"Brother Feng, wait a moment, I'll change my clothes and accompany you!"

Xia Muxi takes Zhao Chengfeng and others to her living room, and then goes back to her bedroom. The so-called living room is a reception hall beside the ancestral hall, which is very large.

In the middle of the living room is a huge chair, which is covered with a piece of tiger skin, the whole piece of tiger skin! It looks majestic and full of evil spirit!

"I'll go. This Tianxing village is amazing. You see, the tea table is actually made of Phoebe." Shangguan Lanxin because of foot injury, into the living room and sat down, just sat down in front of the delicate and simple tea table to attract.

"The key point is that this carving skill is not made by ordinary skilled people and craftsmen." Tang Wei said: "I think this Tianxing stronghold is not simple. It's easy for people to dress here, but everything in this house is not ordinary. It's sold in the city. It's a high price. It's still an antique if it's not well preserved."

"Don't you think this Tianxing stronghold is very strange?"

Shangguan Yan'er frowned slightly and said in a low voice, "at least, in my impression, I've never heard of Tianxing village in the Miao area. Have you heard of it?"

"Not having heard of it doesn't mean it doesn't exist." Zhao Chengfeng lit a cigarette and said, "China is too big. There are many unknown places. Before we entered the 100000 mountains, we never dreamed that there would be such a stockade. I just came in to try my luck. I didn't expect that I was really hit. It seems that the old Lama didn't cheat us

"By the way, old Lama!"

Referring to the old Lama, Tang Wei quickly took out the map in her backpack. After studying it for a long time, she affirmed: "this, this, this is what the old Lama pointed out to us."

"So there's a sorcerer here?" Shangguan Yan son smell speech immediately came spirit, hurriedly gathered in the past.

The context of Shiwandashan is very clear, and the last end of the red line is tianxingzhai!

"I don't know if there is a Gu master, but it must be here." Tang Wei's eyes burst out a burst of light, it is the light of hope, all this is not in vain, after all the hardships, finally found.

"We'll find out when that Xia Muxi comes? So why bother Shangguanlan said: "we have helped them so much, they can't even help us?"

Tang Wei and Shangguan Yan'er also don't live to nod, think Shangguan Lanxin's words are very reasonable.

"What are you asking me?" However, at this time, Xia Muxi came in.

It seems that Xia Muxi, who has changed her local clothes, is a little more beautiful. She wears patterned clothes with patterned skirts and ponytails, just like a minority. Oh, no, she is a famous minority!

"Is there a Gu master in your stockade? A very powerful one? " Shangguan Yan'er can't wait to ask, without any cover.

"Why do you ask this question? What do you want to do with Gu Shi? "

The smile on Xia Muxi's face suddenly disappears, and she stares at Shangguan Yan'er and others in front of her. If Xia Muxi remembers correctly, when she saw Zhao Chengfeng not long ago, it seems that he is also looking for a Gu master.

Do they want to take that thing, too?

"Let's go to find a Gu master to save people. You can tell us directly whether there is a Gu master in this village." Shangguan Yan'er asks again, this time, Shangguan Yan'er's eyes are full of aggression, staring at xiamuxi.

In contrast, xiamuxi in front of shangguanyan'er, that is a little doll, just xiamuxi eyes flash away vigilance, let shangguanyan'er move mind.

The girl seems to know something, but she doesn't want to tell herself and others.

"No, we don't have a demagogue here." Xia Mu Xi shakes her head. "You've found the wrong place. We don't have a Gu master here..."

"You lie!"

Shangguan Yan'er drinks with a sound and presses forward step by step. She stares at the woman's eyes and says, "your eyes betray you. You have a Gu master here, don't you?"

"You, you, don't come here. What are you doing?" Xia Muxi was startled by the change of the woman's expression. At first, she thought Shangguan Yan'er was very amiable. But at this moment, her face was suddenly cold, and her eyes were as cold as a knife.

"Answer me, who is the sorcerer here? Answer me... "

"Yan'er, don't scare her."

When the atmosphere is tense, Zhao Chengfeng stands out and stops Shangguan Yan'er.

"When are you still protecting him? Don't you know your own situation? " Shangguan Yan'er is in a hurry, and the rare Chong Zhao Chengfeng roars.

"Yan'er, calm down." Zhao Chengfeng held the woman's shoulder. "There's no way to worry. Now..."

"I can't calm down!"

Shangguan Yan'er growled: "do you know that now you may only have less than one month's life, don't you want to live? You don't want to live, but have you thought about us? "

The faces of Shangguan Lanxin and Tang Wei are also extremely ugly, especially when they say "may only have a life span of less than one month", Tang Wei's eyes are red.

What do you pay for? Isn't it just to find the Gu master and remove the heart biting Gu in Zhao Chengfeng's body? Now I have arrived at Tianxing village and the place pointed out by the old Lama, but I am told that there is no gu master here? Who believes that? Who can not be excited?

"Brother Feng, what's wrong with you, your body?" Xia Muxi is also frightened by this sudden scene. It seems that Zhao Chengfeng's body is in trouble.



Tang Wei stopped in front of Zhao Chengfeng and went to Xia Muxi, trying to soften his tone, "it's not the first time that you and I have met or saved you. It's said that I don't need you to repay me, but I hope you can tell me the truth. Do you have a magician in Tianxing village, or tell me where there is a magician? This is very important to us. Only when we find the Gu master, we may be able to save your brother Feng's life! "

"He, he's being seduced?" Xia Muxi seems to think of something.

Tang Wei did not answer, but nodded heavily.

That damned king is so mean. In order to control Zhao Chengfeng, he used such a vicious method. It's extremely hateful! You know, in fact, Zhao Chengfeng is his nephew.

"Brother Feng, how can you be seduced? What's wrong with you? " Smell speech, summer wood Xi complexion big change.

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head with a wry smile and said, "poison the heart!"

"What? It's heart biting

Summer wood Xi smell speech, as if be thundered like, repeatedly retreated a few steps, the whole person completely silly.

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