"Muxi, Muxi, talk to me. You know there are demagogues here, don't you?"

Tang Wei is not stupid. When she looks at Xia Muxi's expression, she knows she's right.

"Sister Weiwei, there used to be a Gu master here, but now there is really no gu master." Xia Mu Xi shakes her head, with a sad smile on her pretty face“ Sorry, brother Feng


Zhao Chengfeng's heart is also a sigh, but forced out a smile, perhaps, this is his destiny, God does not let himself live, what can be done?

"What? There is no poison master? "

"How can there be no gu master?"

"Where are the demagogues?"

Zhao Chengfeng is calm to accept, but Shangguan Yan'er three girls can't accept, this is Zhao Chengfeng's only hope, but the only hope is dead, how can three girls not worry?

"Don't force me. Life and death depend on man. Don't compete with God." Zhao Chengfeng stops the three girls, hoping that they can calm down.

"You don't care about your own life and death, don't you care what we'll do in the future?"

This time, Shangguan Lanxin broke out and pushed away Zhao Chengfeng. His tears came out. He pointed to Zhao Chengfeng's nose and said, "Zhao Chengfeng, you son of a bitch, you have seen my mother and touched my mother. Then you want to die like this, don't you? You bastard, you irresponsible bastard

The sudden outburst of Shangguan Lanxin makes people at a loss, especially Zhao Chengfeng. Unexpectedly, Zhao Chengfeng has always been cold to herself, and even hated her Shangguan Lanxin. She actually likes herself.

"Lan Xin, don't cry." Shangguan Yan'er is not at all surprised, sister heart, Shangguan Yan'er and how can not know the sister's mind?

Even Tang Wei was not surprised. If shangguanlan didn't have Zhao Chengfeng in his heart, he didn't believe it. Who will leave their parents and sisters and come to this mountain alone for a man who doesn't love?

You know, one hundred thousand mountains are comparable to the existence of virgin forests, which are full of all kinds of dangers. If you are careless, you will die. If it wasn't for Zhao Chengfeng, maybe Shangguan Lanxin would be dead now.

For a man to die, isn't that love? Bullshit?

"This..." Xia Muxi is also silly. She looks at Shangguan Lanxin, who is crying, and then at Zhao Chengfeng. Finally, her eyes sweep over Tang Wei. Suddenly, she finds that the relationship between these people is too complicated.

When Xia Muxi saw Zhao Chengfeng for the first time, Tang Wei was Zhao Chengfeng's girlfriend, but now it seems that Shangguan Lanxin also likes Zhao Chengfeng. Obediently, they seem to have done some shameful things, but Tang Wei doesn't care at all?

"Muxi, we have come all the way from the mainland to this hundred thousand mountain to find the Gu master and relieve the heart biting Gu in Chengfeng's body." Tang Wei takes a fancy to Guan Yan'er. After stabilizing Shangguan Lanxin, she pulls Xia Muxi and says, "I hope you can tell us where the Gu master is? How are you

"Sister Weiwei, you are my life-saving benefactor of xiamuxi and the whole Tianxing stronghold. I shouldn't hide from you. It's true that Tianxing stronghold used to have demagogues, but now Tianxing stronghold really has no demagogues." Xia Muxi came back and said sincerely.

Hearing this, Tang Wei and other three women's hearts were clapping again.

"What about your demagogues? Why not? " Shangguan orchid heart still don't give up, anyway words all said, also don't need what face.

"Our Gu master here..."

"Because the only Gu master in Tianxing village is dead."

At this time, Xia'an came in with a dignified face. It was obvious that Xia'an had heard the speech just now.




Shangguan Yan'er and others look at each other and see despair from each other's eyes. After searching for thousands of miles, I thought I had found hope, but unexpectedly, the only Gu master in Tianxing village died!

"Yes, dead!"

Xia an nodded for sure, and then looked at Zhao Chengfeng again with a mournful look. "Xiao Zhao, I'm sorry you're late. We Tianxing village can't help you."

"Nothing. At least I'm still alive." Zhao Chengfeng's mood is like a dog in the sun, but now he can't help it. He can't be sad all day.

Zhao Chengfeng is not afraid of death. No soldier in China is afraid of death! However, Zhao Chengfeng can't die now. There are still many things waiting for him to do. Take yuan Shanshan back to the inner gate and take back the glory that once belonged to them for the yuan family; Most importantly, find Xia Bingbing!

But, luck is too bad, what can we do?

"Uncle Xia, is there no other Gu master in Tianxing village? In other words, is there any other stockade besides Tianxing stockade, and do they have a sorcerer? " Shangguan Yan'er doesn't give up. As long as Zhao Chengfeng is alive, Shangguan Yan'er won't give up.

And if Zhao Chengfeng really came to that step, Shangguan Yan'er would not choose to live. He swallowed the heart biting poison for his own sake. If he died of the heart biting poison, Shangguan Yan'er would follow him to the hell hall and accompany him!


Xia an shakes his head, is completely cut off the idea of Shangguan Yan son.

Sure enough, after Xia an's voice fell, the three girls were all depressed. They sat down and didn't say a word.

"What are you all doing? I'm not dead yet, am I Zhao Chengfeng doesn't like this kind of depressive and dreary atmosphere very much, "don't keep a straight face, I'm angry again."

However, Zhao Chengfeng's words did not have much power, and the three girls were still silent.

"Xiao Zhao, you are so young, how can you be seduced?" Xia an was also distressed and asked, "by the way, what kind of poison have you got? I didn't hear you clearly just now

"Heart biting poison!" Zhao Chengfeng did not hide.

"What? It's heart biting

This time, it's Xia an's turn to be shocked, pointing to Zhao Cheng and saying, "you, how did you get the heart biting poison? Isn't there only one of them? How can you be bitten

"What do you mean there is only one goblin? What do you mean Zhao Chengfeng frowned and didn't understand Xia an's words.

"There's only one heart biting bug in the world. It's a unique one. How can you get caught? You know, this heart biting bug is the treasure of Miao he village. " Xia an seemed to think of something and asked, "you, did you offend the people of Miao he village?"

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng more puzzled son, looked at Guan Yan son and others, three people are also shaking their heads.

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