
However, Miao Yufei showed a strange smile at the moment. His wrist trembled, and the cold light flashed by. The blood of Mu Changhe's neck shot out, and the red blood looked strange under the night sky.


The vitality in Mu Changhe's eyes is gradually disappearing. He doesn't seem to understand why Miao Yufei will kill himself. Hasn't he already promised him? Why?

"Even your own old master, do you think I will believe you?" Miao Yufei takes back his machete, and suddenly feels that Mu Changhe's IQ is really not good.

Is it better for one person to eat a big cake or for two people to share it? Unfortunately, he did not understand such a simple truth.


Mu Xiaofei was stunned by this sudden scene, and suddenly jumped on Mu Changhe's body. However, although his body still has temperature, it's a pity that he didn't have any vitality.

A knife cut off the artery, no one can save it!

"Boy, don't worry. I ask you, do you want to follow me? Or avenge your father? " Miao Yufei looks at Mu Xiaofei with a smile, playing with the bloody machete in his hand.


Seeing Miao Yufei's smile, Mu Xiaofei's heart is full of fear. At this moment, Mu Xiaofei finally knows what it means to lead a wolf into the house. Miao Yufei in front of him is a wolf, a hungry wolf who eats people without spitting bones!

If you knew today, why should you and your father unite with the people of Miao hezhai village to deal with Tianxing village? Unexpectedly, his father died in the hands of the so-called allies.

Reality, too cruel.

"I, I'll follow you!" Mu Xiaofei does not want to die, and Mu Xiaofei is also afraid of death. Otherwise, he would not have watched his father be taken away, and did not dare to open his eyes.


However, Miao Yufei is a knife into the heart of Mu Xiaofei.

"You, why do you want to kill me? I... "Mu Xiaofei holds the handle of the knife, his face full of pain and unwilling color.

Mu Xiaofei thought that he did not agree to follow you? Why kill yourself?

"A man who doesn't even dare to avenge his father's death is just rubbish. What's the use of keeping you?" Miao Yufei instantly pulled out his machete, took up a handful of blood, looked back at the Mu family coldly.


"No, don't kill us."

"Don't kill us!"

The Mu family, who had just been released, was in a bad mood again. They thought it would be ok if they were rescued. Who knows, Miao Yufei was more fierce and vicious when he just came out of the wolf's mouth and entered the tiger's den!

"Who doesn't want to die? If you don't want to die, step back! " Miao Yufei looks at the Mu family who is scared and silly in front of him. There is a kind of pleasure in his heart. Shouldn't a man let others be afraid?

This is what a real man should have!

"Shua Shua!"

The Mu family retreated, looking at the dead Mu Xiaofei and Mu Changhe, who was not afraid? Who is not afraid? Mole ants still live secretly, let alone human beings?

To be alive, all is well.


Looking at the crowd retreating, Miao Yufei showed a proud smile and then said: "since you don't want to die, you should be our servants of Miao he village. From today on, you are the servants of Miao he village. Do you understand? "


The Mu family bowed their heads and agreed unconditionally.

"Tie them up and send them back in the morning." Miao Yufei waved his hand, and several people in black came forward and tied up one by one.

Miao Yufei likes the feeling of killing people, but he also knows that he can't kill too much. The Mu family is still very good. At least they are good at doing farm work. If Miao hezhai wants to develop, it's sure that farm work can't be left behind.

It's OK to kill Mu Changhe and his son Liwei, because Mu Changhe and his son are ambitious people. Miao Yufei doesn't like ambitious people around him. Miao Yufei is afraid that he will be beheaded when he is really comfortable sleeping.

"Village leader, what about the Xia family? All killed? " At this time, a man in black came up and asked for instructions.

"Killed? No, no, no, it's no fun killing like this. "

Miao Yufei shook his head and said, "go and get some cold water to wake them up. I want to have a good chat with the Xia family. They may have saved a lot of treasures these years."

With that, Miao Yufei looks to the ancestral hall. Miao Yufei is not a fool. Why does Miao hezhai and Tianxing village have grudges? It's because of one thing in this ancestral hall - Gu Wang!

If anyone gets the king Gu, he is the best Gu master in the world. As long as he has the king Gu, he can easily take the enemy's life. This thing is even better than any missile or rocket.


The man in black answered, and soon someone brought several buckets of cold water and splashed it on the people in the middle of the ancestral hall.

"Ah, my head hurts."

Zhao Chengfeng first wakes up and shakes his head hard. He seems to have exhausted his energy and just opens his eyes. However, even if he opens his eyes, he still feels weak all over, as if he has been cramped and can't lift the slightest strength.

"Ah, what's the matter?"

"My head hurts!"

"I don't feel strong."

Several buckets of cold water poured down, and everyone woke up. When they woke up, they realized something was wrong. They were not only weak and sore, but also tied up.

"Miao, Miao Yufei is you..." Xia an opened his eyes and saw Miao Yufei with a evil smile on his face, biting his teeth.

Son of a bitch, take advantage of the danger!

"Uncle Xia, long time no see. It seems that you are in a bad situation now." Miao Yufei squatted down and stared at Xia an with a smile: "how about it? I'm bringing the people of Miaohe village to calm down the civil strife for you and clean up the door for you. Do you want to thank me? "

Xia an doesn't know why, but he looks in the direction of Miao Yufei's fingers. His pupils suddenly shrink, and a cold sweat rises from his back. Mu Changhe and Mu Xiaofei die.

"You, you killed their father and son?" Cheyenne didn't seem to believe it.


Miao Yufei nodded and said, "I heard that there was a traitor in Tianxing stronghold, so I brought people to help me overnight. Uncle Xia, are you very moved? Actually, you don't have to thank me. "

"I Pooh!"

Xia an angrily scolded: "Miao Yufei, you executioner, no matter what mistakes Mu Changhe and his son have made, they are always from Tianxing stronghold. Why did you kill them? What qualifications do you have to control the life and death of their father and son? "

"Uncle Xia, you don't want to be righteous now."

Miao Yufei said innocently: "I've helped you Tianxing village so much. It's ok if you don't thank me. How can you still scold me?"


Xia an snorted heavily and sneered: "Miao Yufei, don't think I don't know the bad water in your stomach. Do you really want to be good for us? Why poison wine? "

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