"You have helped us so much, but I don't know how to help you, which..." Xia an apologized.

"It's very easy for you to help us. Just let your daughter become a demagogue." Shangguan orchid heart cold way, cold eyes staring at Xia an, full of a bit of threat.

"Lan Xin!"

Zhao Chengfeng stares at him and stops Shangguan Lanxin. Isn't that what he's trying to do?

"You don't want me to die. I'm very moved along the way, but I can't force others because of myself. What's more, even if Muxi really becomes the leader of Tianxing stronghold and a new generation of demagogues, she can't save me. Don't we harm others and ourselves? "

By Zhao Chengfeng's roar, the three girls were silent.

"Three girls, I can understand your feelings, and I would like to help you, but it's hard to disobey Zuxun. Besides, I have to say one thing. " Xia an said in a deep voice: "the heart biting bug is the treasure of Miao he village. As I said, it's not a mortal enemy who won't use the heart biting bug to poison. It's extremely dangerous, and no one can..."

"Well, don't say anything!"

Xia an didn't finish a word, but Shangguan Lanxin couldn't listen any more. She stood up and walked out of the living room.

"This..." Zhao Chengfeng is also full of embarrassment, had to apologize to Xia an repeatedly, "sorry, old man, my friend's temper is not very good."

"I understand that she cares too much about you. I can understand her mood. It's not in the way." Xia an waved her hand and said immediately, "by the way, Xiao Zhao, how did you get here? Did you go into the mountain with Muxi? "

Xia an is more curious about this problem. It's reasonable that her daughter won't bring outsiders back, but if Zhao Chengfeng and others come in by themselves, it's really extraordinary.

Shiwanda mountain is extremely dangerous, and it's also a natural enchantment array. Let alone Zhao Chengfeng and other outsiders, many old hunters in Tianxing stronghold haven't come out since they have been in for so many years.

"We are also instructed by the expert, gave us a map, just found here." Zhao Chengfeng did not hide, directly gave the map to Xia an.


Xia an took the map and glanced at it. Her face suddenly changed. She pointed to the map and said, "here, who gave you the map? How could it be so detailed? No, as like as two peas in the sky star map, how does this map look like? Who the hell are you

All of a sudden, Cheyenne became alert.

"The old Lama of Kangba Temple gave it to me. Is your mother and he the one..." Zhao Chengfeng answered, and his eyes suddenly brightened.

Yes, it's on!

The old Lama said that the reason why he died was because of the attack of sentimental insects in his body, and the reason why sentimental insects attack was because another sentimental insect host died.

Love bug will not live alone! People, naturally, will not live alone! Life and death go hand in hand, this is the love bug!

The old Lama also said that his favorite at that time was a family of poisonous insects, and most of them were the old stronghold leader of Tianxing stronghold!

"So you know it, too!"

Xia an sighed and sighed: "I was just told by my mother two months ago before she died. The Lama in your mouth is my father. This map was given to him by my grandmother at the beginning. I didn't expect you to bring it. Thank you

"Sorry, I didn't bring you any good news." Zhao Chengfeng glanced at the two women next to him and felt that the story was too bleak.

Perhaps the love story between the old stronghold leader and the old Lama is quite touching, but for Xia an, it is a great torture and pain. After all, the death of the old stronghold leader means the death of his mother and father at the same time.

"I had expected this result for a long time. What's wrong with you? I'd like to thank you, too Xia an smiles bitterly and shakes his head. He says it's OK, but everyone can see that Xia an is in pain.

Xia an is different from others. Although he is the head of Tianxing village, he is the real son of the leader. This is totally different from the previous Zuxun. Because the leader of Tianxing stronghold must be a woman and a place!

How can I have a baby? Therefore, Xia an is a special case. She has never seen her father since she was born, and she is not liked by her grandparents.

Now it's finally come to the conclusion, but it's too cruel to bear the pain of losing your parents when it comes to the conclusion.

"The old Lama and I have a little friendship. The old Lama also said that if we find him one day, we will give him a stick of incense. I don't know if we can..." Zhao Chengfeng suggested.

In fact, the old Lama didn't make such a request. However, Zhao Chengfeng made his own decision. Frankly speaking, Zhao Chengfeng admired the old stronghold leader and the old Lama in his heart. The love between them was great.

"Come with me."

Instead of hesitating, she was moved. It's just that I'm faltering and I seem to be in a heavy mood.

After entering the ancestral hall, Tang Wei and Shangguan Yan'er subconsciously look at each other, and they all see a trace of fear from each other's eyes, because the ancestral hall is really terrible.

The ancestral hall is not only dark, but also surrounded by some animal skulls, which looks very strange and bloody.

In the middle of the ancestral hall, there are 20 or 30 memorial tablets, and in front of each tablet is a bone ash box. No wonder Xia an doesn't want her daughter to inherit the title of laoshizi stronghold leader. Let alone Xia Muxi, even women like Tang Wei feel that they are infiltrating. And who can bear to stay here for decades?

Dead still have to accompany the immortal, imagination makes the scalp numb.

"Your love story is very touching, and I admire it..." Zhao Chengfeng lit a incense, and when he was about to bow down to worship, suddenly a golden light came up.

"Ah, what's the matter?" At the same time, Tang Wei also made a scream.

When they looked back, they saw Tang Wei's chest suddenly burst out a dazzling golden light, gorgeous and dazzling, almost illuminating the whole ancestral hall.

"Well, what's the situation?" Cheyenne was also startled.

"The old Lama's relic?"

Zhao Chengfeng suddenly shrinks his pupils and takes the relic from Tang Wei's neck. This is the old Lama's relic. He once saved Tang Wei's life in the decisive battle between Gudao and potian. Unexpectedly, at this time, it actually lit up.

"Is that the old Lama saw his sweetheart, so he glowed?" Zhao Chengfeng has a bold guess in his heart.

Xia an on one side is completely ignorant. How could Lao Tzu, who has never met before, become a relic?

"Uncle Xia, can you put the relic in the old stronghold leader's ashes box? If you can't live together, let them die together." Zhao Chengfeng suggested.

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