"No, it's not necessary to be a slave." Mu Changhe waved his hand and said, "Xia Muxi, the girl who was born with water and who was sent out to study, is very knowledgeable. If you marry this girl, wouldn't it be better for her to inherit the Mu family?"

Smelling speech, Mu Xiaofei nodded heavily and said: "marry her? No, she doesn't have that face. I'll go to her now and let her know what shame is

With that, Mu Xiaofei poured down another bowl of rice wine, turned and left.

"Come back to me!"

Mu Changhe stopped his son and said, "what's the hurry? When Laozi ascends the stronghold, it's not too late for you to bow. Once Xia Muxi is annoyed, what if she commits suicide? "

"You know, although the Xia family is in decline and has no stronghold leader, the Xia family doesn't have no room for resistance. If the Xia family struggles to resist, our Mu family will lose a lot. Do you understand?"

Mu Xiaofei nodded, a little depressed. It's a pity that the beauty has to continue to endure. It's too unpleasant.

"All right, that's it."

Mu Changhe said: "we must take good care of Xia Muxi. The people of Xia family will not be arrested. I'll prepare for it, and I'll be the leader of the stockade tomorrow. "

"Yes, father." Mu Xiaofei answered and looked at Mu Changhe's back. He was very upset and paralyzed. Then you know that you are the stronghold leader. Can't I think of women?

"Well, if you don't let me touch it, I'll touch it!"

Mu Xiaofei thought so in his heart. Taking advantage of Mu Changhe's busy with other things, he slipped into the cell. The cell he was in was just a straw shed. In the middle of the straw shed, he helped a very beautiful young girl. It was not other people, it was Xia Muxi!

"Mu Xiaofei, are you going to rebel? Let me go, or I'll never end with you! " Xia Mu Xi stares at Mu Xiaofei angrily, the cackle of silver tooth bite rings straight.

Xia Muxi is very depressed. As soon as she enters the mountain, she is stopped by someone. She thought Mu Xiaofei and others came to pick her up to Tianxing village, but unexpectedly, they kidnapped her!

How can Xia Muxi not be angry when his servant kidnaps his master?

"Tut Tut, rebel? Ha ha. "

Mu Xiaofei was not angry, but instead smiled, "summer wood, I see you are not clear about the situation before. Now, the star village is not your summer family has the final say, do you really think you are the princess of Tianxing Zhai?"

"To tell you the truth, my father will soon become the leader of Tianxing stronghold and the master of your Xia family. You'd better save your strength. The Xia family is in the past."

"What? Is your father the new leader of Tianxing stronghold Xia Muxi was surprised. When she received the letter, she didn't say it. How could it be that her mother-in-law had died less than two months before the Tianxing stronghold changed like this?

"That's right!"

Mu Xiaofei said with a smile: "according to the rules of Tianxing stronghold, now the people of Mu family are the leader of Tianxing stronghold. Then the people of Xia family are the servants of Mu family. Now you are my servant. So, you'd better spare some strength to beg me. Maybe I'll marry you as soon as I'm happy. Maybe."

"I Pooh!"

Summer wood Xi a thick phlegm spurted to go out, angrily shout a way: "dream you, I summer wood Xi die also won't marry you, you this kind of mean person, can't marry a wife more all one's life."

"I think you are looking for death!"

Mu Xiaofei is very angry. He raises his hand and slaps at Xia Muxi. With a sound of "pa", he can only see Xia Muxi's white and natural face, which is instantly red and swollen.

"Smelly girl, I can't get a daughter-in-law? Hum, I'm on you now, paralyzed! " In the heart of anger, Mu Xiaofei strode past, reaching out to tear Xia Muxi's clothes.


Xia Muxi screamed again and again, "no, help, help... You beast, get away from me, ah..."

"Animals? Hum, I'll show you today, or I'll be sorry for your cursing. " Instead of stopping, Mu Xiaofei gets more excited when he hears Xia Muxi's cry for help and angry curse.

"Son of a bitch, you get away from me, you rascal, ah..." Xia Muxi was so anxious that her tears almost fell down, and she was about to be violated. At this moment, Xia Muxi had the heart of biting her tongue and committing suicide.

Even if you die, you can't be ruined by this bastard.

"Go away? Do you want me to roll with you? Ha ha ha... "Seeing Xia Muxi struggling and yelling, Mu Xiaofei became more and more excited and had a feeling of revenge.


Mu Xiaofei has been a servant for generations. He has a lot of strength. Xia Muxi's clothes are broken in an instant, revealing a large area of white and tender skin. Women's skin is like suede, moist and glossy.

"Son of a bitch, you can't die well, Wuwu..." Xia Muxi closed her eyes and left tears of humiliation.

"On you, even if not good death, I am willing to, ha ha ha..." Mu Xiaofei see eyes are straight, hand to grasp to Xia Muxi chest full.


Suddenly, a gust of wind blowing over, Mu Xiaofei did not understand what happened, just feel a pain in the waist, a strong hit, the whole person will fly out.


Mu Xiaofei, who was as strong as a cow, flew out and hit the house beside him like a shell.

"Oh, shit!" Mu Xiaofei grinned in pain and finally got up from the ground.


The visitor glanced at Mu Xiaofei, his pupils shrank, and a trace of killing came out. Looking back at the crying woman, he said in a soft voice, "don't be hurt, Muxi."

Smell speech, summer wood Xi Jiao body for a while, suddenly opened eyes, "wind elder brother, is you!"

"It's me." With a smile, Zhao Chengfeng took off his coat and put it on the woman. "We are really destined to meet again. No, I saved your life again. How do you plan to thank me?"

Xia Muxi did not expect that at the critical moment, it was him, he was still like his own prince, and saved himself. All the thanks came to his mouth and he swallowed them back.

"I thank you for your paralysis. Go to hell with you!"

However, at this time, Mu Xiaofei took out his pocket knife and cut off Zhao Chengfeng's neck when he didn't pay attention.

"Brother Feng, be careful..." Xia Muxi was so scared that she lost her face.


However, as soon as Zhao Chengfeng raised his eyebrows, he didn't even look at Mu Xiaofei. He raised his foot and kicked it back.


Come fast, go fast! Mu Xiaofei fell to the ground again and hit a flowerpot. He didn't get up from the ground for a long time.

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