
In the end, Zhao Chengfeng was so angry that he left with a flick of his sleeve.

"Zhao Chengfeng, I only give you one day to think about it. If you still don't agree, I'll bite my tongue and kill myself!" Zhao Chengfeng didn't take two steps. After that, Liangzi Ogawa added two sentences.

When Zhao Chengfeng heard this, he ran faster. This time, Zhao Chengfeng was really tested.

"Ha ha... Ha ha..."

"What time are you laughing? You mean to see me joke, don't you In Tang Aotian's office, Zhao Chengfeng turns his eyes around, holding a sentence "Grass Mud Horse" in his heart.

After all, Tang Aotian is a big leader. He has to give some face.

"It's a joke to see you, isn't it envy you?" Tang Aotian lit up a cigarette and made a joke. He said: "Chengfeng, you are not so charming. Even haughty women like Liangzi Ogawa have to be your woman. You are so powerful."

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng white eyes, have no mind bird Tang Aotian.

"Don't believe me, you boy. I'm telling you the truth."

Tang Aotian took a deep breath of his cigarette and said: "at the beginning, Liangzi Ogawa asked to see you. I know your situation, so I didn't agree. He met Liangzi Ogawa in person. Xiaozhi talked a lot about it with emotion and reason. It's a pity that Liangzi Ogawa didn't get any good or bad words. He just wanted to see you. I can't help it. I just called you

"I'm sorry to promise you now." Zhao Chengfeng's eyes are turning around. He really doesn't know what to say.

As a man, it's worth bragging and showing off that he has beautiful women. But now Zhao Chengfeng is not happy, not only unhappy, but even a little depressed.

Paralyzed, when brother Feng was on a mission in Japan, why didn't you take the initiative to send him? At that time, Liangzi Ogawa would take the initiative to send him to the door, so brother Feng would not have to spend so much effort and risk so much. In the end, it almost killed the Longling family.

"Now it's too late for you to go back. I won't blame you."

After putting away the joke, Tang Aotian said: "you can choose to agree or not. Even if he killed himself by biting his tongue, there was no way. We've done all we have to do. Her life is not as important as yours. "

Hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng was shocked. After a long silence, he said, "well, can't I promise her? It's just that she and I are just a one night stand. Don't worry about me in the future. "

"You boy, you've got a good price and you're good at it." Tang Aotian is a little stunned. When he comes back, he makes fun of Zhao Chengfeng.

Zhao Chengfeng turns his eyes around, and only he knows what it's like.

"Ah, brother Feng's life is so bitter." Zhao Chengfeng said in secret: "how do you feel that you have become a tool of the upper class? Damn, I'm not a showman! "

"Anyway, it's your own business. I will never interfere. If you think it's good, take her. If you don't agree, no one can force you." Tang Aotian once again said that he was not willing to toss Zhao Chengfeng.

"That's all."

With a wave of his hand, Zhao Chengfeng asked, "can I get off your ship?"

"Ha ha ha, how dare you say that." Tang Aotian said with a smile.

Zhao Chengfeng didn't want to compete with Tang Aotian. He stood up and said, "let's do this. I'll take care of it. Don't interfere. Anxin is waiting for Liangzi Ogawa to create more wealth for me."

With that, Zhao Chengfeng strode away. Tang Aotian opens his mouth behind him and wants to stop Zhao Chengfeng, but finally he has to close his mouth and ask what can he do? Are you sure you can find Miao Gu master?

"I hope God bless you, smelly boy. You should be strong yourself." Tang Aotian murmured and went back to his desk. He was busy again.


While Tang Aotian was busy, the Institute had prepared a bedroom for Zhao Chengfeng and Xiaochuan Liangzi. Both of them sat on the bed and did not speak. For a moment, the atmosphere in the room was very dull.


Finally, Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help rubbing his hands and coughing: "Miss Liangzi, you still have room to repent. Are you sure you want to be a woman? I can tell you that once you and I have a relationship today, we are likely to be just a couple. In short, it's a one night stand. "

"I will." Ogawa Liangzi didn't have any extra words. He just looked at Zhao Chengfeng.

Women's eyes can not say how deep feelings, but full of expectations. After the answer, Ogawa Liangzi is very active, gently off the clothes, revealing the perfect to the extreme attractive body.


Zhao Chengfeng only glances at it, and the whole person gets excited. Zhao Chengfeng is not Liu Xiahui, so he can't sit back and relax.

"Let me undress you." Ogawa Liangzi is very active, gently took off Zhao Chengfeng's clothes, looking at the man's strong and strong muscles, finally failed to resist, rushed up.

"Damn, I can't be forced by a woman!"

Zhao Chengfeng thought in his heart that he turned over and left. He was in charge of three seven twenty-one, and took the initiative completely. Only ten minutes later, a blushing voice came out of the room.

And the sound lasted more than an hour before it stopped.

"I..." after the war, Zhao Chengfeng opened the quilt and found a touch of bright red on the sheet. His heart was shocked. Liangzi Ogawa was still a place. This is

"Now, I'm your woman. You can't abandon me in your life." At this time, Ogawa Liangzi hugged Zhao Chengfeng and closed his eyes. Up to now, Ogawa Liangzi doesn't tell me why she must be Zhao Chengfeng's woman. But now, Ogawa Liangzi is very happy, holding a man and feeling very down-to-earth, which is enough.

In the past decades, Mr. Ogawa has never lived for himself. Now he can finally do what he wants to do.


After a while, Zhao Chengfeng said, "I have nothing to say. After all, I'm a dying man, and I don't have much time to accompany you. I still have a lot of things to do. Although you are my woman, I can only apologize to you. "

"You're not sorry. I chose the road myself." "Liangzi Ogawa said:" about their own gun, tearful also want to finish


On hearing this, Zhao Cheng burst out with a mouthful of blood. He didn't see it. The girl, Liangzi Ogawa, was quite dirty. Did she make an appointment? Shit!

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