As night fell, the lights of Tianxing stronghold lit up, and everywhere was filled with laughter. One by one, they danced and sang around the fire. On the fire, mutton was on the shelf, the grease was sliding down, and the fragrance was overflowing.

However, the happiness of xingzhai people these days can't dispel the gloomy clouds in Shangguan Yan'er's heart. Today is a day of harvest. They have witnessed a great love and found a mysterious and ancient race.

However, they did not find a way to relieve the heart biting poison. That is to say, the men around may die at any time, and may leave them forever at any time.

"Xiao Zhao, I'd like to toast you to this glass of wine. I won't say anything extra. Thank you for saving my daughter Muxi and our whole Tianxing village." As soon as the first bowl of wine was served, Xia an came and dragged Xia Muxi.

However, Xia Muxi seems to be a little out of state. She seems to have something on her mind.

"Silly girl, what are you doing? Why don't you come here and toast? " Xia'an poked her daughter and frowned.


Xia Muxi, looking at Zhao Chengfeng, forced out a smile and said, "brother Feng, thank you for saving me. If it wasn't for you, I would..."


Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand and said with a smile, "what can I thank you for? Although we saved you, don't you invite us to dinner and sleep? But for you, I'm afraid we'd have to sleep in the mountains tonight. "

"That's different. You can save our lives, but..."

"Come on, uncle Xia, stop talking."

Zhao Chengfeng interrupted Xia'an, took up the wine cup and said: "meeting is fate, some of the superfluous don't mention, drink this glass of wine, we are friends. Come on, do it


Seeing Zhao Chengfeng's cheerfulness and Xia an's not falling, he took the wine bowl and drank it.

"Good wine!"

Zhao Chengfeng a stuffy, praise: "mellow rich, sweet as silk, very wonderful ah."

"Hahaha, if it's good, drink more. Come on, I'll fill it up for you." Xia an was very happy. She picked up the wine jar and poured a bowl for Zhao Chengfeng. "This is our own wine. If you like it, you can drink it freely. When you get here, it's the same as your family. Don't be polite."

Zhao Chengfeng laughed and said, "of course I'm not polite. I'll not only drink, but also eat meat. Ha ha."

"That's right. Come on, eat, eat." As soon as Xia'an waved, the two servants brought the roast lamb that had just been cut.

The third daughter has something on her mind, but she just has a taste. Zhao Chengfeng has eaten a lot and praises her craftsmanship.

"Come on, let's have a bowl of wine!"

Seeing that Zhao Chengfeng had food in his stomach, Xia an once again picked up his glass, stood in the middle of the courtyard, and yelled to everyone, "you people of Tianxing village, young and old men, girls and daughters-in-law, today is a very important day for our Tianxing village. We are facing death today, but we have successfully survived the disaster. We are our friends from afar, Mr. Zhao, they saved us. "

"Tonight, let's get together. There's nothing else, but there's a cup of thin wine. Let's hold the bowls in our hands, and let's respect Mr. Zhao."

"Uncle Xia, what are you doing? There's no need." Zhao Chengfeng didn't expect that the little old man actually came here. He was a little embarrassed.

Zhao Chengfeng never wanted to repay for saving people. At most, he was just joking. He didn't know that Tianxing stronghold was so grateful. These hundreds of people respected themselves together. The scene was too big.

"Xiao Zhao, we are not the kind of people who have no conscience. We all respect you for this bowl of wine. Let's do it!" Voice down, Xia an took the lead to drink up, Gulu Gulu two, wine bowl will be empty.

"Ah, that's it!"

Zhao Chengfeng had no choice but to hold up the wine bowl and drink with everyone.

"Xiao Zhao is a good drinker. Ha ha ha, come on, let's continue to drink. We'll be happy today. " See Zhao Chengfeng drink this bowl, Xia an is very happy, and personally poured wine for Zhao Chengfeng.

"Uncle Xia, you're trying to drown me."

Zhao Chengfeng said with a wry smile: "what I'm a good drinker? I think you're a good drinker. Men, women, young and old can drink it."

"There's no way. In order to thank you for saving your life, we can't do without hard work. Come on, let's keep drinking. " Shane looked very happy.

Zhao Chengfeng had no choice but to drink with him. It's also a rare pleasure to drink, eat meat and watch everyone sing and dance.

"Oh, by the way, uncle Xia, I want to ask you something. Don't blame me for being too fussy." After several bowls of wine, Zhao Chengfeng lit a cigarette and looked at Xia'an.

"Ah, Xiao Zhao, you are very polite."

Xia an some reproaches a way: "have what much matter not much matter, have what you just talk."

"What are you going to do with the Mu family? I've been thinking about my own business this afternoon, but I forgot to ask you. " Zhao Chengfeng is curious about this. If the Mu family wants to rebel, it's a big problem to kill or stay.

Kill, of course, will never be a disaster. But after killing, who will cultivate so much land in Tianxing village?

It seems kind enough to stay, but what if the Mu family doesn't know how to repent? Don't you let the tiger go back to the mountain?

"All Mu's family members have been controlled and held together. As for mu Changhe, he is held alone and heavily guarded. This guy is too dangerous." Smell speech, Xia an complexion slightly dignified, way: "only, when our people arrive, Mu Xiaofei that smelly boy unexpectedly ran away, estimate is afraid of death, fled to the mountain."

"Well, what are you going to do with them?" Zhao Chengfeng asked again.

Instead of answering directly, she asked, "do you have any suggestions?"

"It's your private business. What can I suggest. But I don't think it's easy to deal with. " Zhao Chengfeng said.

"It's not difficult to deal with it. It's very good!"

Xia an said: "as long as Tianxing stronghold has a new stronghold leader and a new Gu master, everything is not a problem. But if we can't choose the stronghold leader all the time, it will be more troublesome. It's cruel to kill so many people. After all, these years, the Mu family has not made any contribution, but has also made some hard work. Most of the Mu family are still good. "

"Why don't you just choose one as soon as possible?" One side of the Shangguan Lanxin a to block back, "save yourself, you can also try to save Chengfeng, kill two birds with one stone, how good."

"Lanxin, don't talk nonsense." Zhao Chengfeng stares at the woman. This girl can really talk nonsense. Everything can be pulled to Gu Shi.


Shangguan Lanxin is a little angry and snorts. Don't turn your head. Don't bother to pay attention to Zhao Chengfeng.

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