
Mu Xiaofei fell to the ground with a mouthful of blood. He opened his mouth to say something. He turned his eyes and fainted.

Zhao Chengfeng was not half polite. Even the purest physical strength almost killed Mu Xiaofei. If he hadn't been a servant for generations, Mu Xiaofei would have been strong enough to die now.

"It doesn't look like you're in a good position." Zhao Chengfeng didn't go to see Mu Xiaofei lying on the ground at all. In Zhao Chengfeng's opinion, Mu Xiaofei is rubbish and deserves to die.

A normal person, will look at garbage? can't!

Zhao Chengfeng takes off his coat and puts it on Xia Muxi. I haven't seen her for a long time. The girl is as beautiful and refined as ever, but Xia Muxi, like a fairy, is not in a good condition now.

The original pretty face was swollen, the clothes were messy, and a large piece of white and tender appeared on the chest.

"Thank you. Thank you for saving me again." Xia Muxi is still in shock. Thinking of the terrible scene just now, Xia Muxi's heart of biting her tongue and killing herself is all there.

As the princess of Tianxing village, Xia Muxi doesn't mean to look down on the Mu family. Even Xia Muxi has always been very nice to the Mu family. When she comes back from outside, she will bring some snacks and toys for the children.

However, reality beats Xia Muxi's innocence, and he meets Mu Xiaofei, who seems to be honest on weekdays. He kidnaps himself and even rapes himself.

"Thank you?"

Zhao Chengfeng suddenly laughed, "how are you going to thank me? We thank people over there. They either give money directly or promise each other by themselves. You see, you are... "

Said, Zhao Chengfeng's eyes to xiamuxi key parts swept, heart or some small impulse.

Xia Muxi is a rare beauty. Different from the beauty Zhao Chengfeng has seen in the past, Xia Muxi is more delicate and beautiful, with a little bit of exotic beauty.

In particular, Xia Muxi's eyes are as bright as two night pearls, with long eyelashes and a high nose, just like a half blood beauty.

"Ah, to, to promise each other..." Xia Muxi came back to his senses, subconsciously stepped back, quite a feeling that the wolves had gone into the tiger's den again.


However, at this time, Mu Changhe rushed out with a group of strong men and saw his son lying in a pool of blood. Mu Changhe's eyes were red. He dares to beat his son!

"Surround them!" At Mu Changhe's command, more than a dozen strong men took out their money and quickly surrounded Zhao Chengfeng and Xia Muxi.

"Mu Changhe, what are you going to do? Are you really going to rebel? " Summer wood Xi sternly scolds a way, although in the heart is very afraid, but summer wood Xi hopes to be able to use the momentum to frighten the other party.

The Mu family has always been the servant of the Xia family. The servant has surrounded the master. Isn't that a rebellion?

"Well, rebellion?"

Mu Changhe gave a cold hum and gritted his teeth: "Xia family girl, are you stupid in reading? Do you think Lao Tzu still cares about a charge of rebellion? You think your mother-in-law's still here, don't you? I tell you, if it wasn't for the old witch, I would have trampled on your Xia family. Hum, what's the qualification of being the master of our Mu family

"You Summer wood Xi angry face all white, "you, you are not allowed to abuse my mother-in-law!"

"I Pooh!"

Mu Changhe spewed out thick phlegm and scolded: "abuse? I also want to lose her ashes, abuse is a fart! If it wasn't for her, would our Mu family have to work hard every day? If it wasn't for the Mu family, would your Xia family have been able to grow more than 100 mu of land and crops? But for the Mu family, you would have starved to death; If it wasn't for the Mu family, the wild animals in the 100000 mountains could eat you so much that you don't even have a bone left. If it wasn't for the Mu family, you would have been engulfed by the Miaohe village, you idiot! "

"You..." Xia Muxi's face is a little more pale. If she is reasonable, Xia Muxi may be able to talk a few words, but when it comes to rude remarks, Xia Muxi can only stare with anger.

"Now, I can tell you very clearly that Tianxing village belongs to the Mu family, and your Xia family is our Mu family's servant from now on." Mu Changhe looked a little pleased, "tomorrow, tomorrow I will officially become the leader of Tianxing stronghold!"

"Should your dream wake up?" See summer wood Xi angry words all say, Zhao Chengfeng opened his mouth.

Originally, this is a contradiction within Tianxing village. Zhao Chengfeng has no intention to interfere. But Xia Muxi is so miserable now that she can't ignore it. Moreover, Zhao Chengfeng hates those who make trouble the most!

It's like Bangzi country next to Huaxia country. In ancient times, it was a subsidiary country of Huaxia country. To put it bluntly, it was the younger brother and follower of Huaxia country. To put it mildly, it was dogleg.

When you are a dog, you have to have the consciousness of being a dog. You should be a little bit careless.

But it's obvious that neither Mu Changhe nor Bangzi country has the consciousness of being a dog. Especially, the grass bags in Bangzi country are famous for their pickles. They are very good. They are like the best in the world. Today's attitude towards Huaxia is arrogant and domineering. It is also an attempt to tamper with history, saying that the root of Huaxia lies in Bangzi!

On shamelessness, it's not aimed at anyone. Bangzi country is absolutely the best in the world!

"A servant should have the consciousness of a servant. Is this the attitude of speaking to the master?" Zhao Chengfeng looks coldly at Mu Changhe, the hero of Laozi. Mu Xiaofei is a strong criminal, and Mu Changhe is not a good thing.

"Boy, you're not from here. You're Xia Muxi's friend. Well, well, since you're here, you can stay together. If you hurt my son, I won't let you come to a good end. " Mu Changhe glances at Zhao Chengfeng, and his pupils shoot out a killing intention.

Mu Changhe has a bit of eye power. First of all, there are not many people in Tianxing stronghold. When they die, they look like five or six hundred. Every family knows him. Zhao Chengfeng is a stranger. He must be a migrant; Secondly, Zhao Chengfeng's clothes are very different from those of Tianxing village.

However, the only thing Mu Changhe can't understand is, where did Zhao Chengfeng come from and how did he get in? You know, I didn't see Zhao Chengfeng when I caught Xia Muxi at first.

"It's a bird's use just to say but not to practice. If you want to do something, come on. I'll teach you how to be a man today." Zhao Chengfeng habitually lit a cigarette, the world is beautiful, Zizi's bang.

Mu Changhe stares at Zhao Chengfeng. His eyes narrow into a crack. Suddenly he waves his hand and says, "go!"

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