"What is this Miaohe village? We don't know. " Shangguan Yan'er puts down the sadness in her heart for the time being, and looks at Xia'an with doubts.

This time it's Xia an's turn to be depressed, and he doesn't have a good way: "this heart biting poison is the thing of Miao he village. You've been bitten by heart biting poison, and you don't know what Miao he village is for?"

"No, Abba, the people in Miao he village have no heart biting insects. How come they haven't heard about it?" Summer wood Xi way out of another doubt, "also didn't hear Miao he Zhai what trouble?"

"There's something really strange about it!"

Xia an thinks carefully, eyebrow also followed to wring.

However, father and daughter completely confused Zhao Chengfeng and his party. What's the situation? After a while, a Miaohe village came out, and he said that the heart biting poison was the treasure of Miaohe village. If it was from Miaohe village, how could it fall into Zhao Feilong's hands?

"No, can you tell us more about it?" Tang Wei forced herself to calm down and asked, "what's the matter with this Miao village? What does it have to do with the heart biting poison in Chengfeng's body? In other words, if we find Miao hezhai now, does it mean that someone can relieve the heart biting poison in Chengfeng's body? "

Smell speech, Shangguan Yan'er two sisters suddenly in front of a bright, yes, since the heart eating Gu is Miao he village's baby pimple, OK, you take it back, after you take the heart eating Gu back, won't Zhao Chengfeng be saved?

"Don't dream. Don't go to Miaohe village. If you go to Xiaozhao, you will die. No, you will die immediately!" Xia an's face was dignified and her tone was much heavier.

In this sentence, it's like a basin of ice water splashed on Shangguan Yan'er's three daughters, breaking all their hopes.

"Why? Dad, isn't the heart biting Gu from Miao he village? We can negotiate with the people of Miao he village. " Summer wood Xi also some don't understand.


Xia an looked at her daughter and sighed, "it's a long story."

"It's a long story. Let's talk slowly. Anyway, I'm not in a hurry now. I'm dead on both sides. Ha ha." Zhao Chengfeng was very calm and made a joke.

However, no one accompanied with a smile, but people's faces are more dignified a bit.

"Keke, uncle Xia, you'd better tell us about the Miao village. I'm really curious now." Zhao Chengfeng coughed twice and changed the topic.


Xia an lit up the dry smoke and began to speak slowly, saying: "in fact, Tianxing village and Miaohe village have a history of more than one thousand years. It can be said that they are the two oldest villages in the world so far. At the same time, Tianxing village and Miaohe village are two opposite villages. We don't know how the feud came from. It's not mentioned in the book. Anyway, you don't like me and I don't like you. "

"It's not hard to understand that there must be conflicts of interest when there are grudges." Shangguan Lan said in a deep voice: "it's just that the hatred between you can last for thousands of years, which is unexpected."


Xia an glanced at Shangguan Lanxin and continued: "maybe it's because both Miaohe village and Tianxing village have demagogues, so there's a conflict."

"So there are also powerful demagogues in Tianxing stronghold?" Tang Wei's pupil shrinks and stares at Xia an.

"Don't stare at me like that, you girl. You have just saved our whole Tianxing stronghold. Am I an ungrateful person?" Cheyenne was not angry.

Tang Wei's face was a little embarrassed. She opened her mouth and didn't mean to apologize.

"Uncle Xia, don't be angry." Zhao Chengfeng said with an apologetic smile: "they care too much about me, so they are a little impatient. I hope you can understand."

"Understand, understand."

Xia an waved her hand and said that she didn't care. She continued: "Xiao Zhao, the heart biting poison on you is the treasure of Miao he village. It can even be said that the heart biting poison is their God. If it wasn't for the deep hatred, the people of Miao he village would never use heart biting poison. I don't know how you offended Miao he village. How could they do that? "

"I really didn't offend the people of Miao he village!"

Zhao Chengfeng grinned bitterly and said, "I haven't heard of Miaohe village even before. How can I get revenge with the people in Miaohe village? One of my enemies forced me to eat this insect, so... "

"Do your enemies have anything to do with Miaohe village? Did Miao hezhai lend the heart biting poison to your enemy Xia an frowns to ask a way, in the heart but feel again impossible.

Heart biting Gu is the treasure of Miao he village and the spirit of Miao he village. Who will lend his spirit? Pure bullshit!

"I'm not particularly clear about that. Anyway, my enemy is very fierce." Zhao Chengfeng shrugs and still knows nothing.

"That's difficult. Ah Xia'an sighed again, looking sad and solemn.

Shangguan Yan'er couldn't hold it any longer. She asked, "old man, since heart biting Gu is the treasure of Miao he village, why do we go to Miao he village for help, but it's harmful to the popularity?"

Shangguan Yan'er really can't understand. Since they are the insects of Miao he village, the people of Miao he village must be able to remove them. They must also hope that their "gods" will return as soon as possible.

"If you think about it, the heart biting insects are all on Xiao Zhao. The people in Miao hezhai must think that he is the enemy. If you don't push the spell, it's good. How can you save him?" She asked.

For a moment, the crowd was speechless again, and the atmosphere became more dreary.

"What's more, it can't be relieved. Once the host dies, it will automatically peel off the host's body and return to Miaohe village. No matter how far it is, it will find its way home." Continued Cheyenne.

Hearing this, Shangguan Yan'er's face became more and more ugly. Is Zhao Chengfeng dead?


Shangguan Lanxin stood up, gritted his teeth and said, "it's a big deal. I'll take people to destroy Miaohe village and arrest their demagogues. I don't believe it. They can play demagogues, but they can't relieve them. If you can't get rid of it, I'll let the Miao Village disappear from the world forever! "

"It's no use killing them. The heart biting poison in Miaohe village is just like the spoony poison in Tianxing village. As long as you kill them, no one can get rid of them unless you die." Xia an shakes her head. Although she is cruel, she still decides to tell the truth.

"I..." Shangguan Yan'er is very angry, but she has nothing to do.

"All right, all right, don't worry about it."

Zhao Chengfeng pressed his hand, motioned Shangguan Lanxin to sit down, and said: "it's all in vain now. Let's leave it to fate. Some things can't be changed by anyone. Since they can't be changed, we can only face them!"

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