"I don't believe it either." Tang Wei put down the kettle and said, "only you bully Lan Xin. How can she bully you? She still has injuries on her feet

Some people support him. Shangguan Lanxin's face is much better. But he looks back and stares at Zhao Chengfeng. This guy is too shameless. He's good at being cheap. The villain will complain first. What is it?

"Hey, you can't bully me just because you three are women." Zhao Chengfeng was not happy, lifted up his clothes and said: "here, you see, such a big bruise, which is just twisted by Lanxin. The material evidence is here. Don't you pretend you can't see it?"

Seeing the bruise on Zhao Chengfeng's waist, Tang Wei and Shangguan Yan'er look at each other. They all see some deep meaning from each other's eyes, but they don't say anything.

"I don't know. When did I screw you?" This time, it's Shangguan Lanxin's turn to deny, "I'm just a weak woman. Besides, I have injuries on my feet. How can I catch up with you? Will you not slander me


Zhao Chengfeng was in a daze. It's not easy to reason with women. It's not clear at all.

"Well, the water has come, and the meat has been roasted. Everyone hurry to eat. After eating, pack up the roasted wolf meat and fill your stomach on the way." Tang Wei waved her hand and said.

Zhao Chengfeng angrily sat down and began to cut meat for everyone. He turned back and glared at Shangguan Lanxin. Damn it, I didn't expect that brother Feng was calculated by a girl. It's too cowardly.

Unfortunately, Shangguan Lanxin didn't look at Zhao Chengfeng at all. As if nothing had happened, he sat beside and ate the roast wolf meat happily!

"Damn, you little girl can pretend, so you can pretend, pretend." Zhao Chengfeng is not afraid. It's always dark. He didn't feel comfortable last night. He should make up for what he said tonight. Otherwise, he's sorry for the humiliation he suffered today.

Thinking of this, Zhao Chengfeng is not so depressed.

After filling their stomachs, the four of them set out on the road again. Along the way, Shangguan Lanxin also told everyone what he had seen and met.

It has to be said that Shangguan LAN really has a lot of courage. He broke into 100000 mountains by himself. Except for a pistol and a dagger, he had nothing to defend himself. He didn't even prepare food and water!

"Niko, you can't be so reckless next time." Shangguan Yan'er said with a straight face: "if we didn't meet yesterday, maybe we can't even find your body. How do you want me to explain to my parents and grandfather?"

Shangguan orchid heart spit out tongue, low voice way: "I know."

"You really need to be careful when you enter 100000 mountains. It's very important to look for witches and insects, but your life is also very important." One side of Tang Wei also said, finish saying, but without a trace of a glance next to Zhao Chengfeng.

Can make a woman so crazy, even regardless of their own lives, only feelings! To say that Shangguan Lanxin is merciless to Zhao Chengfeng and doesn't believe in killing Tang Wei.

It's just

"Lan Xin, what did you find after you came in?" Shangguan Yan'er asked as she walked.

Hearing this, Shangguan Lanxin shook his head with a bitter smile and said, "what can I find? It's all woods. I can't even see it. What else can I find? "

"Don't worry. We have a map and a general direction now. We will certainly get something." One side of Tang Wei relieved smile, immediately followed Zhao Chengfeng's footsteps, continue to go to the depths of the forest.

A group of four people, like ascetics, are walking in the vast mountains


Tianxing village is a small village that can be seen everywhere in Miao province. However, Tianxing village is different in that it is not in the general boundary and can contact the modern society, but is stationed in the deep mountains and old forests - 100000 mountains.

Today is a very important day for Tianxing stronghold, because a new stronghold leader was born. Last month, the old stronghold leader was so sick that he could not resist and went to another world!

In Tianxing village, the leader of the village is just like the emperor. The country can't be without a leader for a day. But Tianxing village has no creditor for two months. In the past two months, there have been many disputes in Tianxing village, because many people are attracted to the throne of the leader.

Tianxing village is now divided into two factions, one is Xia family, the descendant of the old stronghold leader, and the other is mu family. Now the population of the Mu family is flourishing, occupying an absolute advantage in Tianxing village. Mu Changhe, the eldest of the Mu family, has great hope to ascend to the throne of the stronghold leader!

As long as the Mu family is superior, the Xia family will become the servants of the Mu family. This is the rule of Tianxing village. However, today's Xia family is withered. Since the old stronghold leader died, only Xia Muxi can be regarded as the talent of Xia family.

After all, he has read books. He should be qualified for the position of leader of Tianxing stronghold. Besides, Xia Muxi was originally the granddaughter of the old stronghold leader, but it's a matter of course.

You know, as long as you are the leader of the stronghold, you can inherit the king gu!

Gu Wang is the God of Tianxing stronghold!

"Uncle Xia, Muxi hasn't come back yet. I'm afraid that Mu Changhe will take advantage of the opportunity. We can't stop the people of Mu family at that time. Those guys are very powerful!" One young man is worried.

In front of the young man was a little old man in his 50s and 60s. His hair was gray and his forehead was engraved with the frost of years. The little old man was kind and kind, but his face was very ugly at this time.

"Muxi, this girl is too shameful. I shouldn't have sent her out to study at the beginning. Ah!" Cheyenne sighed, but could do nothing.

It's reasonable to say that Xia'an is the son of the old stronghold leader, but Xia'an doesn't have much talent for raising poisonous insects. Moreover, the ancestor of Xia's family doesn't have a foreign name. As long as Xia's family is the stronghold leader of Tianxing stronghold, she must be a daughter!

And, never marry!

This condition is very harsh and strange. Why only emphasize Xia family members, but not interfere with foreign surnames? This is Zuxun, and no one asks the bottom of it, so we have to follow it.

"Uncle Xia, it's not the time to blame Muxi. We should find Muxi and let her come back early to take charge of the overall situation. Otherwise, the people of Mu's family will be upset." The young man continued: "and I heard that the people of Mu family collude with the people of Miaohe village. If Miaohe village helps, they will cooperate with each other inside and outside, then..."

"Ah Lang, you go to find Muxi immediately. At any cost, you must bring Muxi back to me!" Xia an finally made a decision that the star stronghold must not fall into the hands of outsiders.

Then you can only compensate for the happiness of your daughter's whole life.

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