"I'll do it now!" The young man named a Lang answered and hurried out of the room.

"Muxi, father can only be sorry for you."

After the young man left, Xia an was in a dilemma. "For the sake of the whole Tianxing village, and for the future generations of my Xia family, my father can only sacrifice your happiness for a lifetime."

The leader of Tianxing village is really very beautiful. He has the power of life and death in Tianxing village. His status is no different from that of the emperor in ancient times. However, he can't get married all his life. He can only live alone in the ancestral temple all his life. How can ordinary people realize that?

As for why the old stronghold leader gave birth to Xia'an, Xia'an also knows something. It is said that the old stronghold leader fell in love with others when he was young, and finally he was taken back to Tianxing stronghold, but later he knew that he was pregnant and gave birth to himself.

Although the old stronghold leader has lived in the ancestral temple for decades, she has been in love after all. Even if she is alone, she has hopes and ideas in her heart. But her daughter is still so small, how can she stay in it for a lifetime?

But if she doesn't succeed, Tianxing village will be in chaos, and Xia family's descendants will be bullied and become Mu family's servants. This is what Cheyenne doesn't want to see.

That's at the expense of your daughter's happiness.


However, at this time, a Lang went back and forth, rushed in and fell to the ground in a mess.

"What's the matter?" Xia'an was startled and looked out the door.

Outside the door came several strong men, headed by Mu Changhe's son Mu Xiaofei.

"What are you doing? It's too bold. " Xia an is so angry that she dares to rush to her own house to beat others. She is very brave.

These servants are really lawless!

"Don't be angry, uncle Xia. We don't mean to come here, just to report a letter to you." Mu Xiaofei said with a smile: "your baby daughter is living in our house now. The most popular one is spicy. Don't mention how comfortable she is."

"What? You kidnapped Muxi? "

Smell speech, Xia an only feel scalp a hemp, seem to have been thundered like, Leng in the spot, thousands of calculation, Xia an didn't expect, Mu Changhe actually kidnapped his daughter, gave himself a cut!


Mu Xiaofei pretended to be angry: "Uncle Xia's speech is a little too bad. How can it be a kidnapping? We invited Muxi to our house, and she was very happy, so... "

"You fart!" Xia an was so angry that he said, "you bandits, release my daughter quickly, otherwise, I will not finish with you!"


The smile on Mu Xiaofei's face became more disdainful. He held his arm and hummed coldly: "I'm standing here. I'd like to see how you're going to end up with me? Come on

"You Xia an was so angry that her nose was crooked, but she had nothing to do.

Although Mu Xiaofei is arrogant, the Mu family has the capital to be arrogant. Almost all of them are strong men, so fighting is definitely not good. What's more, they still have their daughter.

"Well, you're tough!" Xia an clenched her teeth. She was stunned and swallowed the bad breath. She said, "come on, how can I let go of the wood? As long as you don't ask too much, I will promise you. "

Up to now, Xia an can only accept her fate.

"Put it? Why do you want to let me go? " Mu Xiaofei shook his head and said, "Muxi is very comfortable in our house. Our family also likes Muxi. So, I'm here to propose to Uncle Xia today. I want to marry Muxi. Won't you agree?"


Hearing this, Xia an is shocked again. The Mu family even wants their daughter to be their daughter-in-law. Isn't it a shame to the Xia family? You know, when the old stronghold leader was there, the Mu family was the servant of the Xia family!

It's not humiliation for the master to marry a servant. What is it?

"Uncle Xia, in fact, this is a good thing. Let me analyze it for you." Mu Xiaofei continued: "the Mu family and Xia family in Tianxing stronghold have been feuding for a long time, but after all, we are all from the same stronghold. Are we all from our own family? What's the noise? Is it necessary? "

"Now, the marriage of the Mu family and the Xia family has set a precedent. Isn't that the way to get closer?"

"I Pooh!"

Xia an was so angry that she shivered all over. "Get out of here. I won't marry Muxi to you. You bandits and bastards!"

"Marry or not, do you has the final say?"

Smelling the speech, Mu Xiaofei showed a sneer and said coldly, "today I'm not here to ask for your opinions, but to inform the Xia family. Three days later, I'll come to my wedding with Muxi. Of course, you can choose not to come. Then Muxi will never want to go back to her mother's home."

"You Cheyenne's lungs are bursting with anger.

"Let's go!"

However, Mu Xiaofei waved his hand and left with a group of people.

"Son of a bitch, you have to die!" Xia an was so angry that she stamped her feet. Unfortunately, Mu Xiaofei and others could not hear anything at all.

"Don't scold me, uncle Xia. Let's think about something. What should we do now?" On one side, a Lang said eagerly, like an ant on a hot pot, but he was helpless.

"How? What can I do? "

Xia an shook his head and said, "now there is no choice but to fight with them. Even if I fight for my old bone, I have to save Muxi. Only Muxi becomes the leader of Tianxing stronghold can the Mu family keep their peace."

"But..." ah long is still a little hesitant. Since the Mu family dares to make it clear, they are not afraid of Xia family's efforts. Impulse is not a wise move at this time.

"Nothing, but I've already thought about it." Xia an interrupted a Lang and said, "please inform the people below that we will attack Mu's house tonight. I will rescue Mu Xi."

A Lang opens his mouth and stops talking.


The Mu family.

Different from the gloomy look of the Xia family, the Mu family at the moment is like a serf singing, one by one excited with drugs, especially Mu Changhe, Mu Xiaofei and his son.

"Father, you didn't see that. Xia an almost didn't get angry from me. It's so cool. We finally spit out this evil breath. Ha ha ha." Mu Xiaofei said, a bowl of rice wine poured down, it is called a comfortable.

"Yes, the Xia family has bullied us for so many years. It's time for them to pay their debts!"

Mu Changhe snorted coldly: "what's the point of being angry? As long as I'm the leader of the stockade, I'm going to kill the Xia family one by one. What did these bastards do to us in those days? I'm going to ask for it myself! "

"We must get it back!" Mu Xiaofei said with a smile: "and Xia Muxi, the girl, I must take revenge on her and let her be my slave and servant."

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