Shiwandashan is not far away from the military region of miaojiang Province, which is more than 300 kilometers. What the military region of miaojiang province needs to guard is the border. For ordinary people, 300 kilometers may be far away, but for the army, 300 kilometers is just a blink of an eye.

In the afternoon, Zhao Chengfeng and his party arrived at the foot of 100000 mountains.

"That's 100000 mountains. I didn't know that there were still such towering mountains in miaojiang province." Shangguan Yan'er glanced up, but she couldn't see the head, and couldn't see through 100000 mountains.

If it is true, as Tang Wei said, this is not an ordinary mountain, but a mountain similar to the virgin forest.

"OK, check the equipment. Let's go in too. Time doesn't wait." Tang Wei doesn't have time to express her feelings. Now she has an idea to find a vein of witchcraft and remove the heart eating poison in Zhao Chengfeng's body!

As long as the man is good, Tang Wei is good!

"Don't walk separately after you go in. The hundred thousand mountains span Yin and Yang. It's easy to get lost. Let's not really throw ourselves into the mountains." Zhao Chengfeng looked at it carefully and warned in a low voice.

Zhao Chengfeng is not afraid, but the two girls may not be able to bear it. Although Shangguan Yan'er and Tang Wei are not ordinary people, it is not difficult to explain - how many girls are not afraid of cockroaches?

Even if you are not afraid, you should pretend to be afraid in front of men. Otherwise, how can you look cute and weak?

"What is crossing Yin and Yang?" Shangguan Yan'er is not ashamed to ask.

Zhao Chengfeng lit up a cigarette and slowly explained: "it's not hard to understand. Here, you see, it's one o'clock in the afternoon, and the sun is just a little bit West. At this time, the sun just avoids the front of the 100000 mountain. According to a saying in geomantic omen, it's a rare geomantic treasure. However, although it's a treasure land of geomantic omen, it's also very annoying. If you look carefully at how lush the 100000 mountains are, you can't see the sunshine outside. It can block out the sky and the sun. The mobile phone has no signal, and it may even affect the compass. "

"No matter how dangerous it is, we will go in. This is our last hope." Tang Wei is biting her teeth and her eyes are firm.

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't persuade him any more. Anyway, he has his own company. Even if something happens, it's no big deal. Even the king of heaven can beat back, not to mention the hundred thousand mountains?

"Pack up, let's go, let's go!" A moment later, with a big wave of his hand, Zhao Chengfeng led the two men to go in first.

What's different from the outside world is that as soon as they stride into the 100000 mountain, it seems as if they are from summer to autumn in an instant. There is no sunshine, the wind blows in the forest, and the sounds of birds, animals and insects come from time to time. It's creepy.

This place is like a ghost movie.

"No direction at all!"

After walking for more than ten minutes, Tang Wei suddenly stops and looks at the map given by the big chieftain, helpless.

Although the big chieftain's mark is very clear, it's also very pitiful, because it doesn't mark where to enter from the 100000 mountain, which makes it very difficult to find a job.

"You can't turn the whole mountain over and look for it." Tang Wei looks sad and looks at Zhao Chengfeng and Shangguan Yan'er.

Zhao Chengfeng frowned and didn't say a word. He seemed to be thinking about something.


One side of the Shangguan Yan'er heavily snorted, felt out her mobile phone and said, "I'm in a hurry. I'll send troops to cut down all the trees on the 100000 mountain. It's not difficult to find them without shelter."

Just, very soon, Shangguan Yan'er's face looks ugly again, the mobile phone has no signal.

"This..." looking at the special military mobile phone, Shangguan Yan'er was suddenly confused.

"Don't waste your time."

At this time, Zhao Chengfeng returned to his senses, shook his head and said: "when we enter 100000 mountains, we are just like entering a labyrinth, but it's hard to get out. See, the tree trunks are at least 20 or 30 meters high, blocking the clouds and the sun, and there are circles of white fog around our heads. If I guess correctly, this is miasma."

Speaking of this, Zhao Chengfeng quickly took out a few pills and let the second daughter swallow them. These are the pills prepared by Huisheng, which can remove all kinds of poisons. There should be no problem in dealing with these miasma.

"What are we going to do?" Tang Wei's face is very ugly. She belittles 100000 mountains.

When I came in, I found that I couldn't advance or retreat. If I went on for a long time, I had to be trapped in the mountains.

"Show me the map." Zhao Chengfeng did not answer directly, but took out the map to study for a while, "it should be like this."

"How?" The second daughter was puzzled.

"The dots marked by the chief chieftain are connected to form a line. I think this line is a mountain range of 100000 mountains, or one of them, and this mountain range should be the hiding place of witches and insects." Zhao Chengfeng points to the red dot above.

"But how can we find it? Now we are lost. " Shangguan Yan'er is biting her red lips, and her heart is unwilling.

I want to travel south and North in my life. I have never met any difficulties, but I never expected that I would get lost after more than ten minutes in 100000 mountains. This is a great shame!

You know, Shangguan Yan'er is a very excellent special forces! But now I have lost the face of Chinese soldiers?

"It's not hard."

As soon as Zhao Chengfeng collected the things, he pointed to the trees nearby and said, "as I said, 100000 mountains are full of shade but full of sunshine, so the growth of plants here is very characteristic. What's the difference in the crown of this tree?"

"It's no different. It's crisp and grows well." Shangguan Yan'er looks puzzled.

Zhao Chengfeng rolled his eyes and looked at Tang Wei.

"The crown is big on one side and small on the other, and the stem is obviously leaning to one side." Tang Wei observes more carefully, but she still doesn't understand the truth and looks back at Zhao Chengfeng.

"It's not hard to understand."

Zhao Chengfeng said: "the sun rises from the East, and the side that can absorb sufficient sunlight must have a larger crown and luxuriant branches; Comparatively speaking, the back is worse. So, this should be the East, and our front should be the North! "

"Is that ok?" Shangguan Yan'er looks at the crown of the tree, with a look of admiration.

"It's just the law of natural growth. It's no surprise." Zhao Chengfeng a face of disapproval, "OK, since found the right direction, then let's continue to walk, hope we are lucky, not to encounter wild animals or anything, I'm not here to wrestle with lions and tigers."

Zhao Chengfeng is not afraid of beasts, but he doesn't want to fight with beasts, because he really has no time to delay.

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