
Xia an hesitated. After all, this is the ancestral hall of our ancestors, where all the ashes are placed. It's no different from digging our ancestral graves.

"I guess it's that they have feelings for each other." Zhao Chengfeng said: "even if it's not induction, they can't be together in life, let them be together after death."

"All right!"

Xia an nods heavily and agrees with Zhao Chengfeng's point of view. It's pitiful enough that they can't be together. Is death close at hand, and they should be separated?

Xia an stepped forward, put her hands together, wriggled around her mouth, muttered something, and then gently opened her mother's urn. Zhao Chengfeng takes down the relic and puts it in gently.

All of a sudden, the golden light is strong again. It's gorgeous.

What's more surprising is that after the light gradually dissipated, the relic actually gradually dissipated and turned into powder. At the moment when the golden light dissipated, the relic also completely disappeared, all turned into ashes and fused with it.

"This..." Xia an widened her eyes and looked at the scene in front of her.

Zhao Chengfeng smile, said: "they have been together, cover it."

Xia an can't understand, can't imagine, but the reality happened in front of his eyes, but had to believe, if it's not love, how can it merge together?

"Is that me in you and you in me?" Shangguan Yan'er murmured to herself, a drop of crystal clear tears slid down from her face.

"This is true love!"

Tang Wei is also quite moved. She is not upset because she lost her relic. Instead, she silently blesses them. The great love is respected and adored.

"It's just that he, whom he loves deeply, can successfully survive it?" When Tang Wei's eyes fell on Zhao Chengfeng, the pain spread from the bottom of her heart again.

"Let's go. They're together. Let's forget about it." Zhao Chengfeng is very open-minded. He has come to this point, and it's nothing.

No one wants to die, but everyone has to face death, because as long as you live, sooner or later you will have such a day. To say that there are regrets, Zhao Chengfeng has some, but if the fate is like this, who can change what?

"Thank you, Xiao Zhao."

After returning to the living room, Xia anchong bowed and expressed his sincere thanks. Although Xia an has never met her father, it is also a good thing that her father can be reunited with her mother after his death.

"There's nothing to thank you for. For us, it's just a little help." Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand and said he didn't agree.

One side of Shangguan Yan'er mumbled and whispered: "if you really want to thank us, you should choose a girl earlier, and then save Chengfeng..."

Xia an is old and doesn't hear it. Zhao Chengfeng hears it. He can't help but look at the latter. He stares back at the latter half of the woman's speech. He can't force others for his own sake.

Zhao Chengfeng can see that both Xia an and Xia Muxi are forthright people. If they can help, how can they stay out of the business?

"Ah, it's really incredible, this..." Xia an sighed, and several people chatted with him again.


"Well, pretty sister, what can I do for you?" In a small gully outside Xia's courtyard, Xia Muxi is brought by Shangguan Lanxin.

Xia Muxi is staring at by Shangguan Lanxin. The woman is very beautiful, but her eyes are too scary.

"My name is Shangguan Lanxin. Just call me Lanxin sister." Shangguan Lanxin seemed to know that his expression was a little frightening, and his tone was slightly relaxed. He said: "Muxi, I ask you, what do you think we do to your Tianxing stronghold? It's kind of a boon. "

"Of course."

Xia Muxi nodded and said: "it's for sure. If you didn't show up, I might have been ruined by Mu Xiaofei, and Tianxing stronghold would be lost. You are not only my benefactor, but also the great benefactor of Tianxing stronghold."

"That's good."

Shangguan Lanxin was very satisfied with Xia Muxi's attitude and said, "if you were to save brother Feng, you wouldn't object, would you?"

"I'm sure I won't object. I want to save him, but I don't know how to save him?" Xia Muxi is also bored. Brother Feng is such a nice person. I didn't expect that he would soon die young. What a pity.

"Now there's an opportunity, an opportunity that only you can save him. Will you?" Shangguan Lanxin said again.

"What chance, you say." Smell speech, summer wood Xi suddenly came to interest.

"You become the new leader of your Tianxing stronghold. As long as you become the new leader of your Tianxing stronghold, you will become a Gu master. Maybe you will have a chance to save brother Feng. Are you willing?" Shangguan Lanxin didn't beat around the Bush and went straight to the theme.

"I'll be the new stronghold leader? This... "

Xia Mu Xi's expression hesitated suddenly.

"What? You don't want to save him? " Shangguanlan's heart was a little unhappy, and her eyes suddenly became cold.

Xia Muxi shook her head and said, "it's not that I don't want to, it's just that I don't know whether I'm qualified or not. Moreover, after becoming the stronghold leader, I have to stay in the ancestral temple all my life. I don't want to..."

Xia Muxi is not only a girl, but also a girl who has seen the world in a big city. She yearns for freedom, yearns for freedom, and makes her stay in the ancestral hall all her life. Which girl can bear it?

Not to mention the average girl, even if the average elderly people are not willing to ah. Although the ancestral temple is sacred, it is dark. Which girl likes to stay in that environment for a lifetime? Isn't it taking your own life?


Shangguan LAN snorted heavily and said with disdain: "I see you clearly. What are you willing to thank us and what are we your benefactors? They are all lies. Now when you need you, you are not willing to? What a disappointment

With that, Shangguan Lanxin turned around and left.

"Lanxin, don't go!"

Xia Mu Xi pulled down the latter and frowned: "this matter involves too much. Can you give me some time to think about it? I need to think about it seriously, OK?"

"You want to think about it?" Shangguanlan thought and said, "OK, how long do you need to think about it?"

"Well, give me three days, and I'll give you an accurate answer in three days, OK?" Summer wood Xi clenches teeth way.

Shangguan Lanxin nodded and said, "OK, I'll give you three days to think about it. After three days, I hope you don't let me down."

"Well." Xia Mu Xi nodded, but her face was ugly.

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