"Just give up?" Shangguan Yan'er looks at Zhao Chengfeng with tears in her eyes.

If it wasn't for himself, he wouldn't have joined the broken heaven. If it wasn't for himself, he wouldn't have been bitten by any heart biting poison. He saved himself, but he can never save himself.

As punishment, do you want to watch him get closer to death and walk into the abyss step by step?

"Uncle Xia, you just said that your Tianxing village also keeps poisonous insects. But why do they have poisonous insects in Miao he village, but they don't?" Tang Wei doesn't understand.

"I just told you that there is no gu master in Tianxing village, but Gu master died. Just two months ago, the only Gu master in Tianxing village died." Xia an's face was a little sad. "To tell you the truth, the only Gu master in Tianxing village was my aunt, that is, Mu Xi's mother-in-law, who died just two months ago."

"This..." smell speech, Tang Wei complexion a little embarrassed, apologized: "sorry, I also..."

"It's nothing to be sorry for. I understand your feelings." Xia an waved her hand, and the sadness on her face soon hid.

It's really sad that one's relatives have passed away. However, as spring goes on and autumn comes, birth, old age, illness and death are the most normal alternation of life, and sorrow is useless. His mother is different from Zhao Chengfeng.

My mother is old and the lamp is dry. But Zhao Chengfeng, a strong dragon and tiger, was in his prime of life. It would be a pity to go now.

"Then you are her son. Why are you not a Gu master?" Shangguan Yan'er asks again. Shangguan Yan'er also knows that it's a bit like throwing salt on people's wounds. But for the sake of Zhao Chengfeng, Shangguan Yan'er can only be cruel to others.

As long as she can save Zhao Chengfeng, Shangguan Yan'er can use countless gold and silver treasures to compensate the Xia family and the whole Tianxing village.

"Yan'er, you..." Zhao Chengfeng frowned slightly and motioned Shangguan Yan'er not to ask again. It's a bit unreasonable for you to ask such a question just after someone died at home.

"No harm."

But Xia an waved her hand and said with a faint smile, "death can't bring us back to life. We also accept the reality."

"Uncle Xia, I'm sorry, they may be a little anxious." Zhao Chengfeng apologized.

Xia an shook his head and then explained to the public: "there is a rule in Tianxing village, which has been handed down for many years. Since ancient times, there has only one Gu master in Tianxing village, and this Gu master is the leader of Tianxing village. If anyone becomes the leader of Tianxing stronghold, he is the only Gu master of Tianxing stronghold. Now we don't have a leader in Tianxing village, so there is no gu master. "

"Why don't you just push a stronghold leader out?" Shangguan Lanxin thinks it's hard to talk to them.

The old stronghold leader has been dead for more than two months, and the new stronghold leader has not been elected yet. Why are they so hard to choose?


Xia an glanced at Xia Muxi and sighed: "do you think we don't want to choose a new leader? It's just that the conditions are too harsh. If a new stronghold leader can be elected, and a new poisonous master is in Tianxing stronghold, will Mu Changhe and others dare to rebel? "

"What are the conditions? Let's hear it. " Tang Wei thinks that the little old man is really a little grumpy. Can't the old man talk a little more happily?

"Muxi, it's almost the same time. Go and tell us to get the Xia family together in the evening. Xiao Zhao and his party helped us a lot today. We should thank them, inform the kitchen, cook some good dishes and let the servants move the wine out." Xia an didn't answer directly. Instead, she told Xia Muxi.

Xiamuxi felt strange, as if her father had something to say on his back. However, xiamuxi didn't ask much, so she went out to ask everyone to prepare dinner.

"Uncle Xia, is the successor of Tianxing village related to Muxi?" Zhao Chengfeng is an individual. He guessed it all at once.

Xia an nodded and took a mouthful of dry tobacco. Her old face swept past and couldn't bear it.

"Since Xia Muxi is the heir, why don't you let her be the stronghold leader?" Shangguan orchid heart straight mouth fast, "when the stronghold leader, maybe you can save Chengfeng."

"Lan Xin, don't worry, listen to the old man first." Zhao Chengfeng stops Shangguan Lanxin. She says that these women can't wait. Don't you see that old Xia looks ugly?

"Well, I can't hide it now."

Xia an sighed: "the stronghold leader of Tianxing village is really beautiful. In our Tianxing village, the stronghold leader is just like the emperor. He has a lot to say. However, the stronghold leader has to endure loneliness all his life. Just like my aunt, she has stayed in the ancestral hall all her life and never stepped out. What's the difference between being a stronghold leader and being in prison? "

"Muxi is still young. As a father, how can I have the heart to send her in? It looks beautiful, but day after day, year after year, who can bear it?"

"I see."

Zhao Chengfeng's face is full of emotion. This is just like someone who envied Xia Bingbing in the past. The president of the beautiful woman should have a face value, a figure and a lot of money, but who knows how much effort Xia Bingbing has made for the perfume lily company?

"Well, can't you choose a new stronghold leader?" Tang Wei frowned and asked, "for example, can't you find someone who is willing to spend his life in the ancestral temple?"

"How could it be that easy?"

Xia an said: "the rules of the ancestors have been set long ago. Only the Xia family can become the stronghold leader. In addition, they must be female. Before she died, she told me that the next leader of Tianxing village was Muxi. That's why I asked someone to tell Muxi to come back. On the way back, I met Mu Changhe and other villains. "

"So... What did she think? Is she willing to be the new stronghold leader? " Shangguan Yan'er asked.

Cheyenne shook her head.

"Uncle Xia, you..."


Zhao Chengfeng quickly stops Shangguan Yan'er and shakes his head at the latter. The old man's meaning is very obvious. He doesn't want his daughter to live in the ancestral temple like in prison. Why do you ask so many questions? Don't you mean to be miserable?

"Uncle Xia, thank you anyway. Maybe this is my destiny." Zhao Chengfeng turns back and bows to Xia an to express his thanks.

Zhao Chengfeng also wanted to live, but he never forced others. Moreover, even if Xia Muxi becomes the leader of Tianxing stronghold and the new demagogue master, she may not be able to relieve the heart biting demagogy in her body. Rather, she should let nature take its course.

"Thank you. I didn't help you. I'm ashamed." Xia an shakes her head and looks annoyed.

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