With a clear direction, the three moved faster. Despite the dense mountains and forests, Zhao Chengfeng opened the way, and the three were not slow at all, even walking on the ground.


Two hours later, the temperature of the mountain forest dropped a lot, not only that, but also the sky was dim, just like the evening outside.

"I'm afraid we can't go now. It's getting dark, and this is the only open place that is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Let's camp here today." Zhao Chengfeng found a place and suggested.

"Stop now? Is it too early? It's at least five hours before dark! " Tang Weixiu frowned and didn't understand Zhao Chengfeng's decision.

One hundred thousand mountains, more than ten thousand kilometers long, so we have to wait until the year of the monkey? If he could, Tang Wei would like to turn over the whole mountain and look for it carefully.

"But the visibility in the mountains is too low. How can we get there? Or... "Zhao Chengfeng frowned.

"I've got a flashlight, a military flashlight!"

Tang Wei interrupted Zhao Chengfeng, took out the flashlight directly from the backpack, said: "the lighting time is more than 500 hours, and also brought a lot of spare batteries, enough for us to travel day and night."

"I..." Zhao Chengfeng suddenly silly eyes, really did not expect that women are so well prepared.

"Take a break and go on." With that, Tang Wei took out the water and had a rest.

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't say anything at all. Let's have a rest. Let's settle down as we come. Let's do what the woman says. Anyway, brother Feng has no right to decide now.

"It's too wasteful to keep these 100000 mountains like this." Shangguan Yan'er complained while drinking water: "such a lush forest should be used. It's so tall and strong that it's blocking our sight. How nice it is to cut it down and do wood business. "

"How you feel."

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head and said, "I don't know what's deep in this hundred thousand mountains. If there are any wild beasts, how many people dare to come in? Don't mention the use of troops. The troops will never cut down this forest. "

"Why not?" Shangguan Yan'er doesn't understand.

"Because this hundred thousand mountain is rooted in philosophy, it is a natural protective barrier that thieves can't cross." Zhao Chengfeng said in a deep voice: "this is just like the Great Wall in the capital. Although there is no defense force now, it was a solid wall in ancient times."

"I see." Shangguan Yan'er suddenly realized, and then said, "but I didn't find any wild animals. Isn't this place as terrible as you said?"

"Can you find your way back now?" Zhao Chengfeng asked: "how do you know there is no..."


However, just at this time, a wolf howl suddenly came from the deep forest. The sound of the wolf howl reverberated in the forest, which made a layer of cold sweat appear on people's back. Shangguan Yan'er and Tang Wei, in particular, subconsciously leaned against Zhao Chengfeng.

Women, it's understandable to be timid.


The wolf howled again.

"Really, there are wild animals." Shangguan Yan'er shivers and tries her best to drill into Zhao Chengfeng's arms. It seems that only in men's arms can we find enough sense of security.

"I didn't expect that there was an evil animal. I went to destroy it." Tang Wei is not so timid as Shangguan Yan'er, so she's going to shoot.

"Don't go!"

Zhao Chengfeng grabbed Tang Wei and said in a deep voice: "you can deal with a wolf, but what if it's a group of wolves? Now it should not find us, so if it can avoid it, just avoid it. Don't be impulsive. "

As soon as Tang Wei heard it, she sat back again.

Beast, to put it bluntly, is to eat your meat and open up the fishy smell, but as long as it is not found, it can't take you. In this kind of place, it's not terrible to meet lions and tigers, because three people all have guns, one gun down, one gun can't do two, afraid of meeting wolves!

Wolves swarmed up, even carrying a light machine gun may not be able to repel it.

"OK, let's get ready to go, around this area, and then..." Zhao Chengfeng suggested.

"Bang bang!"

But at this time, there was a gunshot coming from the forest. Yes, it was gunshot!

"Yes, it's the shot of the desert eagle!" Shangguan Yan'er is also an expert in playing with guns. Just listen to the sound, you will know the model of the gun. That's the skill.

"Don't we have our people in here?" Zhao Chengfeng suddenly thought of a possibility.


At this moment, the wolf howled again, from far and near, apparently ran over.

"Bang bang!"

The gunfire rang out again, and it was closer to Zhao Chengfeng's direction.

"Damn, don't lead the wolf here. Isn't that harmful to me?" Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help but scold, but he still said to the two women, "hide, and get ready to fight!"


Two women nodded, took out the gun, three or two climbed up the tree pole, standing high, forget far away.

"Bang bang!"

The sound of the gun is getting closer and closer. It seems to explode in the ears of Zhao Chengfeng and others. Every time the gun sounds, a series of birds start flying in the forest.

"Evil animal, why is the skin so thick? I'll kill you!"

Shangguan Lanxin scolded him as he changed his cartridge clip. He looked at the wolf behind him, which was nearly three meters long. He was scared. What he saw in the zoo was not a wolf, but a wolf dog at most.

But this is a real wolf, a wolf king!

"Bang Bang..."

After three shots in a row, Shangguan Lanxin turned around and ran, but he was so worried that he didn't notice that he fell to the ground with a somersault.

"Ah..." Shangguan Lanxin screamed, and the gun was thrown far away. His knees were broken, and his feet were twisted. Shangguan Lanxin's heart sank to the bottom of the valley in an instant. Did he want to die in wolf's belly?

No, it's too sad.


Big gray wolf also slowed down, looking at the fallen human, big gray wolf's eyes flashing cold and bloodthirsty light, for a long time did not taste the taste of human.

"Evil animal, don't come here, don't come here." Shangguan Lanxin's heart mentioned his throat. At this moment, his heart was filled with infinite sadness.

Are you going to die? Are you going to be eaten by wolves? No, I still have a lot of things to do. I haven't had time to show respect to my parents, to serve my country, and to find a way to relieve the heart biting poison.

I'm not willing to die like this.


However, the wolf is impatient. Seeing that the woman has no way to escape, he opens his mouth and pours on Shangguan Lanxin, which can bite off Shangguan Lanxin's whole head.

"Evil animal, die!"

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