"What are you laughing at?" Liangzi Ogawa raised his head and looked at Zhao Chengfeng.

This time the woman is undoubtedly very sexy, although messy hair, no makeup, but this time the woman is the most emotional.

"When did you see me smile again?"

Zhao Chengfeng said with a straight face: "I tell you, since you have become my woman, even if I die now, you have to be widowed for me! Widows for a lifetime, we Huaxia is not your Japanese country, women can with any man, in any place with people Pa Pa Pa Pa, I Zhao Chengfeng women, can only with me! Do you understand? "

"I understand. I'll guard for you all my life." Kogawa Liangzi smiles at the sound of the speech. When he smiles, his eyebrows turn into crescent moon, which is very good-looking.

"If you understand, dare to put a green hat on me and see if I don't kill you!"

Zhao Chengfeng said fiercely that he lit a cigarette and sucked it happily, holding a beautiful woman in one hand and smoking a fairy cigarette, which is undoubtedly the happiest thing in the world.

Before, Zhao Chengfeng resisted taking in Liangzi Ogawa. However, after they had a relationship, Zhao Chengfeng's concept also changed. Since she was Zhao Chengfeng's woman, she was brother Feng's woman all her life. No one would want to touch her!

"After a while, I'll leave the capital and go to miaojiang to find a way to dispel the poisonous insects. You can stay in the Research Institute and work hard if you like. If you don't like, you can rest. They won't embarrass you." Zhao Chengfeng said while smoking: "of course, you are my woman now. I hope you can contribute to China."

Ogawa Liangzi nodded and said cleverly, "I'll listen to you. I'll do whatever you want me to do."

"You don't do what I want you to do. You're my woman, not a machine. You're a thoughtful woman. Do you understand?" Seeing such a clever Mr. Ogawa, Zhao Chengfeng was not happy. "If what I say is what, then what do I want you to do? I might as well buy some inflatable dolls on Taobao. You have to have your own mind, understand? "

"Then I want to do a good job in the research work, with you to travel around the world, OK?" Ogawa Liangzi suddenly asked, looking at Zhao Chengfeng.


Zhao Chengfeng gritted his teeth and said, "as long as my worries are relieved, I will take you with me wherever I go in the future. Of course, the situation allows. I have so many women. If they don't want to see you when I'm banging with them, you have to avoid it. "

To be frank, the scale is a little bigger. As soon as the scale is bigger, Zhao Chengfeng's hands are not honest and he starts to touch Liangzi Ogawa's body.

Paralyzed, Japanese men are not things, but Japanese women are right, how clever, that cry is really charming, a "tooth buy fall" called Zhao Chengfeng bones are crisp.

"That's enough." Kogawa Liangzi hugged him more tightly.

"It's urgent. Your task is to do the research. I'll let Long Ling come to see you in my spare time." After a pause, Zhao Chengfeng said: "after all, you two are classmates. You always have the same language and the same major. Maybe she can help you a little bit."

"Well." Ogawa Liangzi nodded, no objection.


After smoking a cigarette, Zhao Chengfeng was ready to get up and leave, saying: "time is almost up, I should go too. I'll come back to see you when I'm free..."

However, Ogawa Liangzi suddenly grasped the key of Zhao Chengfeng, "so soon to go? Won't you stay a little longer? Or, one more time... "With that, he lowered his head shyly.

"Are you not afraid of pain?" Zhao Chengfeng was a little surprised and even more excited.

He is not eunuch, in the face of beauty's "invitation", who is his mother not moved?

"Pain and happiness, I'm not afraid." Liangko Ogawa is very meaningful.

"Then I'll come."

As soon as Zhao Chengfeng heard this, he immediately went up again, and the battle started again. This battle became more and more tragic and tragic

After another round of wind and rain, Zhao Chengfeng still left, because Tang Wei called and said that he wanted Zhao Chengfeng to follow him and find clues from the map left by the big chieftain.

"I'll wait for you here." Ogawa Liangzi has no extra words, however, this sentence, let Zhao Chengfeng's heart is about to break.

There is no sweet talk, but there is deep feeling in the simplicity.

Zhao Chengfeng left, and once again set foot on the road to Miao province. Different from the last time he left, Zhao Chengfeng had another touch of concern in his heart.

"Ah, it's a crime." Zhao Chengfeng sighs. He still doesn't understand why he has to be his own man. Is brother Feng so charming? As long as she is a beautiful woman, she can't help talking to her?

Zhao Chengfeng is not so confident and narcissistic.

"That's all. No matter what the reason is, as long as it's a woman who has become Laozi, she will be Zhao Chengfeng's woman all her life." After thinking about it for a long time, Zhao Chengfeng still didn't figure it out and simply didn't want to.

Leaning on the back of the chair, I woke up and arrived in Miao Jiang Province.

"Lanxin has gone out." After arriving at the hotel, Shangguan Yan'er pulls Zhao Chengfeng aside and says in a deep voice, "Chengfeng, don't you plan to do something?"

Zhao Chengfeng, with a blank face, asked, "what should I do?"

"What? Can't you see Lan Xin's affection for you? " Shangguan Yan'er is a little angry. "In the Miao area, Lanxin works harder than me to find Gu Shi. Can't you see what she is for?"

"What else can I do now?" Zhao Chengfeng asked, with a wry smile on his face.

Zhao Chengfeng is not a fool, not to mention a man with a heart of stone. Shangguan Lanxin has always been fierce to himself, and has never had a good attitude, but he has his own in Shangguan Lanxin's heart.

If Zhao Chengfeng didn't bite his heart, he would never escape this feeling. He would take the initiative to pursue it. But now, he doesn't hold much hope.

Getting Lanxin, maybe for her, is not happiness, but the beginning of pain.

"Then you..."

"Yan'er, don't say anything. I know what you mean."

However, before Shangguan Yan'er finished her sentence, she was interrupted by Zhao Chengfeng, "I can only let Lan Xin down in my life. I'm not cruel. I just don't want her to be hurt more. I think you know what I mean."

"So, are you giving up treatment now? Are you hopeless? " Shangguan Yan'er repeatedly asked, tears from the corner of her eyes down.

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