
Just as Mu Changhe's voice fell, more than ten people rushed up.

"Ah, be careful."

Xia Muxi is a girl. Where have you seen such scenes? If it's cut down, it can't be cut into meat sauce?

"A bunch of rubbish!"

Zhao Chengfeng has a touch of disdain at the corner of his mouth and suddenly moves.

"Whoosh", just like a strong wind, Zhao Chengfeng's figure actually disappeared in situ, just like a ghost.

"Bang bang!"

Just in the blink of an eye, more than ten people fell to the ground and cried out in pain, but they didn't get up from the ground!

Silence, dead silence!

Xia Muxi looks at Zhao Chengfeng who is standing in front of him again. Her eyes are straight. Who is he? How could it be so powerful? God, it took less than a minute for a man to fight more than ten people. It happened so fast that he couldn't see clearly.

"Well, if you are so powerful yourself, it would be better. If you are so powerful yourself, will you be arrested?" Summer wood Xi in the heart thinks so, ponder whether want to worship a teacher to learn an art.


Xia Muxi was stunned, and Mu Changhe on the other side was directly shocked. The fierce color of the past disappeared without a trace at this moment. Because of fear, the whole body trembled.

"You, are you a man or a ghost? You... "


Zhao Chengfeng gave the latter a white look, then handed over the rope that had just tied Xia Muxi, and said, "tie yourself up. I'm afraid you'll dirty your hands. Remember, tie it up firmly."


Smell speech, Mu Changhe expression some strange, this, this is not to embarrass people? How can I tie myself up?

"What's going on?"

However, at this time, Shangguan Yan'er and others also arrived. After a night's rest, Shangguan Lanxin's feet were almost the same, at least he could go by himself.

"It's you?" Tang Wei knows Xia Muxi. She is really surprised to see Xia Muxi here, especially when she sees that the coat on Xia Muxi is Zhao Chengfeng's.

Tang Wei knows Zhao Chengfeng very well. As long as she is a beauty, there is nothing she doesn't like; As long as it's a beauty, he always has a way to go up and hook up, and then he becomes his woman.

"Pretty sister, you're here, too." Xia Muxi was also very surprised. She thought that Zhao Chengfeng was the only one. She didn't expect that her beautiful sister was also there. Not only the beautiful sister is there, but there are two more beauties.

It's just that the two beauties look so similar?

"Why are you here?" Tang Wei is not so enthusiastic as Xia Muxi. Instead, she stares at the woman with vigilance.

Women will be jealous, and women will mind if other women take their men. Tang Wei is no exception. Even now Zhao Chengfeng has many women, but Tang Wei doesn't want the number to increase.

"This is my hometown." Summer wood Xi should a, seem to realize Tang Wei is not friendly to oneself, in the heart is very innocent, don't say oneself appear here also not good?

"Your hometown?" Tang Weixiu frown, some doubt in the heart, is the world too small, or fate to too coincidental, this can meet?

When she was in Kangba scenic area, Tang Wei sent Xia Muxi away. She thought she would never meet again, but unexpectedly, she still met him. Moreover, she was still in the 100000 mountain where birds don't shit and turtles don't lay eggs.

One hundred thousand mountain is extremely dangerous, and it's also a border area. How can it become Xia Muxi's hometown?

"Do you know each other?"

At this time, Shangguan Yan'er just glances at Xia Muxi. Shangguan Yan'er's heart suddenly becomes alert. In contrast, Shangguan Yan'er knows Zhao Chengfeng better than Tang Wei. Now there is a beautiful woman in front of her. Let alone a man, even ordinary women will be jealous.

"I met you once." Tang Wei nodded.

"What's going on?" Shangguan Yan'er points to the mess of the land. Her brow turns into a knot in one's heart. It's obvious that someone just started.

"It's a long story. Tie that bastard up first." Zhao Chengfeng is a little embarrassed, especially when he meets the eyes of Shangguan Yan'er's three daughters. He is not at ease.

Ah, brother Feng is dying. How can he harm other girls again?

It's true that Zhao Chengfeng likes beautiful women, and there's nothing to hide. Like is like, don't like is don't like, it's personal physiological instinct, psychological instinct, nothing to be surprised.

However, Zhao Chengfeng is also aware of his current situation. According to the words of Huisheng, he has only one month's life in a smooth situation. If it doesn't go well, he may die at any time. At that time, won't more women be widowed for him?

Zhao Chengfeng is lustful, but he has a good sense of color.

"Is it necessary to tie it?" One side of the officer Lan Xin directly pulled out the gun, cold voice way: "raise hands!"


Mu Changhe's legs softened and he almost knelt down. These people have guns. What's the origin?

"No, don't shoot!" Mu Changhe's forehead came out in a cold sweat, and his heart came up to his throat.

Mu Changhe really has some skills. He needs strength and a little bit of Kung Fu. He is the first master in Tianxing village. But in front of Zhao Chengfeng, he is rubbish. In front of guns, he is a mole ant.

"Muxi, where is your home? Take us." Zhao Chengfeng looked back at Xia Muxi and said in a deep voice, "the Mu family kidnaps you. It's clear that they want to do something to your family. As long as you control Mu Changhe, I think you and your family are safe."

Hearing this, Xia Mu Xi's face suddenly became ugly. She was just afraid. How could she forget this stubble?

Mu Changhe wants to be the new leader of xingzhai on that day. His father and the whole Xia family will certainly resist, and the Mu family will teach him a lesson.

"You come with me!"

Aware of the seriousness of the problem, Xia Muxi and Zhao Chengfeng walk to the other side. As for mu Xiaofei and other Mu family members, they still lie in the same place and don't care.

One mu Changhe is enough to capture the thief and the king. What's more, with Zhao Chengfeng and his party, are they afraid that they will turn up any waves?

"The village is not small. It's beautiful." As she walked along, Tang Wei suddenly found the Tianxing village interesting and ethnic.

"But how come there don't seem to be many people in the village?" Shangguan Yan'er found another problem. Along the way, she didn't find anyone, so she had to be alert.

After hearing this, Xia Muxi's step was faster.

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