very euphemistic. To put it bluntly, they are trading.

"I want to be your woman, can you promise me?" Xiaochuan Liangzi stares at Zhao Chengfeng's eyes and says: "as long as you let me be your woman, I will do whatever you want me to do. Even if you want me to die, I won't blink."


Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng suddenly Leng in situ, faltering way: "do, do my woman?"? What's your plan? "

"I don't want to do anything, just want to be your woman!" Mr. Ogawa made no secret of his feelings.

In fact, Mr. Ogawa didn't understand why he had such an idea, but since the war on isolated islands, his idea has become more and more intense.

In particular, to see the tattoo messenger for Zhao Chengfeng, take the initiative to die that moment, Ogawa Liangzi's heart was deeply shocked. At that moment, Ogawa Liangzi wanted to know, what kind of man would let a woman desperate to save him?

And there's only one way to understand it - to be his woman, to be close to him, to know him.

"Your answer makes me a little..." Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head, but he smiles bitterly. Ha ha, I didn't expect that brother Feng is so popular now.

At the beginning, he wanted to eat himself alive, but now he wants to be his own woman. This is bullshit, but this is reality, iron reality!

"It's kind of creepy, isn't it? It's doubting my motives, isn't it? " Ogawa Liangzi asked in return, feeling helpless.

Because of the antagonistic relationship between countries, no matter what they say, they are doubted.

"It's not thriller, it's not doubt, it's pure curiosity." Zhao Chengfeng shook his head and said, "if I remember correctly, you only hate me. Then why do you want to be my woman?"

"Because in my mind, only you can be regarded as a real man. Only a man like you can be worthy of me." Liangko Ogawa has a proud face.

"Are you praising me, or are you praising yourself again?" As soon as Zhao Chengfeng hears this, he can't help scolding his mother. The woman's face is not so thick.

Ogawa Liangzi is not angry, just said: "no matter what you think, this is my condition, as long as you let me become your woman, I will agree to all your requirements, including my life is yours."

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